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Check AIX Disk IO
Plugin shows IO consumption on your certain AIX server.
You have to define your warning, critical thresholds by your own and disk list to be monitored. The most important thing is that you can have chart about usage if you integrate into some Nagios add-on like pnp4nagios.
Usage: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_aix_disk_io -d comma_separated_disk_list -w warning -c critical
Plugin needs NRPE to be executed remotely. If you decide to define plugin to be executed with arguments over NRPE you have to enable arguments in nrpe.cfg.
command[check_aix_disk_io]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_aix_disk_io -d $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
Usage example over NRPE:
# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -u -H server1 -n -c check_disk_io -a 'hdiskpower1,hdiskpower2,hdiskpower3' 80 90
You have to define your warning, critical thresholds by your own and disk list to be monitored. The most important thing is that you can have chart about usage if you integrate into some Nagios add-on like pnp4nagios.
Usage: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_aix_disk_io -d comma_separated_disk_list -w warning -c critical
Plugin needs NRPE to be executed remotely. If you decide to define plugin to be executed with arguments over NRPE you have to enable arguments in nrpe.cfg.
command[check_aix_disk_io]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_aix_disk_io -d $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
Usage example over NRPE:
# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -u -H server1 -n -c check_disk_io -a 'hdiskpower1,hdiskpower2,hdiskpower3' 80 90
Reviews (2)
iostat -d hdisk4 1 1
System configuration: lcpu=4 drives=3 paths=6 vdisks=2
Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtn
hdisk4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
tps is the 4th parameter
Kb_read is the 5th parameter
Kb_wrtn is the 6th parameter
The following line :
IOSTAT_PERF=`/usr/bin/iostat -d $HDISK 1 1| grep hdisk| awk '{print $1"_Busy="$2";"'$WARNING'";"'$CRITICAL'" "$1"_tps="$3" "$1"_KbRd="$
4" "$1"_KbWt="$5}'`
must be replace by :
IOSTAT_PERF=`/usr/bin/iostat -d $HDISK 1 1| grep hdisk| awk '{print $1"_Busy="$2";"'$WARNING'";"'$CRITICAL'" "$1"_tps="$4" "$1"_KbRd="$
5" "$1"_KbWt="$6}'`
System configuration: lcpu=4 drives=3 paths=6 vdisks=2
Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtn
hdisk4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
tps is the 4th parameter
Kb_read is the 5th parameter
Kb_wrtn is the 6th parameter
The following line :
IOSTAT_PERF=`/usr/bin/iostat -d $HDISK 1 1| grep hdisk| awk '{print $1"_Busy="$2";"'$WARNING'";"'$CRITICAL'" "$1"_tps="$3" "$1"_KbRd="$
4" "$1"_KbWt="$5}'`
must be replace by :
IOSTAT_PERF=`/usr/bin/iostat -d $HDISK 1 1| grep hdisk| awk '{print $1"_Busy="$2";"'$WARNING'";"'$CRITICAL'" "$1"_tps="$4" "$1"_KbRd="$
5" "$1"_KbWt="$6}'`
bymichaeldpotter, March 5, 2014
Thanks for writing this check. :-)
I'm not able to get Nagiosgraph to recognize the performance data however. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for writing this check. :-)
I'm not able to get Nagiosgraph to recognize the performance data however. Do you have any suggestions?
Owner's reply
Thanks, I've changed to $4,$5,$6...