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Official Nagios Core Documentation Featured

The official Nagios documentation in HTML and PDF formats.
Official Nagios XI Documentation Featured

The official documentation for Nagios XI is on the Nagios Library at
Oracle Query Wizard Featured

Wizard made for streamlining monitoring specific Oracle queries.
Object Notes Nagios XI Component

This Nagios XI component provides an additional "Notes" tab when viewing host or service detail information. Notes about specific hosts and services can be shared with different users to ensure everyone has the vital information they need.
OCSP Sweeper

OCSP Sweeper is a utility designed to create a FIFO to which OCSP events are sent, read the contents of the FIFO every N seconds and send the data to NSCA.
Offloading MySQL To Remote Server

This document is meant to show a step-by-step guide for offloading the MySQL services from the central Nagios XI server to an external, remote server.
OnCall For Nagios

'OnCall for Nagios' is a simple, intuitive, and powerful iPhone app that provides an interface to your existing Nagios installation.

OnPage, a critical messaging app for smartphones seamlessly integrates with Nagios monitoring services to ensure CRITICAL alerts get to your smartphone in a way that can NOT be missed. Simply configure Nagios to send a copy of the alert to OnPage on your ...

OpCfg is a PHP-based HTTP configuration front-end to Nagios 3.x. OpCfg is a fork from Fruity.

OpCP is a capacity planning graph generator based on opdb ( nagios broker ) database.

The opdb project is a nagios broker that writes statistics and performance data to a mysql database.
OpenBSD 5 nrpe restart script

I wrote a script to reload nrpe on OpenBSD. You can easily start nrpe at boot up, but I grew tired of manually killing then launching nrpe each time I updated the nrpe.cfg file
OpenBSD SNMPv3 general check

Openldap Syncrepl

Check for open ldap syncrepl

OpenMakao is for logfile and port check with free configuration via ini file. OpenMakao is the smaller opensource version of Makao. It has also a function to generate Nagios services for the cfg file. SMS Balance Checker

Lets you check your SMS balance.
OpenSIPs memory check

Plugis checks memory usage (both Shared and Private memory allocation) of OpenSIPs SIP server via XML RPC module.

Read statistics from OpenSips RPC (mi_xmlrpc_ng module) trigger alarms based in your preferences and return performace data.

Checks an OpenVPN management server on a remote (or local) host. Written in PHP.
OpenVPN connnected users

Check for connected users via SNMPD on the OpenVPN host. No need to enable the OpenVPN management and/or introduce new checks on the Nagios server.
OpenVZ Bean Counters Nagios Script

A script designed to be executed on an OpenVZ host machine, which allows Nagios to monitor /proc/user_beancounters to see if resource limits have been reached. By Kyle Brandt.

OpsGenie is a cloud-based service for dev & ops teams, providing reliable alerts notifications through multiple channels (email, SMS, phone calls, iOS & Android push notifications, group chat etc.), on-call schedule management and escalations. OpsGenie in ...

How do you monitor Nagios to ensure it's operational? Using this plugin, Nagios sends periodic heartbeat messages to OpsGenie service, and if OpsGenie does not receive heartbeat messages for a configurable time period, appropriate people can be notified v ...
OpsMgr Framework

Scripts and tools to allow the communication between MS System Center Operations Manager 2007 (SCOM 2007) and Nagios.
Oracle Logs

Checking Oracle logs. Oracle_cx should be installed.
Oracle Plugin Install

This document describes how to install Oracle plugins in Nagios XI and how to configure your environment to utilize the Oracle plugins to monitor Oracle databases with Nagios XI. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who wish to ...
Oracle Server Wizard

Wizard for streamlining the monitoring of Oracle Servers that is designed to be used in conjunction with Nagios XI.
Oracle tablespace check

This is a tablespace-check for oracle databases. The check first gathers all tablespaces in an oracle database, then checks every tablespace against the given trigger-levels.
Oracle Tablespace Wizard

This wizard is made to streamline the monitoring of your Oracle tablesspaces.
Oracle writeaccess

This plugin checks if it is possible to write to an Oracle database instance.
Organizing Nagios Config Files

This short tutorial will show you how to organize your Nagios config files.

Osesm is a GTK+ frontend for Nagios. Osesm provides configuration wizards and drag and drop support.
Ossec Alert Mail check

This script checks the main OSSEC mail box and look for alerts with priority >= 10.
Ossec Alerts reporter

verifies for ossec's news alert at every check and reports them
OU Presence Check

# Check_AD_OU Check if a computer is present in an OU (Using for default OU Computers in my case)
OverHTTP 0.15

OverHTTP is a Nagios plugin that provides a way to check services remotely over the HTTP protocol. The plugin is developed by Douglas Christopher Wilson.
Overland Storage Neo Series

A plugin to monitor overland Storage Neo Series libraries.
OWL energy monitor to nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to monitor a CM160 owl energy monitor in nagios.
owncloud quota monitoring

This plugins consists of 2 parts. A PHP file that needs to be put on the owncloud server and a script you need to run on your nagios box. the howto is included in the fileset

Monitor status of ozeki sms gateway service by snmp query