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F5 APM Concurrent Users

Nagios plugin which collect via snmp (v2c or v3) the number of concurrent APM users on a F5 Big IP. Use F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB = apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns. It also provides performance monitoring. You can run it as follow ...
F5 Big IP Plugins

Check F5 BigIP pools, poolmembers and nodes using SNMP. Optional you can have a multiline output in status overview. The plugin supports blacklisting and whitelisting. In case of a blacklist the blacklisted items are listed in output as blacklisted so you ...
F5 BIG-IP Nagios plugins

Nagios plugins for checking F5 balancers system BIG-IP MIB objects from: Chassis, Failover, Pools, PoolMembers, Virtual Servers and Virtual Addresses.
F5 pair status check

This script can be used if you have a F5 pair. Run it against the active F5. Alert will go out if failover occurs or status changes to one of the following - forcedoffline, offline, unknown, standby.

This plugin checks your Server for banned IPs by fail2ban.
Fail2Ban ip banned

This Nagios plugins is developed by : Hamdy Abou El Anein It check if fail2ban have an active ip banned and if yes it show the ip In the script I use warning state only critical Vers ...
Failed logins last hour

This is a plugin to monitor failed login attempts in RedHat/CentOS servers.
Fedora Core Images

Fedora Core images for nagios. Contains .gif, .png, .jpg and .gd2.
Feeding status data from SUSE Manager to Nagios

This article describes how to provide data from SUSE Manager to a Nagios server via NSCA.

fifo-rrd takes the performance data provided by the Nagios plugins and create and/or updates RRD databases used to display performance trend graphs by the rrd-graph project.
File Age Check

This Python script works on both Windows and *nix boxes and returns the date of the file (modified, access, or create) in human understandable form. (Only English.)
File age is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test if the file creation date is older or newer than a specified value (in seconds, minutes, hours, or days). Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
File count is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to compare the number of files in a specified directory with a specified file count number.
File or directory exists

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test whether or not a specified file/directory exists. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
File type is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test the specified file type.

Check's the size of a file or directory Examples: Usage: --warn=5 --critical=20 --file=c:somefile.exe Usage: --warn=5 --critical=20 --file=c:somedir Usage: --warn=0.5:1 --critical=1.1:2.5 --file=c:somedi ...
Filezilla Security Check

A simple VBS Script to check if the filezilla security is set correctly, by comparing the XML.

Generate a dynamic MotD (Message of the Day) which displays system information after logging into a Linux server.. For example IP, Release, Kernel, Platform, Uptime, CPU Utilisation and Load, Memory, Swap, Disk information, the number of yum / apt-get / z ...
Fixing Global Permissions In Nagios XI

This document outlines how to fix permissions problems located under the /usr/local/nagios and /usr/local/nagiosxi directory trees. This document is intended for Nagios XI Administrators who are experiencing permissions related issues with Nagios XI and ...

FlashNagios is a Flash-based frontend to the Nagios web components (CGIs).
FLAVIO netflow stats check

Check on Netflow statistics about a device (and optionally its ports) in a given FLAVIO database.

Check flexlm license server and return total license and license in use (Also use Performance data).
FMS monitor

This accepts a file and an FMS URI and pushes the file to it using RTMP. Usage: /home/jess/scripts/ [--debug] Example for rtmp://FMS_HOSTNAME/oflaDemo/ RCs are standard Nagios. Good for Adobe's FMS, Red5, Wowza, basicall ...
freebsd check memory that uses /sbin/sysctl instead of vmstat for FreeBSD
FreeBSD gmirror

Check status of gmirror on FreeBSD systems. Tested and developed on FreeBSD 6.2. Uses Perl 5.8+
FreeBSD HP Compaq SmartArray check

Check the status of your SmartArray RAID under FreeBSD
FreeBSD Nagios Setup

This tutorial will demonstrate how to install Nagios on FreeBSD.
FreeBSD network bandwidth

This is a plugin that returns performance values for network bandwidth on FreeBSD hosts using netstat command.
Fritz!Box 7490 check

Script to check several items on the Fritz!Box 7490
FrOSCon 2008 [Systemmonitoring mit Nagios]

FrOSCon 2008 [Systemmonitoring mit Nagios]. German.
FTP Server Nagios XI Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI monitoring wizard that makes it easy to monitor login and file transfer capabilities of an FTP server
Fujitsu ETERNUS DX Storage

Fujitsu ETERNUS DX Storage 1.1 The complete package including documentation and tools and sample configurations can be downloaded on the Fujitsu support side:
Fujitsu Eternus LT Robotic Tape Library check

Very basic Perl script to check the status of a Fujitsu Eternus LT library. The script has been tested with Eternus LT40 S2 but should also work with at least LT60 S2 as they share the same SNMP MIB file.
Fujitsu Siemens

clone of Not cleaner or better but works with Primergy RX300 S6. Syntax : IP Example : 192.168.1.l
Functional Monitoring (and Sharepoint) With Nagios

This article will demonstrate how to monitor Sharepoint with Nagios.
Fusion LDAP Authentication Component

This component allows for Nagios Fusion users to utilize their LDAP credentials for authentication.

These are logos and pictures of vendor logos and other things that I found useful to represent a monitored system.