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Check an IIS Application pool state

7 votes
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Check an IIS Application pool state
This plugin checks for the state of an IIS application pool.
This plugin was tested on a Windows Server 2003 R2 box running IIS v6.
NSclient++ v0.3.5 was used as the Nagios agent on the server.

Update: if you need the same plugin but for IIS 7, have a look to the plugin "Check IIS 7 Application Pool State" by Nicolas Bressan.

-- Usage (local machine only) --

check_iis_apppool_state.vbs pool_name

pool_name - The name of the application pool (ex: DefaultAppPool).

It returns:

- OK if state is running.
- CRITICAL if state is stopped.
- WARNING if state is stopping or starting.
- UNKNOWN for all the others (app pool not found, etc...).

-- Nagios Agent configuration (NSC.INI) --

Copy this file into the "scripts" directory of your NSclient++ installation.
Add the following line to your NSC.INI file, section "NRPE_Handlers":

check_iis_apppool_state=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 scriptscheck_iis_apppool_state.vbs $ARG1$

Then restart NSclient++ service.
Create a command in Nagios to execute this.
Reviews (5)
How can I configure this plugin to be used with NCPA Agent on Windows Server
If script vbs works for you but you cannot invoke from nagios using check_nrpe or directly from config file please uncomment following lines in NSC.ini and restart nsclient++ service:
bychris@justice, January 12, 2014

I have no idea how to create the command for this script. How do I do this? I have searched everywhere but did not find the answer.
how to Create a command in Nagios to execute this??
bySukhjeet, June 19, 2010
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I'm able to use this command and configure it but I'm unable to call it through windows.cfg.

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 60 -c check_iis_site -a "$ARG1$"

./check_nrpe -H -t 60 -p 5666 -c check_iis_apppool_state -a DefaultAppPool

Please share the configuration using which I can call it in windows.cfg as well..!!