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Directory Tree
Directory Client

This is a cross-platform Perl version of the official and clients for NRDP.

A PostgreSQL plugin that checks the database's cache hits percentage.

The pg_db_size plugin checks for the on disk size of any given PostgreSQL database.
PHP check_traffic

script to check interface status and traffic on the interface by PHP cli
PHP Nagios Traceroute and Ping

Want to View Ping & Traceroute results from your web browser, then this is the php script for you ! ;-)
PHP script evaluates to

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to compare the results of the output, returned from running a specified PHP script to a target value.
Ping Action

This component adds an action to host and service detail screens that allows you to quickly ping the host or device. Useful for troubleshooting network connectivity.
Ping of multiple Hosts via icmp protocol

Multi Ping Useful to monitor VPN-Connections (Network-Tunnels) if the linkage is up & running between the 2 locations.

This lightweight script ping two hosts, and return OK only if a host is up and the other down.

Plotly4Nagios is a nagios plugin to display the performance data in Graph. It uses the RRD database provided by pnp4nagios and visualize it in interactive graph format using plotly javascript framework.
Plugin for Intel(R) RAID SAS-controllers and Intel Embe...

Plugin to test Intel(R) RAID controllers using SAS software stack and Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology II RAID products
plugin to check flexm status and usage(number of licens...

Plugin to check flexlm status and usage - number of license pulling from remote license server.
plugin to check oracle SID status

Plugin to check whether Oracle SID is up or down.
plugin to check plm status

This plugin will check the plm running status from mux and dsp status and feed result into nagios. This is tested in Seimens TC 2005 server.
Plugin to check Servers Load using SNMP

I tried a perl script to check the load of several server using SNMP, but it not worked and I could not find hos to do to It work. So, I write my own plugin using shel script!
Plugin to Check SpeedFan Metrics via SpeedFan HTTP Agen...

Nagios plugin to make SpeedFan metrics available via speedfanhttpagent URL (XML format).
Plugin to check Sun's XSCF (local service)

The script checks Sun's eXtended System Control Facility (used on M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 series)
plugin to check virtuzoo disk and inode quota

To check the indoe quota of the virtuzoo containers. Once I faced a critical production server issue due to the inode quota of the containers which leads me for this plugin.
The Version 1.1 is upgraded for monitoring both disk and inode quota at same ...
Plugin to get humidity/temperature from PDU powernet se...

Read humidity or temperature (or both) from PDU sensors (depending from your sensors) and display them.
This plugin require powernet405.mib mib file to work.
Plugin Tool

This Component allows you to test Plugins and Commands. When you upload a plugin to your Nagios XI server you will usually want to test it first. This involves establishing an SSH session to the Nagios XI server and then typing some command line (CLI) st ...
Plugin/Agent for Netware 5.0 - 6.5

NWNAGMON is an NLM plugin for Netware 5.0 .. 6.5 checks some basic server props and sends them directly to a nagios server (nsca v3 packets)
Plugins for Tru64

Plugins for tru64 version 5.1B Fuctions with NRPE version 1.9 for tru64

This script is a Nagios (3.xx) plugin that runs another Nagios plugin, and then, depending on the plugin returned status, run a custom command. The status of the Nagios plugin is returned at the end of the script.

PNP is an addon to Nagios which analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases (Round Robin Databases, see RRD Tool).

check number of pods in openshift or kubernetes node
Poll an Avocent ACS via SNMP for information about conn...

Modified version of check_snmp_acs_pm, added support for both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
POMSender - BMC Patrol Operations Manager Utility

This utility is designed to send events from Nagios to a BMC Patrol Operations Manager server.
Portmaster Modems

Plugins for Postmaster modems to check if connected users can route.
Postfix Mails Stats

This is simple script that wil do the work with pnp4nagios graphs.
Please Change mail.log permissions like (chmod 644 mail.log) so plugin have read permission on mail.log
Implement logrotation on mail.log this file will rotate daily then you have stats ...
Postfix Queue Monitor

Postfix Queue monitor,as name suggests, is a postfix queue monitoring package for Nagios. It uses NRPE plugin for monitoring.Through this you can monitoring postfix queue size and the number of mails in queue of single or multiple postfix instances on a s ...
Postgres Database Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI wizard for monitoring various performance metrics of a Postgres database - including connection status, database size, table sizes, relation sizes, and remaining sequences.
Postgres Query Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI wizard for monitoring Postgres SQL queries.
Postgres Server Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI wizard for monitoring various performance metrics of a Postgres database server - including connection status, backend connections, and WAL files.
Postgresql 9.3 Streaming Replication Delay

Python script to check and graph the delay in seconds from your primary to your hot standby PostgreSQL 9.3 server.
PostgreSQL cache hit ratio (bash + psql)

A simple plugin for monitoring PostgreSQL cache hit ratios for a whole PG-cluster
PowerCLI - vCenter Datastore Alarm Checker

This script will login to a vCenter server and check to see if the Datastore usage alarm is enabled, if it is it will output the thresholds. If the top level is not enabled the check will go through each Datastore individually and ensure there is a Dat ...
PowerCLI Plugin Shows Alert Status on vCenter

This script will connect to vSphere through PowerCLI and using PowerShell, it will return information about the alerts: Will Return Something Like This! CRITICAL! Acknowledged Alarms > Total: 4 | Acknowledged: 3 | Unacknowledged: 1 ...
PowerCLI Windows Plugin Monitor Datastore

CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB WARNING! Datastore AX4-1 > CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB OK! Datastore AX4-1 > CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB .EXAMPLE .check_vmware_triggeredalarms.ps1 -Server VCENT ...
PowerConnect Switches

Check uptime, port status and environmental health on Dell PowerConnect switches. Global OIDs are used where possible for maximum compatibility across all models.
Powerful shell scripts - sftp

This plugin is a bash shell script that connects to an ftp server using ssh ftp protocol on port 22 to check if a certain file , specified through the path and filename, exists on the server and contains a specified number of text rows.
PowerMTA Status Check Plugin

PowerMTA status check plugin for nagios
Powershell Disk Check & Automated Cleanup script

You'll need a proxy host to run your Powershell commands (or they can be run directly from the server(s)). More info here: This script will detect and monitor any fixed disks, the three variables you n ...
powershell NRDP

This is a Powershell version of the official and clients for Nagios NRDP.
Powershell NRPE NSClient script for HP SmartArray check

Powershell script to check HP SmartArray RAID status on Windows
Powerware UPS Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor Powerware/Eaton UPS via a network management card.
You can monitor the following:
Alarm Status
Battery Monitoring Status
Battery Remaining
Battery Test Status
Firmware Version
Firmware Version - Network Manageme ...
Pre-compiled binaries for AIX, Solaris and IRIX

This project aims to provide pre-compiled Nagios binaries for IRIX, Solaris and AIX, so people without a C compiler can get Nagios running quickly. At the time of this writing, nagios itself, the plugins and nrpe are supported under IRIX 6.5.22, Solaris 1 ...
Presentation de Nagios

French presentation by Remi Laurent