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Perl check_selenium Featured

Check_selenium is a Nagios friendly check designed to pass selenium Perl scripts through to a remote system. In this way you can control web based automation and testing through Selenium via Nagios. The checks return all performance data in a way readable ...

This plugin can be used to monitor memory consumption on an HSM with a PKCS #11 interface. The tool can give a warning when memory saturation reaches a certain limit (75% is the default setting) and reports a critical status if the memory saturation excee ...

This project contains an example bash script that shows how Helix components could be monitored from a Nagios server. The plugin currently checks:
if the P4D server is responding.
if the P4D server license is about to expire.
if the P4D d ...
Packeteer - Check Packetshaper - SNMP v1, v2c, v3

Check Packeteer Packetshaper - Version 2.0 (29/12/2009) > Device's informations > Partitions size (min and max) > Specific class

Phone & SMS alerting service for Nagios and all your other monitoring tools.
PagerDuty Bi Directional integration v3

This integration is designed to replace the existing PagerDuty bidirectional integration with Nagios the existing webhook system used for the existing integration has been deprecated, this system no-longer uses the "v2" webhook and moves to the v3 webho ...
Palo Alto Firewall

SNMP Check for Palo Alto Firewalls with Performance data Tested on PA 3020 there is another file for PA 500 because fanspeed is not availible. Only Fanstatus.
Palo Alto Firewall VPN Information Global Protect PanGP

This is a simple script to get information about connected vpn users and utilization of possible vpn channels. Output with performance graph. Usage: check_paloaltovpn warning and critical are for utilization check only
PAPOUCH Thermometer plugin

Nagios plugin for checking environmental temperature with PAPOUCH ethernet thermometer.
Parameter Driven Generic Event Handler

This is a generic use, parameter driven event handler script. It allows for simple command definitions to run event handlers under various conditions. Use this to restart Windows/Linux/Unix services remotely (ie without having to install any software ...
Passive Check Nagios XI Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily configure passive services that should be monitored. Passive services are ideal for monitoring event log data, security alerts, and other asynchronous event/alert data.
Passive Monitoring with NRDS

Nagios Remote Data Sender, or NRDS is a component installed on a Nagios XI server that allows the administrator to create and manage configurations and plugins to be deployed with a passive agent that can be installed on a variety of operating systems. ...

This script convert an passive check to active. Allows the use of an passive plugin with NRPE.

pasvnag_lite is a (passive) nagios checker
Patch to increase performance of Nagios CGIs - Nagios 2...

This patch increase performance of Nagios CGIs.
PCMeassure / Plugin

This is a plugin to check sensors connected to ethernet boxes. A Perl version of the plugin exists but is no longer maintained.

Nagios plugin to check the current value from one pcmeasure sensor and return the appropriate status.

Nagios web "Tactical Monitoring" hacked to be displayed verticaly in PDAs (240x320).

Creates a PDF or HTML summary report showing the availability over the last month for a specified hostgroup's members and their services. By Steve Shipway.
Peplink Balance Status

Check the status of a Peplink Balance device running firmware 5.4.x with SSH enabled.

plugin for checking DELL raid controllers

Plugin for checking DELL raid controllers.
Percona Monitoring Plugins for Nagios

Check this out - it's a list of Percona monitoring plugins for Nagios!

perf2rrd is a Java utility that will automate the extraction of performance data from Nagios plugins into round robin database files (.rrd's).

Various Perl scripts that can be used to automate graph generation.
Perform a file or directory operation

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to perform one of several file operations.
Perform an operation on a Windows machine

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to run a specified net RPC command on a remote Windows machine.
Performance Data Tool

The purpose of the Performance Data Tool is to give you the ability to view and manipulate the .rrd and .xml performance data files on your Nagios XI host. This can be helpful for: * Viewing graphs for services that have been disabled ** Because they are ...
Performance Graphs for Nagios with nagiosgraph

Performance History Graphs for Nagios with nagiosgraph
Performance History Graphs for Nagios with Nagiosgraph

Nagiosgraph is our most important extension to the monitoring system. There are several packages available for Nagios graphing, but at the time of implementation in 2008 the Nagiosgraph package was a lucky choice. Today we have more then 3740 service grap ...

PerfParse facilitates the storage and analysis of binary performance data produced by Nagios and produces high-quality accurate graphs of live data from standard Nagios plugins. A permanent history of plugin results can then be viewed with advanced analys ...

Nagios Plugin for IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) using the perfservlet embedded application.
Perl check dhcp

This simplified plugin tests the availability of a given DHCP server using unicast delivery.
Perl check radius

This simplified plugin is written in Perl and uses the Authen::Radius module.
Perl check radius with performance data like check_radi...

Fork of "Perl check radius" plugin that also outputs performance data in the format of check_radius_adv. Please see the original plugin for system requirements and instructions.
Perl Modules

Various Perl modules that are intended to work with Nagios.
Perl scripts to monitor Windows servers by Winexe

The archive contains example scripts that use Winexe to execute commands or monitor something 1- : launch remotely a Windows command by winexe 2- : launch remotely a PowerShell script by Win ...
Perl SNMP Printer check

Based upon a shell script that does snmp printer checks (see, I decided the performance would much better if it was written in perl. So I converted the script to pe ... Client

This is a cross-platform Perl version of the official and clients for NRDP.

A PostgreSQL plugin that checks the database's cache hits percentage.

The pg_db_size plugin checks for the on disk size of any given PostgreSQL database.
PHP check_traffic

script to check interface status and traffic on the interface by PHP cli
PHP Nagios Traceroute and Ping

Want to View Ping & Traceroute results from your web browser, then this is the php script for you ! ;-)
PHP script evaluates to

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to compare the results of the output, returned from running a specified PHP script to a target value.
Ping Action

This component adds an action to host and service detail screens that allows you to quickly ping the host or device. Useful for troubleshooting network connectivity.
Ping of multiple Hosts via icmp protocol

Multi Ping Useful to monitor VPN-Connections (Network-Tunnels) if the linkage is up & running between the 2 locations.

This lightweight script ping two hosts, and return OK only if a host is up and the other down.