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Check Cisco Devices

Checks various statistics for different Cisco devices including switches and firewalls.
Check Cisco DSL SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)

This plugin will allow you to check the remote SNR on your Cisco DSL router. This works the reverse of the check_snmp plugin as it gives alerts when the value is low since you want to have a high value for your SNR.
Check Cisco DSL-Line

This is a Nagios Plugin to check the dsl line of Cisco-Routers. The Plugin will collect the following line data (up- / download): * SNR in dB * Data Rate in bps * Attenuation Rate in dB * Output-Power in dBm * Correctable Blocks last 15 Min * Unc ...
Check Cisco for crash info files

Checks Cisco file-system for crash files using SNMP.
Check Cisco FRU Fan

Checks fan status on a CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB compliant device (Cisco Catalyst switches, routers, ASA, MDS 9000 series, ...).
Check Cisco FRU Module

Checks module status on a CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB compliant device (Cisco Catalyst swithces, routers, ASA, MDS 9000 series, ...).
Check Cisco HSRP State

Check HSRP State of Cisco Routers
Check Cisco Interfaces for errors and drops

Nagios plugin to check all or some network interfaces on a Cisco network device for errors and drops.
Check Cisco MGCP/H323 ISDN Gateway Usage

Shows Cisco MGCP/H323 gateways ISDN/PRI/BRI ports used/free/total.
Check Cisco OSPF Interface

Check OSPF Interface status and re-calculation.
Check Cisco PoE availability (support stacks)

Check the PoE availability of a Cisco switch via SNMP
Check Cisco reliability

Check cisco switch interface for reliability changes
Check Cisco Snmp

Multiple cisco fonction check Modules/ Environement / sensor / stacks / hsrp / ironport
check cisco stack distributed and standard mode

This is a Nagios plugin: Check the state of the redundant stack ring, switches in the stack ring and stackport status via SNMP. Also check stackport distributed mode. Compatible with all switch 2960s 2960x 2960xr 3750 and 3850 with stack Example o ...
Check Cisco Stack status

Check the state of the redundant stack ring, switches in the stack ring and stackport status via SNMP.
Check Cisco switch error disable

Check cisco switch for err-disabled ports
Check Cisco switch half duplex port

Check cisco switch for half duplex ports
Check Cisco VTP mode via SNMP

Check the VTP mode on a Cisco device. Ok if transparent, warning if client and critical if server.
Check Cisco WLAN Connections

Check the number of connections on a Cisco WLAN Controller. this has only been tested on the 7500 model, but should work on others. Make sure and run with -h to get command line arguments that are needed. Early version of script, it does not verify y ...
Check Cisco WLC 5500 Series

Nagios check for WLC 5500 Series
Checks AP´s IPadress , Firmware and users
New Version with SSID Cannel -H(hostname) -C(comunity-string) -v(2c) -w(warning) -c(critical)
Check Cisco WLC Access Points

A plugin to monitor the currently associated Access Points on a Cisco Wireless Lan Controller. It throws an 'Critical' alert if an AP is not found, and e-mails you the name of the AP (or AP's) that were not found associated to the WLC. If it finds an AP ...
Check Citrix NetScaler Health

Citrix NetScaler : Fans, Voltages, Tempertures, HA state & SSL engine state. This script uses SNMP to check hardware based health information contained in Citrix NetScaler Health table nsSysHealthTable.
Check Cohesity

This is a Cohesity Nagios plugin that monitors Cohesity clusters. The plugin has scripts to monitor alerts, meta storage, storage, cluster nodes, unprotected objects and protection runs.
Check Compaq-HP UPS Mode

Checks working mode (online, bypass, offline, ...) on CPQUPS-MIB SNMP compatible Hewlett-Packard (HP) UPS devices.
check complete interface table is a plugin that allows you to monitor one network device (e.g. router, switch, server) without knowing each interface in detail. Only the hostname (or ip address) and the snmp community string are required.
Check condition of Calix ONTs

Using Calix's Management System, this tool will check one or more Calix networks to identify any ONTs that have an error. Output include date, time, location, and customer name. Here's some example output: 02-05 10:02:26 N202-1-14-4-5 (John Smith) Mi ...
Check config / restart script

A simple check/restart script to be located in /usr/local/bin/
Useful when you modify, configure, test and playing around in the cfg files of your nagios installation.
It does the "nagios -v .. check" and if errors found, it will report which cfg f ...
Check connect from windows host.

Simple script for checking tcp/udp connect on windows host. Script uses free utility portqry.exe from Microsoft. Link for downloading inside script. Install. 1) Copy script in your dir (like c:nagios). Download portqry.exe from Microsoft and copy in ...
check connections

It's an update version of the plugin from sjorge i found here. I've change the command from netstat to ss. If you don't add "-l 1" the local connection won't be count.
Check Corosync Rings

Checks the status of Corosync Ring(s).
Check cPanel License

Checks the status of a cPanel license
Check CPU Idle (by Nestor@Toront)

To check CPU Idle and return in %, support Perf Data
Check CPU LOAD using SNMP Popular

This plugin can check CPU load using SNMP v1 queries.
Check CPU Performance

Nagios plugin to check CPU performance statistics. This script has been tested on the following Linux and Unix platforms: RHEL 4, RHEL 5, RHEL 6, CentOS 4, CentOS 5, CentOS 6, SUSE, Ubuntu, Debian, AIX 5, AIX 6, FreeBSD 7, Solaris 8, Solaris 9 and Sol ...
Check CPU Usage

Check CPU Usage via UCD SNMP MIB. Plugin collects values (us,sy,id,wa) within 5 seconds and calculates an average cpu usage value.
Check CPU Usage (by Nestor@Toront)

To check CPU Usage and return in %, support Perf Data
Check CPU Usage Linux

Check CPU Usage plug in.
Check CPU Usage via SNMP

Shell script to check cpu usage via SNMP.
My environment need check overall CPU usage under Linux/Windows system via SNMP (not require NRPE plugin).
Complete with performance data report (can display using pnp system)
Check CPU, Memory and UpTime with WMI

You can check CPU, Memory and Uptime without agent.
Check cpu, men and pagin space for AIX

Plugins AIX to monitore : - cpu (cumul,us,sy,id,wa,pc). - mem (srfr,numperm,pctused). - pagin space.
Check CPUTime

Chkwin_cputime is a plugin for nrpe_nt that returns the used CPU time in %.