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Category: Web Interfaces
Web interfaces - both addons to and full-blown replacements for the Nagios web interface.
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Submit Your Nagios Project!
Help build Nagios Exchange for yourself and the entire the Nagios Community by your Nagios project to the site. It's easy - just create an account, login, and add a new listing. Read the FAQ for instructions.- CGI Modifications (8 listings)
- Nagios XI Dashlets (0 listings)
- Themes and Skins (13 listings)
MNTOS Featured

MNTOS (Multi Nagios Tactical Overview System) gathers data from multiple Tactical overview pages on Nagios sites and compile it into a single XML file. The XML file can be used by any frontend supporting XML. Perfect tool when dealing with many nagios sit ...
Nagios V-Shell Featured Popular

Nagios V-Shell is a PHP web interface to Nagios Core that is designed to be lightweight, easy to install and use, and customizable. As of v1.7, V-Shell now has gettext support for internationalization.
Version 1.9 has now been overhauled for substant ...
nagioschecker - Firefox Addon Featured

nagioschecker is a cool addon for Firefox that provides a statusbar indicator of the events from Nagios. Information is parsed from Nagios web interface.
nboard Featured

nboard provides a high-level overview of your network, with the capability to drill-down to find problems or indicate that a problem has been reviewed and is being worked on.

Balbec is a lightweigth python application which displays nagios data in a browser or produces xml for further processing.

A clear status overview for Nagios.
Info and installation instructions:
Birdseye time format

Change Birdseye Clock Timeformat from 12h to 24h - Works in my Bidseye V 3.1.1 by 03/28/2016 Look for Version in /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/birdseye/CHANGES.TXT
Check_MK Multisite

Check_MK Multisite is a comprehensive status GUI for Nagios that uses MK-Livestatus as backend.

DashBoard allows you to create custom pages (create & edit on-the-fly) with service and host status monitoring for every user separately. You can create groups and subgroups so you can view all necessary information in just one page.
Dashboard 0.2.1 - Python

Python based Dashboard that allows user based dashboards with custom grouping of items. Works with both Nagios and Nagios under Groundwork.
Interactive Service Check CGI

This CGI allows you to run service checks interactively through the Nagios web interface.

A modern interface built around the Jquery Mobile framework for (just about) ANY smartphone / tablet OR HTML5 supporting desktop browser. Browse, acknowledge, comment, view graphs, see problems wherever you are.
Android apps (paid / free) available fr ...

Nagex is a Nagios intranet dashboard project driven by event handlers which feeds data to a MySQL database. The PHP script pulls the data for your internal/external company users to view infrastructure status information without giving them access to the ...

NagIncidents is a Webfrontend for Nagios, written in PHP Version 5.1.6 which shows all incidents of hosts and services in a glance.
Nagios 4 iPhone

Nagios for iPhone is an interface to collect and display Nagios data from several servers on iPhone.
Nagios CZECH Translation (CGIs)

The small pack with CGI scripts that have the Czech translation of Nagios nagios-2.0b3.
Nagios Dash

We forked Nagios Dashboard – PHP and gave it a new look, rewrote the code with ajax for our needs.
It parses the status.dat and gives you a dashboard for ex. viewing on a operations screen.
Nagios Dash from NDOUtils

Forked Nagios Dashboard – PHP and select data from NDOUTILS DB.
Easy to monitor Unhandled error only.
Nagios Dashboard - PHP

PHP-based Nagios Dashboard lists hosts/services in a table with colors/fonts indicating up, down, warning, critical.
Nagios Dashboard PHP - 2022

This is an update to the Nagios Dashboard - PHP project, which was submitted several years ago. This update fixes some bugs in the original project and adds some features. It also uses the nagios stylesheets, so that the style matches the rest of Nagios ...
Nagios Japanese Translation (CGIs and Docs)

Japanese Translation for Nagios web interface (CGIs) and documents. Current release is for Nagios 1.x, 2.x and 3.x!
Nagios Looking Glass

Nagios Looking Glass (NLG) is a web-based interface for Nagios that allows you to show at-a-glance, real-time server status to 3rd parties without giving them direct access to Nagios.
Nagios Monitor Google Gadget

A Google Gadget that allows you to see status information from your Nagios instance.
Nagios Status Information (NSI)

NSI is a PHP interface with an user management system, where an admin can give users acces to only some monitored hosts, that implements the Nagios status file and shows a simple overview of the available hosts and their status.
Nagios StatView

Nagios StatView is a dashboard for Nagios.
It is designed for TV monitors of 32-40? and to give a quick health status of the network.

nagios-dash - a free nagios front-end.
Changes in this release:
display custom hosts groups
display host details
display nagios logs
smart status recheck every 10 seconds
status recheck for host/service
problem acknowled ...
NagiosCenter View

NagiosCenter is a central viewer for spreaded Nagios servers to give a centralized all over view of working and not working processes.

Nagiosdigger is a powerful web frontend for the logging produced by Nagios. It enables you to dig trough all the data (problem events) enabling you to quickly determine trends and/or systems with problems. Searching, SLA calculations and problem predictio ...
NagiosTV for Nagios 3 with ndoutils

If you are running Nagios v4.x.x then check out the project NagiosTV 4
This project is for Nagios 3.x and requires ndoutils writin ...
NagiosTV for Nagios 4

Compatible with Nagios Core 4, Nagios XI, and MK Livestatus NagiosTV is a user interface (UI) for the Nagios monitoring system This user interface is designed to be viewed on a TV, phone, or desktop to quickly see if all your serv ...

The NagUI project started due to a need to have a more responsive and centralized view into many different nagios instances. The NagUI interface provides a way to see multiple nagios server host and service data in a single pane of glass, without requirin ...

NagVis is a visualization addon for Nagios. It can be used to visualize Nagios data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.
NetMap4Nagios Popular

Create your own network diagram of live monitoring hosts and services. NetMap4Nagios is a visualization addon for Nagios and front-end for system Nagios. It is easy to use. You can import hostgroups and servicegroups from Nagios, create customer map of ne ...

NEXSM — Nagios EXtended Status Map — is a Java Web Start Application for visualizing the status of hosts and services being monitored by Nagios it uses JUNG for rendering the graph of objects and QDXML to parse the XML data sent by php scripts.

The Ninja project is an attempt to develop an alternative Nagios gui with the aim of being the most useful open source web front end for Nagios. You will be able to use it as a combination or replacement to the existing CGI's. Ninja is work in progress an ...
PHP Nagios Traceroute and Ping

Want to View Ping & Traceroute results from your web browser, then this is the php script for you ! ;-)
Simple Nagios PHP Dashboard

Simple Nagios PHP Dashboard (SNPD) is the light Web Interface for the Nagios 4.1.0+.
Statusengine UI

Statusengine UI is a lightweight, responsive, modern web interface, you can use, to make your monitoring data visible.

Thruk is a CGI replacement which connects to multiple Nagios instances using the Livestatus addon. It is designed to be a "dropin" replacement and covers all of the original features plus additional enhancements for large installations and increased usab ...

Uppsikt is a simple, live-status-powered dashboard.
V-Shell and Vautour style, combined

In this article, I explain how to modify V-Shell to make it like the Vautour style for classic Nagios. I found it to be truly worth the effort. Try it out!

Vingios- Nagios Virtual Voice Assistance.
Unique in its category, it enables Nagios user to monitor system wide alerts through Voice alert.
Nagios user don't have to continuously seat and watch classic Nagios interface. They can hear man speaking the ...