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Plugin checks operation of the EIGRP protocol and displays a list of current neighbors. Information is obtained via SNMP. (Advanced N...

Checks the difference in max disk % space used between Elasticsearch nodes in a cluster (Advanced ...

Checks max shard imbalance in number of shards between Elasticsearch nodes in a cluster (Advanced Nagios P...

Checks Elasticsearch cluster stats
check_elasticsearch_health (edouard.lamoine)

Check the elasticsearch cluster health (local or remote) by connecting to it's status page.
Tested under Ubuntu 10 (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Checks a given Elasticsearch index exists and optionally wasn't (re)created less than N days ago. Also prints the index's UUID (Advanced Nagi...

Checks the disk % space used on a given Elasticsearch node in a cluster (Advanced Nagios Plu...

Checks the number of shards assigned to a given Elasticsearch node in a cluster (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks the stats for a given Elasticsearch node

Check all ES indices have more than $min_replica_count replicas
Check more:

Make sure ES indices have enough shards. Check more: (Advanced Na...


It check the no. of instances attached in ELB (Elastic Load Balancer). In case no. of instances in ELB are not matching with desired no. instances. It will send Critical alert. You can modify the script as per your requirement. Install aws-cli package ...

A little perl plugin to check the Sensatronics environmental monitor EM1!

This plugin logs into a POP3 or POP3 over SSL (POP3s) account and reports the age (in hours) of the oldest messages in the mailbox.
Performance data is available.

Package of 4 plugins: check_smtp_send, check_imap_receive, check_imap_quota, and check_email_delivery. The check_email_delivery plugin uses the included plugins (or any other plugin you specify) to check on a complete email loop. SMTP, IMAP plugins al ...

A check plugin which sends emails via SMTP and expects them to arrive in a defined POP3 email account. Using an external mail forward this script enables you to assert basic functionality of sending & receiving emails.

Check for matching email subject using imap and NTLM Updated to fix SSL connectivity.

This plugin checks the state of an EMC Clariion system via navicli and naviseccli maintained by BuddhaBob74

This plugin allows you to monitor an EMC CLARiiON SAN.
You can monitor the following components of the SAN:
* Storage Processors = Status of each SP
* Storage Processors Information = Gets information on the SP (SP ID, Agent Revision, FLARE Revision, ...

Modification of original check to provide capability to check EMC VNX 5600 disk array. Difference with CX and VNX5500 on HotSpare flag. Not existing on VNX5600. HotSpare disk is flagged "Unbound" instead of "HotSpare".

# check_emc_rlp
Nagios compatible plugin to check if there are free LUNs remaining in the RLP (Reserved LUN Pool).
This allows you to avoid running out of free space for snapshot differential blocks, which will freeze your snapshot (and break your da ...

A Nagios plugin that checks the health of your SAN through EMC Unisphere. - automate a website navigation - automate a website navigation using a simple configuration file.

Ensemble has a standard service available for use built into it, EnsLib.TCP.ServiceStatus. When included in your production, the service listens on a socket and parses an incoming string to determine what type of production status information is being req ...

Checks or list the entitySensorMIB. I use it to check temperature on proocurve switches. ./ -H myswitch -s 11 -w 25 -c 30 -p check_entPhySensor OK - Sensor: 11, Chassis Temperature is 22 (C)| Chassis-Temperature=22C

Check for new entries in an existing MySQL database in a specified time interval.
check_entropy (ux)

This plugin reads /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail and returns the available entropy (perfdata included). It warns on dropping below the specified thresholds.
check_eplus - Cost control for your mobiles at eplus

This plugin informs you before your phone bill is getting too expensive.

This is a plugin to monitor a Dell Equallogic storage device with Nagios. Its written in shell so it should run on almost all Linux/Unix based systems. It's using SNMP (v2) to query the informations from the Equallogic device. To be able to use the script ...

This script check a subnet looking for machines that are not monitored with nagios

check vmware esg health via nsx rest api [PERL]

Nagios plugin to check availability of ESPHome devices. Checks if the ESPHome device is online
check_essential_processes (windows)

check_essential_processes takes a space-separated list of processes and returns critical if any are not running. This is written in perl, so requires a perl environment to run. It runs great under tinyperl, and my preferred use is to compile before de ...
check_essential_services (windows)

check_essential_services takes a string of services and returns critical if any are not running. It is written in perl, and works fine with tinyperl. I put my scripts (compiled first) and the tinyperl environment in nsclient++/scripts/perl

Check CPU, Memory, Network, and VM Status on a VMWare ESX virtual server, via SNMP. Also support for MRTG querying, and listing VMs/interfaces. V2.3 fixes minor problems triggered by the Nagios 2 embedded perl compiler.

A Nagios plugin that checks HP Proliant hardware raid via the VMWare ESXCLI tool on ESXi servers with the HP Util Blunde installed (hpacucli namespace enabled). This is based on the check_hparray plugin but with the checking order corrected in order t ...

check_esxi_hardware (formerly known as check_esx_wbem) is an open source monitoring plugin to monitor the hardware of ESXi (and previously ESX) servers. It queries the CIM (Common Information Model) server running on the ESXi server to retrieve the curren ...

This addons check hp Smart Array E200i status on ESXi server through ssh connection. It's written in PHP.

This perl script check the state of the Virtual Machines defined on an ESX server.

This plugin will catch CPU Cores Load via SNMP the from an VMWare ESXi Server, tested with VMware ESXi, 6.7.0 Model: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 64 Cores Current Version Supports unimited CPU Cores. Cpu load value checked by the script is the average ...

Check the capacity/ usage of vsphere Datastores.

This plugin will catch used and free Datastore space via SNMP from an VMWare ESX Server, tested with VMware ESXi, 6.7.0
Model: ProLiant BL460c Gen8 32 Cores.
check_esx_datastore_snmp V2 & V3

Basically I took existing check_esx_datastore_snmp and modified it to be able to work with VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 15160138 and VMware ESXi, 7.0.2, 17867351 Original script link: ...

This plugin will catch used and free RAM memory via SNMP the from an VMWare ESX Server, tested with VMware ESXi, 6.7.0 Model: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 64 Cores Make sure that the script is fetiching the right DATA. You can test it with the following ...

This script allows you to check the vmfs volumes of your VMware ESX environment (akin to check_disk); includes a working pnp4nagios template. It only works up to ESX 3.5, and hasn't been updated yet. If you want this to work for a newer version of ESX, ...
check_es_system ElasticSearch + OpenSearch monitoring Popular

This is a monitoring plugin to check the status of an ElasticSearch or OpenSearch cluster or single node.

This plugins monitor realtime traffic on linux server interface on any distribution centos,redhat,debian etc . In old version by joseph stats are calculated wrong way not realtime but after my changes it will monitor your stats realtime transfer rate of i ...

Checks the temperature of the environment using the ATAL Ethernetprobe2 using SNMP An example: Monitoring the temerature of the serverroom For comments or feature request, please post a comment below

Check media settings in Linux using ethtool. Automatically figures out interface name and expected speed if not given. Assumes full duplex is desired. Can check for autonegotiate.