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Blosxom4Nagios Featured

A flexible, powerful RSS/Atom notification handler for Nagios. By Gavin Carr.
Backend API Access Nagios XI Component

A Nagios XI component that provides information on accessing the Nagios XI backend API. Nagios XI provides current and historical status and configuration information in XML format via its backend API.
Backing Up And Restoring Nagios Fusion

This document describes how to backup a Nagios Fusion installation and restore a Nagios Fusion installation from a previously made backup. Backups are an important aspect of administration and maintenance of your system. They can easily facilitate the mig ...
Backing Up And Restoring Nagios Log Server

This document describes how to backup and restore a Nagios Log Server cluster. This document is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators who wish to understand the different backup and restore methods available.
Backing Up And Restoring Nagios XI

This document describes how to backup a Nagios XI installation and restore an XI installation from a previously made backup. Backups are an important aspect of administration and maintenance, and can easily facilitate the migration of a XI installation ...
Backing Up And Restoring Your Nagios Network Analyzer S...

This document describes how to backup a Nagios Network Analyzer installation and restore a Nagios Network Analyzer installation from a previously made backup. Backups are an important aspect of administration and maintenance of your system. They can easil ...

Nagios Plugn for reading BackupExec's error log from db. It can be used with NSClient++. You can read the backupexec log querying the db. You need to change the connection string into the script and substitute the sqlistance with the instance nam ...

This vbscripts reads the logfiles on a NSClient++ and Backup Exec host.

This is a script for backing up Siemens Scalamce switches. The script logs in and connects with SSH to the switch, then copies the current configuration to a TFTP server.
Bacula PostgreSQL Nagios monitor

Nagios monitor for Bacula with Postgresql database written in Python. Depends on PSYCOPG2 Python module for database connection.
Balance checking plugins for Akado ISP, MTS, Beeline

Balance checking plugins plugins for Russian mobile phone operators and ISP MTS (Mobile TeleSystems) Beeline Akado

Balbec is a lightweigth python application which displays nagios data in a browser or produces xml for further processing.
Bandwidth Up and down checker

This plugins monitor the average bandwidth utilisation over N seconds. The script is executed on the localhost, reading interface statistics files. To use with NRPE or other agent.
Example service definition:
define service
NRPE command:
command[ ...
Bandwith (Speed Test) Upload & Download with perfdata

This script calculate speed in download and upload from local server to remote LINUX server (need SSH Key Exchange)
Barracuda ADC checks

Barracuda ADC checks for load, storage use, and cluster status
Barracuda check_snmp_barracuda

Plugin to check the status of the three mail queues of the barracuda mail and spam filter system. My two tiny cents to the Nagios community :)
Barracuda Reputation Alert

The Barracuda Networks RBL can be a hassle to deal with. While not frequent some of my servers end up on the Barracuda RBL and I wanted a pro-active way to monitor this. This script checks postfix log files for Barracuda reputation / RBL issues and al ...
Barracuda Stats.cgi Plugins

We have a lower end barracuda and do not have access to the SNMP monitoring interface since it is not offered. I have created a pearl script that will monitor the message latency & last message sent via the cgi-bin/stats.cgi webpage. You can alter the scr ...
Basic NRPE_NT Plugins

The plugins are DOS programs written in C/C++ The nrpe_nt service calls these plug-ins and they return the following status on exit with a status string for information printed to stdout.
Basic use of the Nagios Discovery Tool

This video provides a very basic overview of how you can use the Nagios Discovery Tool (NDT) to setup basic monitoring of a Windows Host.
Baytech PDU Monitoring Plugin

This is a nagios plugin that checks Baytech PDUs. It will report and allow to set alerts on Current, Temperature, Power when you give it name of the PDU.

Big Brother to Nagios daemon. Runs on Nagios server, and allows Big Brother agents to send alerts to Nagios.
BBMap Component

This Nagios XI component provides a condensed, grid view of host and service status, making it ideal to NOC teams that need to keep an eye on everything.

Nagios/Netsaint plugin for the Big Brother NT client.
Bernhard Images

Images for Citrix, NetApp, Cisco PIX, SCO, SINIX und SuSE.
Better Apache Dashboard

The "Better Apache Dashboard" also know as the 5 minute dashboard as presented at the 2014 Nagios World Conference.
View the conference slides at
Big-IP Pool Status Check

This Nagios check can be used to monitor pool availability and member status on Big-IP hardware. It uses SNMP (v1 or v2) to get the information from the Big-IP.
BigIP Pool and Virtual Server checks

This project features two checks for F5 BigIP Load Balancers. They runs on v4.5 (ex. BigIP 5100) and v.9 (ex. LTM 6400) hardware. check_bigip_pool checks the number of servers available. check_bigip_vs checks the availability of a Virtual Server.
Bind 9 new format statistics

Just for statistics. Requires curl and xml_grep to work and to enable Bind 9 statistics:
statistics-channels ;
x.x.x.x being your Nagios server.
Sort of ugly script but didn't find anything out there that could handle the new xml format used ...
Binding NRPE with inetd/xinetd On Solaris 10

This tutorial will show you how to bind NRPE with inetd/xinetd on Solaris 10.

A clear status overview for Nagios.
Info and installation instructions:
Birdseye time format

Change Birdseye Clock Timeformat from 12h to 24h - Works in my Bidseye V 3.1.1 by 03/28/2016 Look for Version in /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/birdseye/CHANGES.TXT

The bischeck plugin is a standalone plugin server that is integrated with Nagios using passive checks over the NSCA, NRDP or Livestatus protocol. bischeck is aimed to monitor business applications but can be used for any monitoring task where support for ...
blësk Network Device Discovery

blësk Network Device Discovery (NDD) is an auto-discovery tool with a web interface that allows you to scan the devices on your network and import them into NagiosQL. It is included in the blësk network monitoring suite.
BMC Control-M

Simple plugin for monitoring Control-M/Server 8 on Linux/UNIX
Box Backup Check Plugins

Box Backup is an OSS package that provides a way to securely backup data over a network connection to an (untrusted) server. These plugins lets Nagios check the state of the daemons of Box Backup. The plugins are uni
Box Backup Plugins

The Box Backup software is an OSS package that provides a way to securely backup data over a network connection to an (untrusted) server. These plugins lets Nagios check the state of the daemons of Box Backup. The plugins are unix-only.
Box293 Common User Account

This component is used to define a nagios user account (contact) which will be used by other Box293 Components/Dashlets/Wizards I have created. The purpose is to store the username and password so the end user is not prompted for it when required in othe ...
Box293 Demonstration Wizard

This wizard is an example of how to code Conifuguration Wizards. I created this for myself as reference material and as a template for new wizards I create. It should be used as a reference tool for customising your own wizards.
box293_check_mbox is used to keep an eye on a local mbox account. Without manually checking the mbox reguarly, important system messages can go undetected. "You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root" = this is an mbox OPTIONS --help Display the help ...

This Plugin is for checking the kernel message queues. Will return a critical result if more than 1 queue of the same owner exists. WARNING and/or CRITICAL thresholds can be defined on the number of message found in the queue. These need to be the second ...

This Plugin helps detect if there is a drift in the system time compared to the mysql time. Will report a CRITICAL status is the difference is more than 300 seconds. The plugin is just a bash script. USAGE box293_check_mysql_date [username] [password] ...

This Plugin checks the status of MySQL or MariaDB Database Tables. Will return a critical result if any of theses columns has a NULL value: * Engine, Version, Row_format, Rows, Avg_row_length, Data_length, Max_data_length, Index_length, Data_free, Create_ ...

This plugin is designed to be running on a Raspberry Pi device that has the Sense HAT module connected to it. The plugin serves two purposes: 1) Monitoring the temperature and humidity to allow Nagios to alert when thresholds have been exceeded. 2) Scrol ...

This Plugin allows you to monitor a VMware vCenter / ESX(i) environment using your Nagios monitoring solution. IMPORTANT: This Plugin is NOT designed to be run on your Nagios host, instead it is offloaded to the VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA). ...

This plugin will report what hard drives in the range A: - Z: exist on a Windows machine. This plugin uses NSClient++ to gather the information. The plugin will use check_nrpe (by default) or check_nt (if specified) to query the Windows machine. This plug ...

The purpose of this script is to create passive host and service objects in Nagios XI. Specifically these objects reflect the defaults that are used when running the wizard on the Unconfigured Objects page in Nagios XI. The script is intended to be used w ...