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Nagios CSP

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How do you monitor Nagios to ensure it's operational? Using this plugin, Nagios sends periodic heartbeat messages to OpsGenie service, and if OpsGenie does not receive heartbeat messages for a configurable time period, appropriate people can be notified via email, iOS & Android push notifications, SMS and phone calls.
The plugin is a golang executable with no dependencies and sends heartbeat messages to OpsGenie via HTTPS. The plugin requires OpsGenie subscription (, free subscription plan available).
The plugin takes the required OpsGenie API key and heartbeat name (configured in OpsGenie) as program arguments.
Usage Instructions:

1- Please create an OpsGenie account if you haven't done already.
2- Add a heartbeat in OpsGenie Heartbeats page.
3- Create a OpsGenie Heartbeat integration from Integrations page and copy its Api key.
4- Download the binary file, heartbeat (provided in, into your Nagios libexec directory.
5- In Nagios, define a command like so:
define command{
command_name opsgenie_heartbeat
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/heartbeat -apiKey $ARG1$ -name $ARG2$
6- Define a service that will run the command like so:
define service {
service_description OpsGenie Heartbeat
host_name localhost
check_interval 10
check_period 24x7
max_check_attempts 60
retry_interval 1
notification_interval 60
check_command opsgenie_heartbeat!API_KEY!HEARTBEAT_NAME
where API_KEY is the api key you acquired from OpsGenie integration, and HEARTBEAT_NAME is the name of the heartbeat you added.