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Category: LDAP
Nagios plugins for monitoring LDAP.
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Check the number of different searches and errors from your LDAP server.
Check LDAP File Descriptors

This check plugin reports the number of file descriptors used by the daemon.

This script grabs the live ldaps cert, extracts the expiry date, and warns you if it's less than X or Y days from now.

Retrieve the members in a LDAP security group usage: check_ldap_group WARNING CRITICAL HOST PORT LDAP_USER_CN LDAP_PASS GROUP_CN GROUP_NAME MAXRANGE Where: [WARNING] = Warning Value (MEMBERS > WARNING) [CRITICAL] = Critical Value (MEMBERS > CRITI ...

This plugin checks the replication status between given consumer and supplier for SunOne direcotry servers. Depends upon command /var/Sun/mps/shared/bin/insync

Check CRC32 of LDIF files of slapd.d directory

Script to check LDAP syncrepl replication state between two servers.
LDAP account expire

Perl script to check if an LDAP account is about to expire.
Openldap Syncrepl

Check for open ldap syncrepl