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Category: Performance
Nagios plugins for monitoring system performance metrics.
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This plugin checks nagios performance data by parsing the nagios status.dat file, which is expected to be located at
This version runs stable with host and service latency check on my nagios 3.2.2. Anyway, this plu ...

Check application performance as measured by NewRelic Alert on Apdex or Error-rate

check nvidia GPU utilization
OK GPU - 32%; Memory - 12%; Encoder - 53%; Decoder - 23% | gpu=32% memory=12% encoder=53% decoder=23%
pnp4nagios template check_nvidiasmi.php

check_sa is a Nagios plugin to check the status of one or more performance counters monitored through sa and sar in the Linux sysstat package.

Agent-less monitoring plugin for NagiosXI that uses a single Windows_SSH service to request Windows LCD Metrics (CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, Disk Utilization) and Service Status that are returned individually to NagiosXI via NRDP.
Data Recovery Download website recommends Data recovery download software restores lost files and folder from usb drive without wasting time and valuable money. Data recovery software revives corrupted text documents damaged due to human mistake, lo ...
Nagios stats with graphs (nagiostats)

The script checks Nagios statistics from the nagiostats commands and reports perf data. I have created a pnp4nagios template which reports the following: - Graph 1 - Service status -> No. services in downtime -> No. services in warning -> No ...

nagstats is a Nagios addon that runs Dag Wieers' dstat tool ( , then parses coma-separated output, matches warn and crit and sends the results to nagios via nsca.

Lightweight, tunable and simple benchmarking tool written in C that can be invoked through NRPE interface and performs tests on memory, CPU, disk and network.

Check message queue sizes and average message latency on a Barracuda Spam Firewall

Fetches/checks system performance stats via SNMP from net-snmp or mib2 host agents including many types of CPU usages (User, System, Wait, Idle, etc), memory/swap usage, load averages, paging/swapping rates. Includes pnp4nagios template and nagvis gadget.

Check the IO and MB/s for an Device to generate graphs from the performance data. For multipath device returns the data from all devices and the sum.