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Cassandra unreachable nodes

#This Plug-in monitors the Unreachable nodes in Cassandra Ring; using nodetool ring command
Cellwatch Battery Monitoring

Version 2.1 adds --temperature, --cell, and --string options. NAME check_cellwatch - Pull and evaluate data from two tables displayed on the main Cellwatch Monitoring system webpage at http://IP/System =head1 VERSION ...
Ceph health plugin

The 'ceph health' Nagios plugin will monitor the health of your ceph cluster. The plugin allows to specify a client user id and keyring to execute the plugin as user 'nagios' (or other)
Certificate Expiration Check

This Plugin written in Powershell monitors certificates on a Windows server and warns you before certificates are about to expire. You run the script through NSClient++. The plugin is a part of Nelmon, if you download the entire package the nm-check-ce ...
Certificate Health PowerShell Module with Nagios

The Certificate Health PowerShell module allows you to evaluate the certificates installed on your local system for expiration and deprecated signature algorithms. Using the included functions you can get certificates from the local certificate stores as ...

cfg_map adds a page to the core Nagios GUI that maps out your objects in your .cfg files.
You get a quick hierarchical map of object relationships:
use hostgroups servicegroups contacts
plugins commands timeperiods f ...
Changing Default Passwords In Nagios Fusion

The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on changing the default passwords for an existing Nagios Fusion installation to ensure a safe and secure monitoring environment. This includes changing the passwords for the Linux root user and the user a ...
Changing Host Alive Check In XI

This is a brief tutorial on how to change the host "Alive" check and give a brief introduction on Nagios's templating system.
Changing Initial Virtual Machine Credentials

A video tutorial taking you through the steps of changing initial passwords on the Nagios XI virtual machine and finding its IP address.
Note: The commands and steps described in this video are listed at the bottom of the page for easy reference.
Changing the Cacti Admin Password

A video tutorial that shows you how to login to Cacti and change the admin password. NOTE: As of Nagios 2009R1.1 release, Cacti is no longer pre-configured on the XI virtual machine.
Changing The XI System Time

This document describes how to change the system date, time, and timezone on the Nagios XI virtual machine, or a physical server running CentOS. It is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators.
Changing the XI Virtual Machine Network Configuration

By default the Nagios XI virtual machine is set to obtain an IP address via DHCP. If you need to use a static IP, or change the DNS name for the machine, you'll need to run a special configuration tool.

Bash script to call hping3 (or hping2) to send a TCP SYN ping to any port with a TCP service on the host. Useful when ICMP is not available

Check smart attributes via the smartmontools. This is an extension to the original work of "fuler" found at based on the logic of check_smart_attributes plugi ...
Check TL-ER5120 CPU Usage

Simple plugin for monitoring cpu usage of TL-ER5120 router using telnet and expect.
check - Alcatel OmniTouch Suite

This Nagios Plugin checks if all services which will be launched through the /etc/init.d/icsd start Skript are running.
check .ar domains expiration date

Check .ar (Argentinian) domains expiration date.
Check .pl domains expiration date

Checks .pl (Polish) domains. Triggers warning when domain is about to expire. Usage ./check_domain_pl.php -d [-c days_critical] [-w days_warning]
Check /etc/init.d/$script_name status

This is a nagios plug-in to check the output or exit status or an application (designed for /etc/init.d scripts, but could work with any script). If you just call it with a -s /path/script it will run the script with a 'status' argument and check the out ...
Check 2008 Remote Desktop Services Per User CALs Remain...

This VBscript runs on the remote server via NSClient/NRPE and returns the remaining number of available Server 2008 Remote Desktop Services Per User CALs.
Check 3Gstore Remote Power Outlet

Do you have a 3Gstore 2 Outlet Remote Power Switch? Monitor it with Nagios! You can also turn outlets on, or off; toggle their current state; or reset. A must have if you have remote devices that you want to automatically power cycle if they become unr ...
Check Active Directory Accounts

Check for Active Directory Accounts using powershell through NRPE / nsclient++: -Account Disabled -Account Expired -Account Expiring -Account Inactive -Locked Out -Password Expired -Password Never Expires Provide performance data to have graph ...
Check Active Directory Sync

PowerShell script to check AD Replication and Sysvol status in a DC Server and returns Nagios output and exit code.
Check Active Snapshot on vSphere

You will receive a message with the list of active snapshot from more than 1 days
Check Admin Up Oper Down

Check Admin Up Oper down uses SNMP to find interfaces which are enabled (no shutdown), but are still operationally down. It then reports an issue and lists the interfaces in the down state.
Check AIX Disk IO

Plugin shows IO consumption on your certain AIX server for defined list of disks.
Check AIX Filesystem via SNMP

Check the filesystem aix by name via snmp - bash script
Check AIX Last Update

Plugin calculates number of days since last success update on your AIX server.
Check all disks on a Windows server

Check usage on all drives on a Windows server in one plugin.
Check All Logical Disks

Enumerates all local partitions and checks warning and critical levels.
Check all system disks via ssh with check_disks

Linux check_disk is based on the df results and supports multiple file systems (FS) analysis. Can be integrated without install anything in the remote server with the ssh_pair exchange, and has been tested on Suse, Debian, Centos and RedHat distributi ...
Check All4xxx

Checks the values from the XML interface of the ALL4x00 device. This plugin is written in php
Check amount queued emails on Virtuozzo

NRPE plugin for checking the amount of emails in a postfix Queue on each container The output will display the CTID and the amount of emails in the queue and has thresholds for Warning/Critical. E.g: CRITICAL: 5624950:4472
Check an IIS Application pool state

This plugin checks for the state of an IIS application pool.
Check And Graph DataOut From Network Interface

Bash script to graph the network bytes out from eth0.
Check any file age from directory

This plugin checks if any of the files from the specified directory has breached the aging threshold. it checks the individual file's created time against current system time. If the maximum age of any file is exceeded, a critical message is returned. ...
Check any zombie processes over machine

A shell script that checks chrome zombie processes (which exists over 30 minutes) within machines process list - including docker!
Recieves arguments:
$1 = process name to check
$2 = Warning level
$3= Critical level
Check AP (acces point) under a MSM 760 series (like MSM...

Check AP (access point) under a MSM 760 series (like MSM765) controller and notify if some AP are not connected/sync and give some informations about them. Usage: -H IPCONTROLLER -C snmpcommunity -AP name_of_the_acces_point_th ...
Check AP on WS5000 Symbol Switch

Checks if a Action Point on WS5000 Switch is okay (Name as a input). (through SNMP).
Check Apache Balancer Member

Checks the status of balancer workers through the balancer manager page. The check goes critical if there are no enabled/valid workers or if there are workers in the Err state.
Check Apache Load

This plugin checks the CPU percentage used by the Apache process.
Check Apache Requests

This plugin checks the number of requests per second handled by the apache process.
Check Apache Slow Requests

Plugin removed and no longer supported !
check apache website

This plugin checks the amount of access to your server since the past X minutes activity using apache log file. This plugin is able to select website or Ip source to check/ignore Here is the different options -i, --delay=STRING how many access ...
Check APC EMS Device

Shell script that uses snmpget to monitor an APC Environmental Monitoring Device.
Check APC PowerChute battery replace status

Simple bash script to check battery replace status via snmp from powerchute

This is a fork of the original from layerthree (
It extends the capabilities and it was modeled to monitor a SYMMETRA APC UPS, however it can support a wid ...
Check APC UPS via SNMP when connected to Synology DSM v...

Nagios Plugin to check the current status of an APC Back UPS (Battery level and Load)