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Category: Java Applications and Servers
Nagios plugins for monitoring Java apps and application servers.
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ActiveMQ Checks in python

Fork of, this plugin adds the "QUEUEAGE" check, which controls the age of the oldest message in a queue. Checks are done via Jolokia REST interface, with some fallbacks to JSP Admin page. Implemented in Pyth ...
ActiveMQ Nagios Plugin

Monitor Apache ActiveMQ's health, queuesizes and subscribers. The plugin makes use of the Jolokia REST interface, is written in Python and is based on the nagiosplugin Python library.

This nagios check will check if your queues have consumers and the number of items on the queue is within configured limits. Limits can be specified with crontab-like entries on a per-queue basis. If no specific rule is present for a queue, a defaul ...
Cassandra GC Collection

#This Plug-in monitors Cassandra ConcurrentMarkSweep Garbage Collection happening in particuler duration ; # This take four parameters as input # 1) -d Duration within which the count needs to be monitores (in seconds ) # 2) -f Log file location of c ...
Cassandra GC Collection - Time taken

#This Plug-in monitors Cassandra ConcurrentMarkSweep Garbage Collection happening in particuler duration ; # This take four parameters as input # 1) -d Duration within which the count needs to be monitores (in seconds ) # 2) -f Log file location of c ...
Cassandra number of nodes (live) in Ring

This Plug-in monitors the Cassandra Cluster for number of nodes Up and running.
Cassandra number of pending operations in tpstats

This Plugin Checks the number of pending operations in tpstat and if the pending operations across all Stages are greater than provided thresholds it generates an alert.
Cassandra number of read and write operations in a give...

This Plug-in monitors Cassandra number of read and write operations in a given time period, i.e. Read operations per second / write Operations per second. it fetches WriteOperations or ReadOperations from Nagios JMX plugin and stores the values with ti ...
Cassandra unreachable nodes

#This Plug-in monitors the Unreachable nodes in Cassandra Ring; using nodetool ring command
Check Cassandra status and heap memory utilization

Monitors Cassandra status and heap memory utilization.

ActiveMQ monitoring script.

This is a checker which need to be run on your ActiveMQ-Host for persistent Queue length. It is written in Bash and uses activemq's commandline-interface 'activemq-admin bstat' to gather information. It is called via nrpe. Please also read the sourcecod ...

This active mq check script is looking for pending messages. It´s a shell script, just using the binary stuff that apache active mq is providing. Little slow, but does it´s job + sends performance data. Usage is: ./ , e.g. ./check_amq ...

Nagios plugin to check CAS authentication ( (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col... Popular

Checks Cassandra cluster balance of tokens across nodes

* Software requirements cassandra(using nodetool) * overview - verify that the number of live nodes which belong to Multi Cluster is less than the specified number. - it is enable to specify the threshold with "-w " and "-c " option. - fetch the nu ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Check Heap used on a Cassandra node (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle... Popular

Checks Cassandra clusters nodes, alerts on dead/down nodes, gathers statistics perfdata on different node states for graphing (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Checks Cassandra's threadpool statistics, alerts on pending/blocking operations, gathers statistics on Active/Pending/Blocked/Dropped operations perfdata for graphing.

Extended check for Apache Hadoop hdfs. Checks for dead nodes, unreplicated blocks, full hdfs datastore, and supports performancegraphing of these and several more things

Improved script to check apache hadoop jobtracers. Will parse the admin-webpage, and check number of trackers, blacklisted nodes, heap size and more. Will output performancedata for nodes, blacklisted nodes, running jobs (map and reduce), capacity jobs ...

Allows to check the health of Java applications through JMX. Includes checks for Heap Memory usage, Non-Heap Memory usage, usage of various memory pools, number of loaded classes, number of threads, number and time of Garbage Collector runs.

This plugin can be used to capture JavaMelody Data in Nagios.

This plugin is meant to analyze every java process running locally and take metrics about which state each thread of this process has. It can (or can not) output a nagios-like output formatting for chart creation, and can also save automatically the threa ...

This plugin is able to check a JMX plan. You're now able to use a scenario to check your web server. This plugin is inspired by the work of Travis Noll (

check_jmx4perl is a Nagios Plugin for monitoring JEE Server via JMX. It uses an agent based approach where the plugin accesses a special servlet deployed on a JEE Server. check_jmx4perl has been tested on a multitude of JEE Servers.

JMXEval is a really flexible plugin for monitoring Java applications using JMX. Instead of just checking just an attribute of an MBean, JMXEval allows you to query multiple MBean attributes as well as results of MBean method invocations, and also perform ...

A Nagios plugin to get memory statistics of a Java application using jstat

Check the number of rows in your SOLR index. We have found that we would occasionally have a bad update and our overall rowcount would drop significantly due to a mistake we made or some server failures. This plugin will check for the total row count and ...

Ruby script to check a Solr 1.4 replication slave against a master.

Check replication lag on a solr slave. Works with solr 3.6

DO NO USE THIS - This plugin checks the number of active sessions of a specific context or total sessions number on the server.
Hadoop Blacklisted Nodes

This plug in checks the Hadoop Blacklisted Nodes from the the Job Tracker web UI page i.e. The plugin returns Critical alarm - if Not able to access the Job Tracker Status Page, Warning alarm - one or more node got black ...
IBM Connections plugins

Nagios Plugins for IBM Connections These Nagios Plugins can be used to monitor an IBM Connections environment.
jmeter invocation plugin II

This script is a rebuild of another jmeter plugin that invokes an Apache JMeter (available from test plan and parses the results, which are returned to Nagios per plugin API defined exit statuses and performance data.

The java program to check JMX and can be used with AppFirst collector to make one connection to JMX and get all the metrics at one time.

JNRPE aims to be the best solution to create and execute Nagios JAVA plugins. JNRPE is compatible with check_nrpe and can be used to execute both the old native Nagios plugins and the new Java Nagios plugins. Since it uses the NRPE protocol to communicate ...
Nagios plugin for Alfresco

This package contains a Nagios Java plugin to check via JMX values to Alfresco Enterprise 3.2 and above. Contains more than 15 checks. It supports performance data to graph results of checks with pnp4nagios. More information:

Some up-to-date SOLR check! Can check 3 things - Ping - Replication delay - Compare (check if server contains same cores are another server)
Syabru Nagios JMX Plugin

Nagios JMX plugin to retrieve and monitor runtime data from Java VM's and other applications supporting JMX. The plugin supports Nagios performance data and operation invocation on MBeans for resetting statistical data or counters. It also supports regula ...