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Exchange Server Monitoring Wizard Featured

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily monitor Microsoft Exchange servers - including service states, protocol availability, and performance metrics.
exfoliation Featured Popular

Exfoliation is a simple makeover for the Nagios Core web interface. It consists of two folders that overlay on a stock Nagios installation.
EZNag Featured

EZNag is a all-in-one package for Linux that make the installation and configuration of Nagios easy. It also adds some functionnalities to improve Nagios administration and exploitation.
easyNag for iPhone & iPad

easyNag is the most innovative, fastest and simplest app to interact with your Nagios, Icinga, OP5 Monitor, OpsView, Thruk/Naemon, Centreon or Check_MK monitoring system.
Setup is easy - just add a new instance with the URL to your monitoring system, y ...
EdgeRouter 6p

This script allows you to monitor the Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter 6P load, network, and disk space. At the moment only the disk space has warning and critical data, the other ones are just monitor scripts that allow me to see performance data graphics. ...
eDirectory driver status

This plugin will accept a driver name as an argument, and will check its status. If it's not running, it will trigger alerts. It will also trigger warnings if the unprocessed cache is over a specified limit.
eDirectory Obituaries Check

This is a check script which runs ndsrepair on an OES (linux) server and alerts if the oldest obituary on the server is higher than the specified (or default) thresholds. It also outputs all the obituary numbers in various states as performance data.
eDirectory Partition Continuity Check

This is a check script which runs ndsrepair on an OES (linux) server and alerts if the oldest partition continuity age on the server is higher than the specified (or default) thresholds. It also outputs the oldest partition age (in seconds) as performance ...
eDirectory Status Check

This is a check script which runs "/etc/init.d/ndsd status" on an OES (linux) server and alerts if there are any errors.
eDirectory Time Check

This is a check script which runs ndsrepair on an OES (linux) server and alerts if the time is out of sync from eDirectory's point of view on any contactable servers. It also outputs a list of any servers that couldn't be contacted.
Elasticsearch cluster status

Plugin checks Elasticsearch cluster health using cluster health API ( Command line parameters are: --ip - Elasticsearch server ip to check --port - Elasticsearc ...
Email Delivery XI Wizard

Sends email to an SMTP server and polls an IMAP folder for reception. This tests the full operation on an email server and is particularly handy at testing the speed of spam filtering.
EMC CLARiiON Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor an EMC CLARiiON SAN. You can monitor the following components of the SAN: * Storage Processors = Status of each SP * Storage Processors Information = Gets information on the SP (SP ID, Agent Revision, FLARE Revision, PRO ...
EMC Documentum monitor

A collection of nagios check plugins for EMC Documentum
EMC Documentum Plugins

A collection of Nagios plugins for monitoring EMC Documentum.
EMC Unity

### ### This is a Nagios monitoring script for DELL EMC Unity storage box. [root@]# ./ -H -u monituser -p monitpass -m usage: [-h] -H HOSTADDRESS -u USER -p PASSWORD -m ...
Enable an event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to enable an event chain.
Enabling NRPE With NSClient

This document describes how to configure NRPE Listener in NSClient++ for Nagios XI on a Windows client system.
Enabling NRPE With NSClient version 0.4.x

This document describes how to configure NRPE Listener in NSClient++ version 0.4.x for Nagios XI on a client system. It is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators using NRPE and NSClient++.
Energy waste manager

Service checks and sends alert to one or more contacts telling which computer network objects are active. This information will be forwarded via e-mail containing the number of objects connected in moments of data unnecessarily. Faced with this informatio ...
Enhanced Host Search

This small tutorial help you setup a more advanced "host search" box in your nagios interface, using ajax, python/perl/php and the ndo_utils.
Enhanced SNMP Windows Disk Check

Perl script that uses SNMP (via snmpget) to get disk usage information from Windows hosts. Outputs usage %, total, used and free space in human-readable format with auto-scaling (KiB up to TiB).
Enhanced SNMP Windows Disk Check - Check all partitions...

Based on the script posted here by Dan Capper. Enhancements - all partitions are detected dynamically and tested. Detailed check report (includes Drive letter + supplied threshold). Most "critical" drive will be shown first. Some er ...
Enhanced Windows Disk Check

Perl script that uses SNMP (via snmpget) to get disk usage information from Windows hosts. Outputs usage %, total, used and free space in human-readable format with auto-scaling (KiB up to TiB).
Enhanced Windows eventlog check

Advanced options for filtering and alerting on eventlog events. *requires .NET 2.0 to work
Enterprise PHP (PHP London Conference 2008)

Enterprise Vault plugin

Enterprise Vault plugin for Nagios. Uses Powershell, so must run in Windows and must have access to Enterprise Vault DLLs Checks: space, services, various DBs, Vault Store partitions, Windows events, indexes and indexes backup mode, tasks etc.
Environmental monitoring with BME680

Environmental monitoring with Raspberry Pi and BME680 and Nagios / NRPE Python3 script run by NRPE. Assumes the BME680 device is already attached to the Raspberry Pi. Software setup Install the required library: sudo pip3 install adafruit- ...

The ESensors EM01 HVAC Monitor is a digital environmental monitor capable of monitoring temperature, relative humidity and illumination.
Esensors Websensor Nagios XI Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI configuration wizard for monitoring temperature, light (illumination), and humidity with a Websensor EM01B.

Arduino-ESP32 example sketch to send device and sensor data to NagiosXI via NRDP.
Esx Checks using php and ssh keypairs

Some esx checks written in php using a ssh keypair system for people who want to keep their system certification by not installing external software and don\'t want to use snmp.
ESXI Dell perc HDD/SDD S.M.A.R.T. check

Linux plugin that uses ssh to remotely login on ESXi hosts and check the S.M.A.R.T. on all HDDs/SSDs for this controller
ESXi Snapshots

This bash scripts checks for checks existence of snapshot on VMware ESXi (currently tested on ESXi 5.0 Update 1)
Ethan Galstad - Keynote Presentation

Ethan is the creator of Nagios from its early days as "NetSaint" in 1999. He currently serves as the President of Nagios Enterprises and is involved in development, architectural design, and various management duties. In his presentation, Ethan talks abo ...
Ethan Galstad - Nagios XI Overview

Ethan is the creator of Nagios from its early days as "NetSaint" in 1999. He currently serves as the President of Nagios Enterprises and is involved in development, architectural design, and various management duties. Ethan provides an introduction to Na ...
Event chain exists

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test if given identifier exists. Check identifiers can be found in the general tab->More Info.
Event chain is active

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to check if the event chain is currently running. Check identifiers can be found in the general tab->More Info.
Event chain is run from source IP

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test what source IP address the event chain was invoked from. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
Event chain run method is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test how the event chain is invoked. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
Event Host Change

Event handler to enable or disable active checks for all services on a host depending on the host state.
Event Submitter

This script is designed to make it easier to send service events to Nagios from command line or batch job.
Eventlog Checker - dotNET Based

Checks a specified Windows Eventlog for any specified event types. Supports filtering, searching for event type ids, etc. This requires at least the .NET 1.1 Framework to be installed on the serve
example processing service performance data

A script to store performance data in rrdtool databases written in perl.
Exchange 2010

Monitor Exchange 2010 DAG replication, public folder availability and overall replication health.
Exchange 2010 CAS

Exchange Client Access Checks for 2010 These use the inbuilt test functionality in Exchange through the Exchange Management Shell. These tests log in using the test cas users to the various servers and actually test functionality AND response. So it wi ...
Exchange 2010 Content Index State Check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used inside an Nagios environment to monitor the content index on a Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox server.
Exchange 2010 DAG Mailbox check

Full disclaimer: this is a mish-mash of other scripts and random commands found in forums etc. I tried to find the original authors for credit but was unable. Sorry if some of this script is you and you aren't mentioned! Use this plugin to check the st ...