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Category: Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Additional tutorials and HOWTOs that aren't specific to the setup or operation of Nagios XI or Nagios Core.
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Submit Your Nagios Project!
Help build Nagios Exchange for yourself and the entire the Nagios Community by your Nagios project to the site. It's easy - just create an account, login, and add a new listing. Read the FAQ for instructions.4 Steps to Define Nagios Contacts With Email and Pager ...

This article will demonstrate how to setup contact definitions in Nagios, using four simple steps.
A easy Tutorial to send SMS with Nagios

A complete tutorial to set up a sms alert tool for nagios with a phone or GSM gateway !
A Simple Perl Script To Convert Nagios/Squid Logs Time ...

This is a community-distributed perl script, which converts Nagios / Squid logs time to a human readable format.
ActiveMQ Monitoring Scripts For Nagios

Check this out - two new nagios check-scripts for ActiveMQ!
Adding Nagios checks for tape drives / libraries

This article shows you how nagios can help you avoid future failed jobs.
Addon - Nagios Passive Checks with NSCA

This article will show you how to set Nagios passive checks with NSCA.
An iPhone Front-End For The Nagios Network Monitor

In this article, John C. Welch ( will show you how to monitor your network with Nagios and iNag.
Apache Active Directory Login for Nagios Access

Roderick Tapang posted this information on how to create an active directory based authentication for nagios users.
Automatic Downtimes in Nagios Without Using Time Period...

This article will show you how to set automatic downltimes in Nagios without using time periods.
Binding NRPE with inetd/xinetd On Solaris 10

This tutorial will show you how to bind NRPE with inetd/xinetd on Solaris 10.
BRU Server Nagios Plugin

This article will show you how to install the BRU Server Nagios plugin.
Check HP switch sensor status via Nagios

This is a perl script that allows you to check sensors of HP switches via Nagios.
Check HP UPS system status via Nagios

This article describes how to check HP UPS system status via Nagios.
Check HTTP Redirects With Nagios

This article will show you how to monitor a multiple HTTP redirects with Nagios.
Check SFTP Availability With check_sftp_avail In Nagios

This article demonstrates how to use the community-distributed plugin check_sftp_avail in Nagios.
Check Tablespace Size Of a Specific MySQL Server Databa...

This tutorial demonstrates how to check the tablespace size of a specific MySQL server database with check_tablespace_mysql plugin in Nagios.
Check Windows Event Logs with Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to check Windows event logs with NSClient++ and Nagios.
Checking Power Supplies on SuperMicro Servers with Nagi...

This tutorial demonstrates how to monitor power supplies on SuperMicro servers with Nagios.
Cisco Netflow with Nagios XI

This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate netflow into Nagios XI so that you have access to graphs using the netflow option for Cisco routers.
Collax Monitoring With Nagios

This PDF document describes how to setup Nagios on a Collax server.
Configure hostgroups for Nagios

This article will demonstrate how to configure hostgroups in Nagios.
Configure Sendmail for SMTP Authentication

Are you getting maillog errors on your Nagios server? Learn how to configure sendmail for SMTP authentication.
Configuring e-Mail Notifications in Nagios Coreā¦

This article describes how to configure e-mail notifications in Nagios with Exchange server.
Configuring Nagios (Part I)

This is a Part 1 of a tutorial that shows you how to configure Nagios.
Configuring Nagios (Part II)

This is a Part 2 of a tutorial that shows you how to configure Nagios.
Configuring Nagios To Monitor Remote Server Using NRPE

This tutorial will demonstrate how to monitor a remote server with Nagios and NRPE.
Configuring Nagios with NRPE to Monitor Remote Servers

This tutorial, submitted by the Nagios Community, shows you step-by-step how to configure the Nagios with NRPE.
Create Nagios Icons

This is a very short tutorial that shows you how to create your own Nagios icons.
Creating Custom TCP Monitors In Nagios

In this article you will learn how to create a custom checks in Nagios.
Creating Nagios Plugins Using Python

If you use Nagios to monitor your servers, like just about everyone else on the planet, you should learn how to create Nagios plugins using Python.
Database Monitoring with Nagios

Database Monitoring with Nagios is a article with links to a collection of database monitoring plugins and descriptions of monitoring methods.
Dealing with SELinux in Nagios

This article describes a pretty common scenario - SELinux creates problems with your Nagios install and you have to deal with it. Most people prefer to disable SELinux in their environments and this is the approach I would personally take.
Define Variables in Nagios Config?

This short "how-to" article will show you how to set macros in Nagios. It could be a time-saver!
Dell PERC 6/i Nagios Monitoring Under Ubuntu

It is a short article on how to monitor Dell PERC 6/i controllers with Nagios under Ubuntu.
Design, Development and Improvement of Nagios System Mo...

This document describes the work of design, development and improvement of the Nagios monitoring system done in Cineca and used for the Tier-1 systems participating in the PRACE projects. Starting from the issues arisen by the complexity of the HPC system ...
Detect SSH Attack Using Nagios

This blog article demonstrates how to detect ssh attacks using Nagios.
Device Auto-Discovery and Printer Monitoring Configurat...

This tutorial describes a way of "auto-discovering" devices for Nagios through the example of adding 460+ printers.
Feeding status data from SUSE Manager to Nagios

This article describes how to provide data from SUSE Manager to a Nagios server via NSCA.
FreeBSD Nagios Setup

This tutorial will demonstrate how to install Nagios on FreeBSD.
Functional Monitoring (and Sharepoint) With Nagios

This article will demonstrate how to monitor Sharepoint with Nagios.
Getting More Out Of The Nagios Statusmap

This tutorial demonstrates how to change the look of the Nagios Statusmap.
Good Nagios Parenting, Avoids a Noisey Pager

This article demonstrates the benefits of configuring your Nagios server properly by defining the parent-child relationships of connected network devices.
Guide: Nagios statuscgi

This is a great community article that describes how to customize the Nagios problems screen. Thank you, jsmurphy!
High Performance NCSA Alternative for Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup a NSCA alternative for Nagios.
Highly Sophisticated Wakeup Call Using Nagios

Sometimes you just have to wake up and fix your network! Use Nagios and get this wakeup call on time.
How To Access The Nagios Web Interface Securely Over ht...

This article will show you how to access the Nagios web interface securely over https (SSL).
How To Add Device For SNMP Trap Monitoring In Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to add a device for SNMP trap monitoring in Nagios.
How To Change SSH Port in Nagios

This short tutorial demonstrates how to configure Nagios, when you use a nonstandard port for SSH.
How to change the frontend of Nagios with VShell in Ubu...

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup Nagios VShell in Ubuntu and Debian.
How To Configure NAGIOS Monitoring Server On Ubuntu

This tutorial demonstrates how to configure Nagios on Ubuntu.