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Category: Telephony

Nagios plugins for monitoring telephony hardware, software, and services (i.e. Asterisk and PBX stuff).

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There are 25 Listings in this Category.List your addon or plugin here!

check - Alcatel OmniTouch Suite

This Nagios Plugin checks if all services which will be launched through the /etc/init.d/icsd start Skript are running.

Check Asterisk's Channels duration

This plugin checks Asterisk channels for defined duration and hangs up the channel if duration exceeded from the critical value. More plugins and latest commits can be accessed at https://github.com/azharkhn/nagios-plugins


Check CISCO Call Manager - IP phones and gateways

Check CCM CISCO Call Manager via SNMP. Get status of IP phones and ATA186 gateways.


Check mumur voice server (mumble)


Checks through dbus if murmur is running and shows connected users

Check rtpproxy


This check queries a rtpproxy http://www.rtpproxy.org/ media relay and checks that it is responding on its control ports. If the rtpproxy responds then the check reports the current number of sessions and media streams, how long it took to respond to the ...


Check RTPProxy Media


For the latest version(s) visit the GitHub source This script queries an rtpproxy and reports the active sessions, active streams, sessions created and (if supported by your version) the number of additional possible calls. It also correctly detects f ...


Check Sip Options


This plugin was created due to issues where Sipsak locks up when the proxy on the other end is not reachable. In addition this plugin has several features not found in other SIP OPTIONS check plugins. You can choose to accept any SIP packet as a vali ...


Check Voipcredit

This script checks your voip(buster) account credit and generates a warning or critical if you want to.

check_asc (voice recording)

check_asc (voice recording) The script will check your ASC Marathon Evolution voice recording system. The script has been tested against version 10.00.14. In order to run it, you must order the the EMAIL/SNMP license at ASC (see http://www.asctelecom.com). Otherwise, it won't wo ...




This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check the number of Asterisk channels of specified type.




This plugin checks the error logs of AVAYA S8xxx media servers through Avaya's SNMP agent with G3-AVAYA-MIB. It returns the port, date, time and alert names that have been recorded for server and communication manager logs.



check_avaya_load This plugin checks the CPU load of AVAYA S8xxx media servers, accessing Avaya's SNMP agent. It has been tested with our S8730 Media Servers running G3-AVAYA-MIB Version 5.1.1.




Avaya S8xxx media servers provide call peak information through Avaya's SNMP agents g3-mib for data, voice, srv, media and overall call peak values. These are collected in hourly periods, so the published data is always refering to the last hour of operat ...



This plugin checks the call usage of PBX trunks on AVAYA VOIP S8xxx media servers, accessing Avaya's SNMP agent running with G3-AVAYA-MIB Version 5.1.1. It returns the current number of active trunk lines compared to the total number of lines. They are ch ...



This Plugin was developed by oliskibbe at gmail.com (Oliver Skibbe) This plugin is written in php and requires php_snmp Required: @nagios: - packages: php-cli, php5-snmp @beronet: - Firmware > 2.x - SNMP activated Usage: check_beronet ip ...

check_iax plugin


Plugin check_iax allows system administrators to monitor IAX/IAX2 devices and servers.


check_mumur.py checks for murmurd via dbus free for non-commercial use




A nagios check plugin for Starface Appliances. You can call it on your Starface via ssh or by SNMP


This program checks your Teamspeak server. This program connects to the port on 51234 (tcp) and tests the virtual server with the indicated port. by Firdor



pluging to check the status of zaptel devices, mainly used in asterisk pbxs

Nagios plugin for checking various parameters on a Free...

check_freeswitch_health.pl is a plugin for Nagios that checks various health parameters on a FreeSWITCH server. It takes advantage of the fs_cli FreeSWITCH command-line tool. It may be extended to check practically anything that fs_cli can check.


OpenSIPs memory check


Plugis checks memory usage (both Shared and Private memory allocation) of OpenSIPs SIP server via XML RPC module.



Read statistics from OpenSips RPC (mi_xmlrpc_ng module) trigger alarms based in your preferences and return performace data.


Siemens HiPath 3000 Series check

Nagios plugin for checking Siemens HiPath 3000 Series PBX via SNMP



Nagios Plugin to check Call Quality in SIP VoIP (compatible with checkmk, etc) sipnagios implements the Nagios plugin API for monitoring and performance data. sipnagios.c is a modification of the original siprtp.c sample in pjproject distribution. S ...
