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Category: Components
Components for extending the functionality and capabilities of Nagios XI.
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This document describes how to upload, install, and manage components in Nagios XI.
Mass Acknowledgement Component Featured

This Nagios XI component generates a list of hosts and services that are in a "Unhandled Problem" state, and allows you to acknowledge and/or schedule downtime for the submitted list of hosts and services.
To install, access the Admin->Manage Compon ...
XI System Profile Component Featured

The component adds a System Profile page to the Admin menu and displays relevant system information for common troubleshooting issues. The profile information can be downloaded as a zip file to provide support teams with importation information. This com ...
!NADA - !Not Adaptive Thresholds

!NADA is a brand new project which intents to insert baseline adaptive thresholds to Nagios(R) monitoring framework. By "adaptive" I mean a threshold which may change through time, accordingly to a given resource behavior. This project is intended th ...
Active Directory Integration for Nagios Fusion

Use Active Directory as an authentication source for Nagios Fusion. Requires nagios Fusion 2012R1.2 or later and php-ldap package to be installed.
Active Directory Integration for Nagios XI

Use AD as an authentication source for XI
Alert Cloud XI Component

This Nagios XI component provides an visual, animated "cloud" of alerts. Provides a flashy way to visualize the status of hosts that are being monitored with Nagios.
Alert Timeline XI Component

This Nagios XI component provides a dynamic visualization of host and service alerts on a scrollable timeline.
Alertstream XI Component

The alertstream component for Nagios XI allows users to quickly and easily spot problematic hosts and services over time in a "streamgraph" format. Drill-down capability is supported and user can specify different time frames, hostgroups, and servicegrou ...
Auto-Discovery XI Component

This component adds auto-discovery capabilities to Nagios XI 2001R1 or later.
Backend API Access Nagios XI Component

A Nagios XI component that provides information on accessing the Nagios XI backend API. Nagios XI provides current and historical status and configuration information in XML format via its backend API.
BBMap Component

This Nagios XI component provides a condensed, grid view of host and service status, making it ideal to NOC teams that need to keep an eye on everything.
Box293 Common User Account

This component is used to define a nagios user account (contact) which will be used by other Box293 Components/Dashlets/Wizards I have created. The purpose is to store the username and password so the end user is not prompted for it when required in othe ...
Check Profiler

The purpose of the Check Profiler is to allow you to look at how long checks take to execute on your Nagios XI host. This can be handy to get birds eye view of all your checks. This component requires the "Box293 Common User Account" component, this is ...
Custom Logo XI Component

This component allows admins to specify a custom logo and URL in the header of the Nagios XI interface. Useful for co-branding or custom branding of the monitoring app.
Dashboard Deployment XI Component

This Nagios XI component allows admins to deploy one or more of their own dashboards to other users. This can be useful when you design a dashboard that other users may want access to. Includes the ability to keep user's dashboards synchronized with the ...
Fusion LDAP Authentication Component

This component allows for Nagios Fusion users to utilize their LDAP credentials for authentication.
Global Event Handler Nagios XI Component

A Nagios XI component that allows admins to run custom scripts during global events like host and service state changes and notifications.
Graph Explorer Component

This is a Nagios XI Customer Download. This component requires Nagios XI 2011R1.3 or later.
The Graph Explorer component utilizes javascript libraries to create interactive graphing tools for Nagios XI, including zoomable performance graphs, time-stack ...
History Tab

Adds a tab to Host and Service Detail screens to show history for comments, acknowledgements, downtime and external commands.
Home Page Modification XI Component

This Nagios XI component allows you to customize the landing page that users see when they login to the Nagios XI web interface. Admins can override global defaults, and users can set their own redirects if allowed to do so.
Hypermap Component

The newly designed hypermap component for Nagios XI makes it easier than ever to get a quick overview of the status of your network. The hypermap support dynamic updates via ajax, scrolling and zooming.
ITC HG SG Members

Quickly display Hostgroup and Servicegroup members. This does not show any status, but instead just shows the members. The is especially useful in large installations where hostgroup/servicegroup summary pages take forever to load and a non-admin just w ...
ITC Schedule Downtime

Borrowed code from other parts of XI to make an easier method for end users to schedule downtimes. Very similar to the recurring downtime component except you have the ability to select multiple hosts and other minor changes.
Latest Alerts XI Component

This Nagios XI component allows you to quickly see the latest host and services alerts in your monitored environment. The alert dashboard shows which problems are handled or unhandled and which services are impacted by problems. It also allows you to q ...
LDAP Authentication XI Component

This component adds optional LDAP authentication support to Nagios XI.
Mass Remove Downtime

Lists all scheduled downtimes in a multi select box. Highlight all those you want to remove and click the button. Especially useful when wanting to remove many downtimes.
Mass Schedule Host Downtime Component

Based on Mass Acknowledge Component ( Allows you schedule (or remove) fixed downtime for any number of hosts with single action. To install, access the Adm ...
Minemap Component

This Nagios XI component provides a highly condensed view of host and service status, making it ideal to NOC teams that need to keep an eye on everything.
ModGearman Manager

Use this component to manage your ModGearman Workers from a central location.
Multi-Tech iSMS Nagios XI Notification Component

This component adds SMS notification capabilities to Nagios XI using a Multi-Tech iSMS GSM modem. The iSMS provides out-of-band (OOB) SMS notifications for Nagios XI, thereby increasing the reliability and dependability of receiving critical alerts and n ...
Nagios Business Process Intelligence (BPI)

Nagios Business Process Intelligence is an advanced grouping tool that allows you to set more complex dependencies to determine groups states. Nagios BPI provides an interface to effectively view the 'real' state of the network. Rules for group states c ...
Nagios Core Mass Functions

The Mass Functions CGIs were created to solve issues in large environments where functions couldn't be done en masse. This package has functions to acknowledge, unacknowledge, schedule downtime, remove scheduled downtime, and submit passive checks to ser ...
Nagios Fusion Custom Login Component

This component allows for a custom login splash to be created for the Nagios Fusion login page. Requires Nagios Fusion 2012r1.4 or later.
Nagios Fusion Operation Center Component

This component aggregates all unhandled host and service problems across all Nagios XI servers into a single read-only view, and is intended for use as a NOC screen.
NOTE: This component currently only aggregates unhandled problems from Nagios XI serv ...
Nagios Remote Data Sender (NRDS)

NRDS is a component installed on a Nagios XI server that allows the administrator to create and manage configurations and plugins to be deployed with a passive agent that can be installed on a variety of operating systems. The passive agents downloads ...
Nagios XI / JIRA Integration Component

This is a Nagios XI / JIRA integration component.
Nagios XI Custom Column Component

This component adds the host notes field to the main status tables in Nagios XI. This component is intended to be a developer example of how to add a custom column to display additional information for hosts and/or services in the status tables of Nagios ...
Nagios XI Custom Login Component

This component allows for a custom login splash to be created for the Nagios XI login page. Requires Nagios XI 2012r1.3 or later.
Nagios XI Google Map Integration Component

Display host status as an overlay on a Google Map within Nagios XI. Uses lat/long coordinates to identify host location. This component requires Nagios XI 1.2C or later.
Nagios XI Operations Center Component

The Nagios XI Operations Center Component provides a NOC screen-style view of all unhandled host and service problems. The screen automatically refreshes every 30 seconds to show the latest problem events.
Nagios XI Operations Screen Component

This Nagios XI component adds an operations screen that can be used for displaying the network status on a NOC monitor screen. Very useful for providing admins with a heads-up view of what's going on.
Nagios XI RSS Notification Component

This Nagios XI component adds per-user RSS feeds for notifications. Makes integrating Nagios alerts with your RSS reader and external applications easy.
Nagios XI SNMP Trap Sender Component

This component allows you to easily configure Nagios XI to send/forward SNMP traps to other management hosts and Network Management Systems when host and service state changes (alerts) occur.
Nagvis Integration Component

This XI component is to be used in conjunction with our current Nagvis installation script, and it bring all existing Nagvis maps inside the maps menu of a Nagios XI installation. Currently supported for Nagvis 1.4.6.
Network Replay Component

This component adds a network replay report to Nagios XI. The replay reports allows you to quickly visualize the changing state of your network over time. The report allows you to specify custom start and end times and supports dynamic updates via ajax, ...
Object Notes Nagios XI Component

This Nagios XI component provides an additional "Notes" tab when viewing host or service detail information. Notes about specific hosts and services can be shared with different users to ensure everyone has the vital information they need.
Performance Data Tool

The purpose of the Performance Data Tool is to give you the ability to view and manipulate the .rrd and .xml performance data files on your Nagios XI host. This can be helpful for: * Viewing graphs for services that have been disabled ** Because they are ...