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Category: Linux Interfaces
Linux interfaces (GUIs and CLIs) for Nagios.
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Cnagios is a full-screen terminal interface for viewing Nagios HOST and SERVICE objects, and the durations of their current states. It's lightning fast becauseit's written in C using the curses library. And it's super flexible because it uses the perl C l ...
CoffeeSaint Featured is a fully customizable GUI for displaying the Nagios status. It has a remote configuration web-interface. It runs both as standalone application as well as a webbrowser applet.
Nagios Speedview Featured neartime (max. 500ms after a measurement) client/server viewer for Nagios version 1.x that shows all the services with the measured values has a problem tab to quickly see those services that has errors.
nagtail Featured is a utility that provides a readable tail on the nagios status. Nagtail is like doing "tail -f" on the Nagios status-log. If put in a MultiTail window (, it is nicely colored which enables you to quickly see what is ...
nsc (Nagios Console Monitor) Featured (Nagios Console Monitor) is a curses-based console monitor for Nagios. By Stig H. Jacobsen.
Nagcon is a console application interface to Nagios which gives you an overview of all services with troubled services.
Nagios Watch
A Gtk-Perl frontend for viewing the current status of Nagios.
Extracts information from Nagios-config and writes nice Graphs
Nagiosmap is a Perl/Tk app desined to work with Nagios that allows you to graphically create 2-D coordinates for the statusmap CGI by dragging hosts around.
nagios_commander simple bash wrapper for the largely undocumented Nagios API which can access all common front-end operations.
nagstamon.deNagstamon is a Nagios status monitor for the Windows desktop. It resides in systray or as a floating statusbar at the desktop showing a brief summary of critical, warning, unknown, unreachable and down hosts and services and pops up a detailed status over ...
NCS: Nagios Check Status
ncs.npr3s.comSet of scripts for output to the console/alarm/terminal/mail/image; based on the status of host/services monitored by Nagios.
Osesm is a GTK+ frontend for Nagios. Osesm provides configuration wizards and drag and drop support.
Thruk is a CGI replacement which connects to multiple Nagios instances using the Livestatus addon. It is designed to be a "dropin" replacement and covers all of the original features plus additional enhancements for large installations and increased usab ...