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Check CPU LOAD using SNMP Popular

This plugin can check CPU load using SNMP v1 queries.
Check CPU Performance

Nagios plugin to check CPU performance statistics. This script has been tested on the following Linux and Unix platforms: RHEL 4, RHEL 5, RHEL 6, CentOS 4, CentOS 5, CentOS 6, SUSE, Ubuntu, Debian, AIX 5, AIX 6, FreeBSD 7, Solaris 8, Solaris 9 and Sol ...
Check CPU Usage

Check CPU Usage via UCD SNMP MIB. Plugin collects values (us,sy,id,wa) within 5 seconds and calculates an average cpu usage value.
Check CPU Usage (by Nestor@Toront)

To check CPU Usage and return in %, support Perf Data
Check CPU Usage Linux

Check CPU Usage plug in.
Check CPU Usage via SNMP

Shell script to check cpu usage via SNMP.
My environment need check overall CPU usage under Linux/Windows system via SNMP (not require NRPE plugin).
Complete with performance data report (can display using pnp system)
Check CPU, Memory and UpTime with WMI

You can check CPU, Memory and Uptime without agent.
Check cpu, men and pagin space for AIX

Plugins AIX to monitore : - cpu (cumul,us,sy,id,wa,pc). - mem (srfr,numperm,pctused). - pagin space.
Check CPUTime

Chkwin_cputime is a plugin for nrpe_nt that returns the used CPU time in %.
Check CRM

Perl Script that checks the status of a Pacemaker based Cluster using crm_mon.
check curl authenticate

Based on check_curl2 here on Nagios Exchange. Adds support for HTTP basic, digest, gssnegotiate and ntlm authentication. Also you can specify multiple grep strings and it will check for them all.
Check Current Connections

Shell script to check the number of connections/sockets in a given state. Uses iproute2's ss tool to retrieve connections (Linux only).
Check Database Query

Runs query specified in an external file and checks the result against the specified thresholds.
check DATACORE SansynphonyV9 PSP4

Shell Script for check DATACORE SANsynphony v9 PSP4
Mirror State and Volume Status
Check DataDomain

This perl script will monitor Datadomain High-Speed Inline Deduplication Storage Systems and provide "groundwork" like performance data.
check DBF autoextended Oracle

check for dbf autoextended files or for dbf size in tablespace.
check debian packages

This plugin checks if there are debian updates available. If so, it issues a warning, if the packages are from security it raises a critical.
Check Dell MD Performance

check the Dell MD series Storage performance, now can monitor the average IOPS, average MB/s and Read %. Check on the MD3820i
Check Dell Megaraid - PercSNMP controller and drives st...

This is updated and partially rewritten version of John Reuning's check_megaraid which in addition to supporting report of status of logical and physical drives now also checks for medium and other errors. Reporting format is also extended.
Check Dell PERC Array

Using Net::SNMP, this script checks the channel state, global state and disk states of a PERC RAID array on a server running Dell's OpenManage
Check Dell Powerconnect switch

Checks the Dell PowerConnect switches (tested with 2724, 2748, 2848, 3348, 3448 and 6024) Version 1 checks firmware (-t firmware), model (-t model) and uptime (-t uptime). Version 2 checks all of version 1 plus how many ports are up and down (-t por ...
Check Dell Powerconnect switches

This script is used to check the hardware from DELL PC35XX, PC53XX and DELL PC62XX (Gigabit) switches.
Check Dell S-series FTOS switches (former Force10)

Check status of hardware for Dell S-series FTOS switches (former Force10)
Check Dell server power supplies status

Plugin specificly for purposes of checking status of dell server power pupplies via snmp (so you must have openmanage installed on the server)
Check DHCP Server Scope

Check the health status of the scopes on a Microsoft DHCP Server. The script is a VBS that could be executed on the server using NRPE or NSClient++
Check Disk

Check_disk is a plugin that will return the Total, Free and Used space in MB/GB And % of a given drive.
Check disk free multiple drives

This plugin check free space for one or all the drives in a server, in a single check
Check Disk Win2k3 - SNMP

Plugin Nagios via SNMP to check the use of disk in Windows 2003 Server
Check DiskIO via SNMP

Check Disks via UCD-DISKIO MIB. This plugin checks the disk-IO per second of a diskdevice.
Check Disks on HPE MSA 2050

Based on the work of Stephen Bleazard's plugin over at I made some SIMPLE modifications to make it work via SSH in place of Telne ...
Check Diskspace Used by a Mounted Volume

This plugin is designed using Bash script and intended to display the disk space used by the specified mount point or partition or volume. This plugin is created so that 'Performance Gauges' in Nagios XI work properly, showing appropriate 'Warnin ...
Check Diskspace via SNMP

Check Diskspace via SNMP. Plugin uses UCD SNMP MIB (
Check DNS Serial

This check plugin allows you to check if all nameservers that host a DNS zone are up-to-date and deliver the same serial in the SOA-record of the zone.
Check DNS via Powershell

Check DNS as Powershell Script, to be used with NSClient/NSCP Windows DNS-Server parents might be external DNS-Server provided by ISP or google so this upstream connection can be checked with this script
Check Docker

A plugin to check docker containers. Currently supports checking memory restarts status health-check results restarts uptime image version(experimental)
Check drives fragmentation status

Check Windows disks fragmentation status and optionally performs defragmentation. It returns performance counters for each drive.
Check Dummy

Check_dummy is a plugin that will simply return the state corresponding to the numeric value of the state argument.
check dwd unwetterwarnung

This plugins checks for weather warnings in germany with calling DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) for a specific region (you have to look at DWD for your region)
check EdgeRouter 6p

This script allows you to monitor the Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter 6P load, network, and disk space. At the moment only the disk space has warning and critical data, the other ones are just monitor scripts that allow me to see performance data graphics. ...
Check eDirectory LDAP Statistics

Check the number of different searches and errors from your LDAP server.
Check Elasticsearch indexing/sec

Check Elasticsearch Total Number of Documents

Checks the total number of documents stored in Elasticsearch.