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Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-in for Nagios Core Featured

This is a Nagios Core Plug-In officially developed and supported by Dell EMC. The Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-In for Nagios-Core delivers extensive monitoring support for current and previous generations of PowerEdge servers with Integrated Dell Remote Acce ...
Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-in for Nagios XI Featured

This is a Nagios XI Plug-In officially developed and supported by Dell EMC. The Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-In for Nagios-XI delivers extensive monitoring support for current and previous generations of PowerEdge servers with Integrated Dell Remote Access Co ...
DNX Featured

DNX is a modular extension of Nagios that offloads a significant portion of the work normally done by Nagios to a distributed network of remote hosts. The DNX module ensures that work is distributed fairly and evenly among the registered DNX client hosts.
D7SMS for Nagios

Nagios SMS notification via D7SMS allows to send worldwide SMS notifications for each hosts and services. For FREE sms credits signup at This script used Nagios pager configuration and a python script for sending SMS notificatio ...
DAC960 plugin

A plugin to check status of the RAID of a Mylex (possibly other models too) DAC960 controler.
Daniel Wittenberg - Scaling Nagios At A Giant Insurance...

This presentations covers all aspects of Nagios needed to scale to a large environment with over 35,000 devices and 1.4 million service checks. It discuses the hardware, operating system, Nagios Core, plugins, and configurations that you can use in a larg ...

DashBoard allows you to create custom pages (create & edit on-the-fly) with service and host status monitoring for every user separately. You can create groups and subgroups so you can view all necessary information in just one page.
Dashboard 0.2.1 - Python

Python based Dashboard that allows user based dashboards with custom grouping of items. Works with both Nagios and Nagios under Groundwork.
Dashboard Deployment XI Component

This Nagios XI component allows admins to deploy one or more of their own dashboards to other users. This can be useful when you design a dashboard that other users may want access to. Includes the ability to keep user's dashboards synchronized with the ...
Data Recovery Download website recommends Data recovery download software restores lost files and folder from usb drive without wasting time and valuable money. Data recovery software revives corrupted text documents damaged due to human mistake, lo ...
Database Access For Development Purposes

Nagios XI comes as a ready to go monitoring system delivered as a virtual machine (VM). I have spent a bit of time developing Configuration Wizards, Components and Dashlets for Nagios XI and during this time I have needed to look at the backend databases ...
Database Monitoring with Nagios

Database Monitoring with Nagios is a article with links to a collection of database monitoring plugins and descriptions of monitoring methods.
Date is within window

The "Date is within window" condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to evaluate whether a particular date is within a specified time window. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
Dave Williams - Nagios In The Real World - The Datacent...

A description of a real-world implementation of Nagios and it's numerous add-ons that monitors & reports on a Tier-3 datacentre and all of the mechanical & electrical plant that a datacentre needs. Use of Nagvis, SNMPTT, dbevent, nsca & nrpe. Description ...
David Thomas - Know Its Broke Before Your Customers Do

How can your company or organization monitor, track and keep you notified of "anything and everything" that might go wrong in your network while maintaining your change management database? This can be done no matter what your budget constraints or requir ...
Day of week equals

Context variables are used to pass dynamic information to event chains. The "Day of week equals" condition returns true if the date in which the chain was run lands on the selected day. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions

Innovative set of plugins to monitor DB2 databases written in Java to be executed from JNRPE.
With less overhead on your database, it provides a more accurate information about what is currently happening in your databases.
DBTuna Database Performance Monitor Plugin

DBTuna is a 24x7 database performance monitoring tool which collects deep dive performance information from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL. This plugin allows you to integrate DBTuna data with Nagios and run checks on database Activity, Wait Events or Stati ...
Dealing with SELinux in Nagios

This article describes a pretty common scenario - SELinux creates problems with your Nagios install and you have to deal with it. Most people prefer to disable SELinux in their environments and this is the approach I would personally take.
Debian upgrades

This plugin updates Debian apt database, then checks for available upgrades to install. Set WARNING if upgrades are available, OK otherwise (nothing to upgrade). Useful to be warned when security updates are available for your system.

Basically, deep-ssh just constructs a bunch of ssh's that call other ssh's, until you're at your destination, at which point, a command is run.
Define Variables in Nagios Config?

This short "how-to" article will show you how to set macros in Nagios. It could be a time-saver!
Delegated Nagios configuration for large environments.

Markus Almroth talks about SysNagios - a framework for remote configuration of Nagios - at the Nordic Meet on Nagios 2009.
Delete comments for Nagios 3.x

Delete all comments for Nagios 3.x host and service Sometimes the list is long, and doing it manually is annoying :)
Delete Comments more than n days old

A simple perl script to delete host and service comments older than a given number of days.
Delete metadata value

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to remove a metadata entry by key name.

Script for deleting pop3 e-mail via telnet.
Dell / Quest DR-series check, for DR4000, DR4100, DR430...

Check script for Dell / Quest DR-series de-duplicating storage units. Including DR4000, DR4100, DR4300, DR6000 and more. Gives status of unit, hardware information and storage information.
Dell Array Disks Status Script

This is a bash script that checks all disk status on Dell Servers. You have to have the Dell MIBs installed in your Nagios system, relies on snmpwalk to pull the information.
Dell BMC IPMI Checks

This is a check plugin for the Dell BMC IPMI interface. This has been tested and developed with the PowerEdge 2950.
Dell Compellent

Checks Status of DELL Compellent Storage
Tested on SC2020
based on check_equallogic from napsty
Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin

The Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain usage information. It can be pointed at a single ECS cluster or multiple clusters depending on your federation and geo-replication configuration. It is strongly recommended to create a ...
Dell ECS Health Plugin

The Dell ECS Health Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain health information. It is designed to be pointed at a single cluster, but use of multiple checks for each cluster can be created for federation and geo-replication configuration. It is ...
Dell EMC Isilon - Hardware Health Check Script

The script utilises the Dell EMC Isilon REST API to collect and display Cluster Health and basic node state information. It is recommended to create a read-only account on the Nimble Storage array(s), this can be AD/LDAP or local. The script is written ...
Dell OpenManage Chassis

Checks the chassis hardware (fans, temperatures, voltages et al) of Dell servers using OpenManage.
Dell OpenManage Nagios XI Wizard

Monitor Dell OpenManage Servers using this wizard for Nagios XI. PowerEdge 1855 Blade, 1955 Blade PowerEdge 800, 840 PowerEdge 1800, 1900, 1950, 2600, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2950, 6800 PowerEdge M600, M710 PowerEdge R200, R210, R210 II, R300, R420, R510, R610 ...
Dell OpenManage Storage

Checks storage devices (disks, RAIDs, controllers) attached to Dell server systems.
Dell Out-of-band Server Monitoring Plug-in

Monitors Dell PowerEdge servers out-of-band (OOB) via iDRAC7 using this plug-in in Nagios Core. Supports all Dell PowerEdge 12G Servers (via iDRAC7 )
Dell Out-of-Band Server Monitoring Configuration Wizard

Monitor Dell PowerEdge Servers out-of-band (OOB) via iDRAC7 using this wizard in Nagios XI. Supports all Dell PowerEdge 12G Servers (via iDRAC7 )
Dell PERC 6/i Nagios Monitoring Under Ubuntu

It is a short article on how to monitor Dell PERC 6/i controllers with Nagios under Ubuntu.
Dell Powervault MD38 Series Overall Health

Check Dell PowerVault MD 34/38 Series Storage Arrays Overall Health Prerequisites: -smcli installed on a windows machine and a Nagios compatible agent -Powershell Version 0.1 This script uses smcli to check the overall storage health, it wil repor ...
Dell Powervault MD38 Series Performance

This script reports the performance of virtual disk arrays of Dell Powervault MD38 Series, but in principle it should work with MD34 Series. Prerequisites: smcli on a windows machine and a Nagios compatible agent Version 0.1 This script uses smcli t ...
Dell Server Check

This plugin connects directly to a DRAC (Dell Remote Access Controller) or iDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) and provides information about the server and its status. This program does not require OpenManage to work, and is thus more ind ...
Dell Server Monitor via iDRAC & SNMP

Monitor Dell Server via iDRAC & SNMP? don't neet install openmanager or anyother software
Dell UPS Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor Dell UPS via a network mananagement card. Specifically this is for the UPS devices manufactured by Eaton for Dell. You can monitor the following: Alarm Status Battery Monitoring Status Battery Remaining Battery Test Stat ...