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Category: Windows NRPE
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A modification of the autoIT Timer Plugin that is designed to check the load time of a specific program in Windows.
Basic NRPE_NT Plugins

The plugins are DOS programs written in C/C++ The nrpe_nt service calls these plug-ins and they return the following status on exit with a status string for information printed to stdout.
Check Active Directory Accounts

Check for Active Directory Accounts using powershell through NRPE / nsclient++: -Account Disabled -Account Expired -Account Expiring -Account Inactive -Locked Out -Password Expired -Password Never Expires Provide performance data to have graph ...
Check Disk

Check_disk is a plugin that will return the Total, Free and Used space in MB/GB And % of a given drive.
Check Dummy

Check_dummy is a plugin that will simply return the state corresponding to the numeric value of the state argument.
Check Eventlog 2

It will check every Eventlog-Event that is generated on the system.
Check Filecount

This plugin will count the number of files that are in a particular directory path, and then return OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL depending on the values that you set for the allowable number of files.
Check for Windows Updates

A simple check to see if there are windows updates pending on the checked machine.
Check free disk space

Check free space on windows partitions. It tries to resemble as much as possible with check_disk from the Official Nagios Plugin package. ** Modified Barry W. Alder 2013/09/24 changed code so that an error is reported if no disks are found with th ...
Check Group

This script is intended to provide a 'Audit' check of group membership on the local machine, or Domain groups if located on a DC.
Check Hyper-V 2012 health - BPA & VM

Check Hyper-V health through NRPE by: -Executing and retrieving BPA Results -Checking not running VM -Checking not operational normally VM Warning and Critical state are triggered on sum of: -Number of BPA issues -Number of VM in bad shape You ...
Check Microsoft Windows Disk Load

Check MS Windows disk load by using this Powershell script to get all disk load related counters from Windows Performance Manager, computing averages for all gathered samples and calculating read / write rate, number of reads / writes, read / write latenc ...
Check Microsoft Windows Updates

Query number of pending WSUS updates and last successful update installation date on a Windows host and alert based on the amount of days the server had no updates.
Check Performance Monitor

Grabs values from Performance Monitor Counter. VBScript, calls typeperf.exe to get results. Code is sloppy, but free to use as needed.
Check Repadmin

Checks the output of repadmin /showreps for errors.
Check Replication

Update an object and a file in ADS with the script "".
Check Roles

Checks wether the server knows all its 5 roles using dumpfsmos.
Check ServiceAuto

This plugin checks in what state a list of defined services are. Will return Critical if any of the services has stopped.
Check Services 2

Checks whether certain services are running.
Check Textsearch

This plugin will do a text search inside of a file that you specify. If the text that you are searching for is found, then the script will return OK.
check Windows certificates health

Check installed certificates in Windows store using powershell through NRPE / nsclient++: -My store (machine) -Root store -CA store -Auth store -SharePoint store You can specify number of days before expiring, and threshold for warning / critica ...
Check Windows NLB Node States

This script will check the state of each NLB node in a cluster . It will return WARNING if any node is in a Converging state, CRITICAL if any node is in a Stopped state and OK if all nodes are in a Converged state.
Check Windows time against AD or target

Check local time against a provided source or AD(autodetect) or through NRPE / nsclient++. Windows Server that are not DC can't be tested through NTP by default. This powershell script is executed locally and compare time with w32tm tool ...
Check Windows Updates

A check to see: - how many updates are available? - how many important and optional updates are available? - if system is awaiting for rebooting after installing updates
check windows updates 3

Program build from the precedent check windows updates on nagios exchange by fooky and coxwal
Check Windows Updates using Powershell

Powershell script to check windows updates using NRPE/NSClient++ Checks: - how many critical and optional updates are available - whether the system is waiting for reboot after installed updates

Nagios plugin to check active directory, checkdc.vbs is a script that performs the checks done by dcdiag.exe and parse its output to a nagios format. Right now its a limited script, no arguments and wont allow to select what to check. It basicly runs this ...
check_adaptecraid for NRPE_NT

Check status of Adaptec 2400A RAID using Adaptec Storage Manager Pro command "raidutil.exe"

Script to check if your selected Domain Controller owns the FSMO roles you specify.

Check if a Com+ appliaction is running or not. This is a powershell script. so rember to set external scripts in nsclient.ini like this: check_complus=cmd /c echo scriptscheck-complus.ps1 "$ARG1$"; exit $LastExitCode | powershell.exe -command - U ...
check_dell_aacraid for NRPE_NT

Check status of Dell RAID array using Dell PERC 2 utility "afacli.exe"