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R2-D2 projector server monitoring system Featured

Some Nagios fans in Japan made a cool video showing a mashup of Nagios and an R2-D2 unit. Check it out!
Rule-Based Notifier Featured

This addon can be utilized to control whether an actual notification should be issued by using admin-defined rules.
Current Version: v1.1 (03/01/2012)
RabbitMQ Notification Handler

This component allows you to send your Nagios XI notifications to RabbitMQ. Simply install the component using this documentation: You will be able to pro ...
Radar - add hosts and services automatically

This Perl script generates automated config files with host and service definitions for nagios from passively received host and service checks.
Radius Check

Simple plugin to check radius server. Written in GO for portability and speed
Radius Server Nagios XI Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI monitoring wizard that makes it easy to monitor a RADIUS server.
Radware - Check Linkproof - SNMP v1, v2c, v3

Check Radware Linproof - Version 1.3 (29/12/2009) > VRRP status > Next Hop Router NHR status
RAID - Hardware [LSI/3ware/Areca/Adaptec] / Software ar...

I decided to post my own storage monitoring plugin as I found no good alternative, hope you find it useful! This plugin will monitor health & missing components of: - Hardware RAID (supported RAID controllers: LSI, 3ware, Areca, Adaptec): - Controlle ...
Raid Check using megaclisas

Plugin to remotely check the status of a raid. - Requires that the server has the "megasas-status --nagios" application available - Requires passwordless login via SSH (key auth) Useage: check_raid [HOSTNAME] [USERNAME]
RAID monitoring script - LSI/PERC/3ware/HP Smart Array

Monitors RAID and SMART information: virtual disk status, write-cache status, BBU status, pending sectors, relocated sectors ("defect list" for SAS), temperature, self-test status.
Rasberry Pi Temperature Monitor

Using the temperv usb thermometer with a Rasberry Pi, the ambient temperature of a room can be monitored with this script.
Raspberry Pi - Step By Step

Text File with Step by Step Instructions for Installing Nagios and Nconf on the Raspberry Pi.
Use Putty.exe to SSH to the box and you can copy and paste the commands.
15 Minutes from Fresh Image to Running Nagios.
Raspberry Pi 4b Temperature monitor

This is a rude NRPE plugin that monitors the Raspberry Pi 4 Temperature over "vcgencmd measure_temp"
RDP Link

You can add to Nagios quick RDP-link for connection to Windows servers.
Reactor script exit code is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to check the return code of an installed Reactor script.

RealOpinsight is a business service monitoring tool that enables you to manage your IT while focusing on the services you provide.
Reboot Required

Does a Linux machine need a reboot?
Receiving SNMP Traps in Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to receive SNMP traps in Nagios.

This event Handler updates the Ticket in the OTRS help desk, which is raised on NON-OK state of a service via email alert,when the service comes back(OK-State).
Red Hat Cluster Check through SNMP

This script will be able monitor your RedHat cluster with out using ssh and clustat or cman_tool. This script will solely use snmp with python. The packages needed are explain on this link... ...
Red Hat Cluster Suite Check

A python script to check the status of a RH cluster and a named service.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription management

This is a plugin that monitors how much days are left before the Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription expires. It uses the subscription-manager command on RHEL systems.
RedHat RHES Cluster Check

Check the status of an RHES Cluster by snmp. This check is deprecated by check_rhcsnmp and check_clustat from monitoringplug.
Regional Nagios Server Setup

This article will demonstrate how to setup a regional Nagios server.

Remote Execution Layrer (REL), provides an alternative way to send service check results from remote hosts back to Nagios.
Remote server monitoring with nagios

This article describes how to monitor a remote service with Nagios and NRPE.
Remotely deploy NRPE on Linux clients

This script was created to facilitate installing the Nagios' NRPE plugins and daemon on Linux clients. The script configures xinetd to handle the service.

This is a Perl CGI which allows you to easily enable/disable service checks remotely (using wget or a web browser).
Remove acknowledgements older than n hours / days / wee...

This script automatically removes Nagios acknowledgements that have been not fixed since last script execution. It is mainly destined to run on some regular bases in connection to the cron daemon. The script is also capable of sending out the report into ...

This is a rude plugin that monitors the Raspberry Pi 4 Temperature over "vcgencmd measure_temp" Usage: [Warning] [Critical] ~$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 65 70 OK: Raspberry Pi - 50 C°

This addon consists of an event handler for Nagios and snmpd addon (repairer), which is designed to automagically repair services on RedHat linux.
Repairing The Nagios XI Database

Nagios XI stores current and historical information in various databases in order to facilitate reports and provide users with instant information on monitored elements. Over time the Nagios XI database tables may grow to excessive size, resulting in poor ...
Replacing Ping With Nmap For Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to replace Ping with Nmap for Nagios.
Report of printing month by month

This script allows to have reports of impression of pages printed month by month. This script generates reports in the format txt and sending the whole with samba on a division(sharing) Windows. It is then enough to work these files with Excel.

Reportsock is a small Perl daemon (using HTTP::Daemon) to find and report site statistics via an HTTP port. It is intended as a easy-to-read client for such monitoring servers as Nagios or Quosack. It's easy to configure and simple to use.
Resident Memory Check Nagios NRPE Plugin

Another script provided by the Nagios community. Check it out!
Resizing The Nagios Network Analyzer VM Disk Size

This document describes how to increase the size of the Nagios Network Analyzer virtual machine (VM) disk. This document is intended for use by Nagios Network Analyzer Administrators who require more space on their Network Analyzer installation and are ...
Resizing the Nagios XI Virtual Machine Disk

Need a bigger Nagios XI VM? This guide takes you through the steps required to increase the size of your Nagios XI VMware virtual machine.
Responsive HTML Email Notifications Templates for Nagio...

A notification plugin for Nagios to figure out if responsive or none-responsive HTML emails are to be sent to the contact person's email address.
Restart Nagios

Run configuration test and restart Nagios automatically! Checks the output of /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg to get the total number of warnings and errors. If either is greater than 0, the script stops and displays th ...
Restart this step of the event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to restart the currently defined step in an event chain.
Restart Windows Services VBS

A VBScript which will restart a windows service automaticaly via NRPE NT (with logs).

RESTlos (german for completely, totally) is a generic Nagios api. Generic means, it can be used with every core that understands the nagios configuration syntax (for example Nagios XI, NRDP2, etc). It provides a RESTful api for generating any standard nag ...

A script to retrieve exit codes and status messages for Nagios plugin scripts run through SNMP.
rexec - Nagios EventHanlder

Remotely execute scripts using the nagios event handler