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n2rrd Featured

N2RRD (Nagios to Round Robin Database) is a Nagios add-on tool, which stores performance data generated by Nagios plugins into an Round-Robin-Database (see RRDtool). The package also includes the display tool rrd2graph to view data stored in an RRD databa ...
Nabaztag Notification Hack Featured

Cool hack for connecting Nabaztag to Nagios for notification purposes and all-around no-fuzz, wifi bunny-like goodness.
Nag Small Screen Featured

Nag Small Screen is a minimalist web interface intended to be viewed on small screens such as on web-enabled phones and Blackberries. Rather than show your entire status grid, it shows only those hosts or services that are at critical or warning status.
Nagios Blinkenlights Featured

Visualize Nagios status on a map using LEDs. Cool stuff!
Nagios Commercial Adoption and Community Innovation Featured

A video of a presentation given by Ethan Galstad at the Nagios and OSS Monitoring event in Bolzano, Italy on May 20th, 2010.
Nagios Log Server Featured

Nagios Log Server is a powerful enterprise-class log monitoring and management application that allows organizations to quickly and easily view, sort, and configure logs from any source on any given network. Log Server is designed to analyze, collect, a ...
Nagios Log Server Monitoring Wizard Featured

The Log Server Monitoring Wizard allows you to monitor any query against all logs in Nagios Log Server.
Nagios Mobile Featured

Nagios Mobile is a lightweight web interface, based on the Teeny Nagios project by Hirose Masaaki. Nagios Mobile is a PHP web-based application designed for Mobile and touch-screen devices.
Key Features:
- User-level authorization for hosts, servic ...
Nagios Plugins (Official) Featured

The Nagios Plugins Development Team maintains a bundle of more than fifty standard plugins for Nagios and other monitoring applications that use the straightforward plugin interface originally invented by the Nagios folks. Each plugin is a stand-alone com ...
Nagios SNMP Trap Interface (NSTI) Featured

Nagios SNMP Trap Interface is a JavaScript and Bootstrap frontend for the Python and MySQL backend that SNMPTT creates. It allows you to filter SNMP results quickly and effectively to get a comprehensive overview of the information you want to see. The ne ...
Nagios Speedview Featured

A neartime (max. 500ms after a measurement) client/server viewer for Nagios version 1.x that shows all the services with the measured values has a problem tab to quickly see those services that has errors.
Nagios Tray Icon Featured

Provides a Windows tray icon that shows the status of hosts and services on a Nagios server. Changes colors and plays a sound when the status changes.
Nagios V-Shell Featured Popular

Nagios V-Shell is a PHP web interface to Nagios Core that is designed to be lightweight, easy to install and use, and customizable. As of v1.7, V-Shell now has gettext support for internationalization.
Version 1.9 has now been overhauled for substant ...
Nagios Videos On Youtube Featured

Check out the official Nagios video on Youtube at
Nagios XI Featured

Nagios XI is Nagios Enterprises' official professional version of Nagios that is designed to make problematic IT monitoring tasks simple, while retaining the powerful attributes of its enterprise-class foundation blocks.
Designed for scalability and fl ...
Nagios XI Administrator Guide Featured

The administrator guide for Nagios XI.
Nagios XI User Guide Featured

The online user guide for Nagios XI.
Nagios XI Wizard Installation Instructions Featured

This quick guide takes you through the steps of installing new configuration wizards in Nagios XI.
Nagios-2-HPopenview Connection Featured

This script is written to attach Nagios to an HP-Openview instance through the notification functions of Nagios.
nagioschecker - Firefox Addon Featured

nagioschecker is a cool addon for Firefox that provides a statusbar indicator of the events from Nagios. Information is parsed from Nagios web interface.
NagiosDock Featured

NagiosDock is a Mac OS X application that provides a dock notification icon for the Nagios network monitoring system. Similar Systray (or System Tray) Utility Icons exist for Windows. This program provides this functionality to Mac OS X users.
nagiosgraph Featured

nagiosgraph parses output and performance data from Nagios plugins, and stores the data in RRD files. nagiosgraph displays data in Nagios trends, as popups for hosts and services, or in separate reports. Easy to set up but eminently customizable.
nagircbot Featured

NagIRCBot is an IRC bot logs into an channel on an irc server and announces new nagios statusses.
NagMobile Featured

This small project is nothing more than an "interface" to the Nagios with information "summary" so you can monitor the environment or the key information from the environment through a single screen, ideal for use on mobile devices.
The need arose from ...
NagMonDroid Featured

NagMonDroid retrieves the current problems from your Nagios install and displays them. It has a variable update frequency and can be set to vibrate on new update.
nagtail Featured

Nagtail is a utility that provides a readable tail on the nagios status. Nagtail is like doing "tail -f" on the Nagios status-log. If put in a MultiTail window (, it is nicely colored which enables you to quickly see what is ...
NAmpel - Nagios Ampel Project Featured

NAmpel is a daemon for visualizing the state of a network using Nagios and a set of status LEDs attached to a parallel port.
NaReTo Featured

NaReTo stand for Nagios Reporting Tools. NaReTo goals is to give administrators reporting and availability of servers and groups.
nboard Featured

nboard provides a high-level overview of your network, with the capability to drill-down to find problems or indicate that a problem has been reviewed and is being worked on.
NConf Featured

NConf is a PHP based web-tool for configuring the Nagios monitoring software. It differs from similar tools by offering enterprise-class features like templates, service to hostgroup assignment, dependencies and the ability to configure a large-scale, dis ...
NCPA Featured

NCPA is a cross-platform monitoring agent that runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS/X machines. Its features include both active and passive checks, remote management, and a local monitoring interface.
NDOUtils Featured

NDOUtils allows you to export current and historical data from one or more Nagios instances to a MySQL database. Several community addons use this as one of their data sources. NDOUtils consists of a standalone daemon, a Nagios event broker, and several ...
Network Symbols Featured

6 Network Symbols - distributed under GPL. Router, Switch, Network, VPN, etc.
NPush Featured

NPush is a utility that employs advanced technology to automate the installation of monitoring agents and other software on remote machines. NPush is also capable of querying basic information about the remote host (including architecture and OS version) ...
NRDP - Nagios Remote Data Processor Featured

Nagios Remote Data Processor (NDRP) is a flexible data transport mechanism and processor for Nagios. It is designed with a simple and powerful architecture that allows for it to be easily extended and customized to fit individual users' needs. It uses st ...
NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Featured Popular

NRPE allows you to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. This allows you to monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.). NRPE can also communicate with some of the Windows agent addons, so you can execute scripts an ...
nsc (Nagios Console Monitor) Featured

nsc (Nagios Console Monitor) is a curses-based console monitor for Nagios. By Stig H. Jacobsen.
NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor Featured

NSCA is a Linux/Unix daemon allows you to integrate passive alerts and checks from remote machines and applications with Nagios. Useful for processing security alerts, as well as redundant and distributed Nagios setups.
nacup (check apt debian)

Nagios plugin (Debian packaging) to check for upgradables packages
NADS - Nagios Automated Downtime Scheduler

This is cron-activated downtime scheduler for Nagios hosts and services.

nag2web is a PHP/MySQL web front-end for configuring Nagios 2 / 3 and Nagios XI.
Now there is also a Easy To Use monitoring installation CD available at our Website.

If you require an easy way of disabling nagios alerts temporarily whilst carrying out work then you can either roll this script out to all of your boxes or add it to something like an existing tomcat/apache start up script so when issuing a tomcat stop/st ...

Nagat, or Nagios Administration Tool, is a web-based solution written in PHP for configuring Nagios.

NagBar is a Nagios, Icinga/2 and Thruk monitoring application which runs in the status bar and give updates about the monitored services. NagBar is a Mac OS X native application.
NagChecker for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Mobile 10

This app lets you check your network state using Nagios monitoring system. Just provide settings and you don't need to visit your Nagios instance web page. App shows you tactical overview and detailed info on hosts and services problems.

Nagcon is a console application interface to Nagios which gives you an overview of all services with troubled services.
NagDash v.0.1

Simple dashboard interface for Nagios, written in PHP with MySQL database backend.

Put your status information into a database!

NagEdit is a PHP and mySQL based tool to create configuration files for Nagios.

Nagios EventLog agent for Windows sends filtered EventLog messages from Windows machines directly to NSCA, allowing you to receive alerts from Nagios.