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check apache website

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This plugin checks the amount of access to your server since the past X minutes activity using apache log file.
This plugin is able to select website or Ip source to check/ignore

Here is the different options
-i, --delay=STRING
how many access since X . Default value : 1_hour .
-W, --website=STRING
website page to monitor, at least a part of it.
Ip which you want to monitor , can be a list separed by comm
Ip which you want to ignore, can be a list separed by comma

This plugin use the /var/log/apache/access.log file to get his data so it's have to be run as root.
This plugin is very long : it parse every single line of the log file.
This plugin checks the web access to your server activity using apache log file

Usage: check_apache_access -w -c -i [ -W , -I ,-N , - f ]

-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. See http://nagiosplugins.org/extra-opts
for usage and examples.
-i, --delay=STRING
how many access since X . Default value : 1_hour .
value must be number_[minute,hour,day]
WARNING : since this program use the apache access files a too long delay MAY give false data because of the compressed and rotated files
Exemple " check access.pl -C web -i 90_minute " will check the number of access to the apache2 server since 1.30 hour
-W, --website=STRING
website page to monitor, at least a part of it.
Ip which you want to monitor , can be a list separed by comma
Exemple " check_access.pl -C web -I " will count the number of access to the apache2 server from
Ip which you want to ignore, can be a list separed by comma
Exemple " check_access.pl -C web -N " will count the number of access to the apache2 server from all host except
-f, --file=STRING
full path to the access log .Default /var/log/apache/access.log
-w, --warning=STRING
Warning threshold
-c, --critical=STRING
Critical threshold
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)