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- Xen (7 listings)
- XI Administration Playlist (6 listings)
- XML (5 listings)
XI System Profile Component Featured

The component adds a System Profile page to the Admin menu and displays relevant system information for common troubleshooting issues. The profile information can be downloaded as a zip file to provide support teams with importation information. This com ...

This is a work-in-progress script written in the research for the Book "Xen - Virtualisierung unter Linux" - see
XI Business Process Addons

This component brings the Business Process Addons feature into the XI interface. This component DOES NOT contain the Business Process Addons, the installation instructions for that can be found at the following location and should be executed before inst ...
XI Details Overview

This document explains how to utilize the different features of the Nagios® XI™ interface to view detail information about hosts and services. The Details menu offers many different ways to view the status of your hosts and services. In larger environm ...
XI Host Management

This document describes how to manage hosts and host groups using the Nagios® XI™ Core Config Manager. While monitoring wizards make it easy to set up new hosts in Nagios XI, the Core Config Manager allows for more precise control over host monitoring, ...
XI Notification Escalations

This document describes how to setup host and service escalations in Nagios XI. Escalations happen when a solution is not produced for a host or service in a specified response time. When this occurs, notifications are sent to another level of contacts so ...
XI Notification Variables

This document describes the variables that are available for use in Nagios XI notification messages. Variables allow users to customize notification message to contain the information they feel is most relevant.
XI Users and Contacts

Advanced Nagios administrators who have experience with managing existing Nagios Core installations or wish to migrate from Nagios Core to Nagios XI may wish to better understand how contacts and users differ, as well as the details of how they are joined ...
XI Views Tutorial

This video tutorial demonstrates Nagios XI views, what they are used for, and how they can be managed. Views are designed to provide individual users with quick access to Nagios XI pages and external websites they find useful.
XIO Storage Systems

Check scripts to monitor the XIO storage systems. Ability to monitor all facets of the units. Feel free to download and modify these scripts to meet your needs. NOTE: When monitoring the Volume, the Unit reports back on the Used / Free space on t ...
XIV hard usage pct checker

A Nagios plugin which lets you monitor remaining space on an IBM XIV storage system.

Nagios configuration files can become quite big and eventually nearly unmanagable. You lose the overview and what you are looking for is probably in the middle of another 5000 line .cfg file. I came up with the idea to centralize a whole nagios configura ...
xMatters Integration

Nagios XI Integration | xMatters Nagios Core Integration | xMatters
XML SOAP service checking

This is an easy way to check SOAP XML calls. Nifty and straightforward. See link for the full code.

Tools and daemon to monitor Apple Xserve RAID (1.2-2)