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Category: Environmental
Nagios plugins to monitor various environmental (light, temperature, motion sensing, etc.) hardware devices.
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Plugins for monitoring ESensors' Websensor EM01b environmental monitoring unit, which is capable of monitoring temperature, light level, and humidity.
1-wire humidity plugin check_1-wirehumid

This plugin check the humidity by using 1-wire and OWFS One Wire File System. It allows you to set low thresholds and high thresholds. Name: check_1-wirehumid
1-Wire Temperature Check

1wire_temp is a Nagios plugin that is used to monitor temperature using a 1-wire device such as the DS18S20.
1-wire temperature plugin

This plugin check the temperature by using 1-wire and OWFS One Wire File System. It allows you to set low thresholds and high thresholds. All the values are in Celcius. Nagiosgraph map are included.
A Rittal CMC-TC Temperature Sensor Nagios Plugin

Nagios Plugin that checks the temperature sensors of the Rittal CMC-TC monitoring system via SNMP. The plugin output language is German.
AKCP SensorProbe (

Version 1.1 adds support for AKCP SensorProbe Plus (SPX+) units An enhanced version of check_akcp which focuses specifically on temperature and humidity probes only. Leverages full capabilities of nagios to apply warning and critical thresholds to any ty ...
Alpha XM health monitoring

This Perl-based plugin checks the health status of Alpha XM units via SNMP. To minimize network and node impact, this script checks the overall health and only if there is an error does it query more tables.
Baytech PDU Monitoring Plugin

This is a nagios plugin that checks Baytech PDUs. It will report and allow to set alerts on Current, Temperature, Power when you give it name of the PDU.
Carel pCOweb Enviroment and Alarm check

This checks are used on the chillers in my datacenter. They are running Carel pCOWeb, FW A1.4.9 - B1.2.4 The checks are both for alarms in the system, and ambient temperature. Checks can be found on github.
Carel pCOWeb for lenox Air conditioning alarm testing

check for carel pcoweb alarms supported by lenox Air conditioning Unit
carel pCOWeb HIWEB CCAC 01.03

This checks are used on the chillers (Lennox DHADC 110) in my server room. They are running Carel pCOWeb, FW A1.4.9 - B1.2.4 HIWEB CCAC 01.03 2019-09-02 16:00
carel pCOWEB temp check

This script checks the temperature of pCOWEB using SNMP. Output is in Nagios format so can be used to plot graphs. Very basic and no warnings can be generated.
Check All4xxx

Checks the values from the XML interface of the ALL4x00 device. This plugin is written in php
Check APC EMS Device

Shell script that uses snmpget to monitor an APC Environmental Monitoring Device.
Check server room temperature about oww

This plugin checks the delivered temperature by the one wire weather station (oww).
check temperature through a T3511 device

Monitoring temperature using an ethernet based T3511 module from Comet
Check temprature IBM BladeCenter H

Check the temprature of the IBM BladeCenter H series and generate graph with PNP4Nagios or other graph tools for Nagios.

Plugin to monitor Sensatronics TempTrax E4 device - a serial or Ethernet device used to monitor temperature. This plugin writing on Python and support perf data. Changelog: 0.11 - Bug fix with "UNKNOWN" if temperature == cricical or warning
check_air_purifier is a python 3 script for monitoring air purifiers made by philips. Communication with the device is made with a customized version of py-air-control. Tested with AC1214_10, but should work with any other philips device. Features: ...

Name: check_allnet4500 - Nagios plugin to query ALLNET ALL4500 sensors via HTTP/XML

Check plugin to read an integrated temperature probe on an APC Smart UPS. This plugin will read the temperature and system (F or C) from an integrated temperature monitoring probe on a networked APC Smart UPS. I have tested it work with SmartUPS rackmo ...
check_cdu - Monitor Server Technology Cabinet Distribut...

A Nagios plugin which has extensive and dynamic monitoring capabilities to monitor Server Technology (ServerTech) Cabinet Distribution Units (CDUs). Monitor nearly any metric that is provided from a CDU. Chain as many or as few options together to create ...

Changed from check_cmc-tc_temp-1.4.1.tgz to fit to the newer CMC III PU Thanks to SGH for this great work... Its not nice programming, but it works for Temp... Now with some updates... Temp, Door and Humity is working...

Check the CPU temperature on a Mac running Mac OS X. Uses Temperature Monitor avaliable from

check_daikin_ac_temp is a Nagios plugin to check inside and outside temperature on Daikin AC. *

This plugin reads the 1 wire sensor with digitemp and compare it with the supplied thresholds.

Collect status and performance data from one or more Brultech Energy Consumption Monitor (ECM) devices.

Plugin for checking humiditysensor DS2438 on Embedded Data Systems 1-wire server

Python script for checking temperature probes in a 1-wire network using the 1-wire server from Embedded Data Systems.

Checks the temperature of the environment using the ATAL Ethernetprobe2 using SNMP An example: Monitoring the temerature of the serverroom For comments or feature request, please post a comment below

This plugin allows you to monitor and control AVM Fritz!DECT 200 (and maybe other "Smart Home" devices) with Nagios.

The Plugin checks the (S.M.A.R.T.-)Disktemperature using the hddtool-Daemon. Other to the Commandlineversions the hddtemp-Daemon must be installed, configured and running to use the Plugin. On the other hand there is no need for sudo-rights (or other tric ...

The Plugin checks the (S.M.A.R.T.-)Disktemperature using the hddtool-Daemon. Other to the Commandlineversions the hddtemp-Daemon must be installed, configured and running to use the Plugin. On the other hand there is no need for sudo-rights (or other tric ...

Script to check the temperature of multiple hard drive temperatures via smartmontools. The temperatures are then summed and divided to get a mean value.
check_hostname (edouard.lamoine)

Simple plugin which returns the localhost hostname. Useful for replicated servers in loadbalancing purposes.
Tested under Ubuntu 10

This plugin can be used to monitor your Knuerr PDU devices with the included current measurement feature.

They must have a server that supports REST API. Create a user on the ILO of the read-only server. In the python script you have to modify the variables user and password (user and password ILO created) Also on the nagios server you have to have python 3. ...

This plugin checks the phoenix contact pmm-ma600 devices over modbus tcp. Maybe some other devices will work too. You need to have an ethernet module and you need to active modbus tcp on your device. Look at for some manuals. ...