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Category: Network and Systems Management
Nagios plugins to monitor network and systems management software. Proof that Nagios rules the world. :-)
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- Dell OpenManage (3 listings)
- Nagios (21 listings)
- Others (14 listings)
Arista MLAG

Checks the state of MLAG-peers at an Arista switch, running EOS. Usage: -H hostname -u username -p password
BMC Control-M

Simple plugin for monitoring Control-M/Server 8 on Linux/UNIX
Check Bandwidth, with iftop (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using iftop to check current bandwidth. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: iftop
Check Bandwidth, with iftop, for single interface (by N...

Using iftop to check current bandwidth for ONLY one NIC. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: iftop
Check Bandwidth, with vnstat (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using vnstat to check current bandwidth. vnstat will provide slightly faster checking but it can only do per NIC/interface, instead of over all bandwidth. Script were written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X, Nagios 3.X # Dependency: vnstat
check EdgeRouter 6p

This script allows you to monitor the Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter 6P load, network, and disk space. At the moment only the disk space has warning and critical data, the other ones are just monitor scripts that allow me to see performance data graphics. ...
check mountpoints like nfs, cifs, davfs, lustre, ocf2, ...

Check if all specified nfs/cifs/davfs mounts exist and if they are correct implemented. That means we check /etc/fstab, the mountpoints in the filesystem and if they are mounted. It is written for Linux and Solaris, uses proc-Filesystem and was tested on ...
check network bandwidth on local host (with ip command)

script based on ip tool. it checks RX and TX value of specified interface within some interval and provide speed in KB: ip -s link show int | xargs| cut -d " " -f27,40
Check SNMP for Dell and HP

Python script / nagios plug-in that checks components status of Dell or HP servers with snmpwalk command
Check SNMP service

This plugin checks existence of a service using SNMP. ./ COMMUNITY HOST SERVICE
Check Speedtest (by Nestor@Toronto)

Using '', written by Matt Martz, to check server max bandwidth using speedtest method. It return alert if server bandwidth is slower than given speed. Note: While managing few hundreds VM/VPS from different VPS vendors, I found that someti ...

This script as a event handle procedure for switch on gateway cluster. this script evalute the rate on ping failed on group ip and set new route for othergw.

check supervisord programs status

Check the minimum and or maximum size of a file on unix and windows. You can also specify how to react if this file is missing (unknown, critical or OK) This plugin also returns perfinfo.

check_AMQP is a small Nagios plugin that tests an AMQP resource by sending a message, collecting it and calculating the round trip time.

Check which access points are down on your Aruba controller

This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check the status of Cisco ASA failover peers.

This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check the state of IPsec Site-to-Site VPN tunnel on Cisco ASA device via SNMP.

Check bandwidth checks if the current bitrate of a network interface differs from the average for that interface. It is very useful for monitoring ISP uplinks, which tend to have a very stable average when everything is running ok.

check_cab is a basic shell script Nagios plugin to check datacentre cabinet/rack health via a Sinetica Hawk-I or RacKMS. It will monitor cabinet temperature/humidity etc.

This script polls a Brocade / Foundry switch and checks and generates alerts on the following items: - a warning if the device was recently rebooted; - a warning / critical if any found temperature sensors are in a non-normal state; - a warning / cri ...

2013-9-26 - Updated to version .3 This update should make the script work on newer Linux and Unix TFTP servers that require an existing file to exist before accepting an incoming file. The script now touches the file name to create an empty file so that t ...

This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check CPU utilization on Cisco devices.
check_cisco_ifs - via SSH or Telnet

This plugin allows monitoring of 1 or more interfaces of Cisco equipments.
Supports both SSH and Telnet.
It was tested on 4500 switches but should work properly on any IOS based equipment.
The plugin will return 0 [OK] if all given I/Fs are up, 1 [WAR ...

This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check the state and bandwidth of specified interface of Cisco device via SNMP.

This is a Nagios Plugin destined to check RAM usage on Cisco devices.

This is a script to check the cluster statut on Ironports /ESA cisco C370 (version: 9.1.0) It is based on “expect” which doing a ssh connection. The “-H” (host) and “-U” (USER) parameters are needed. The ‘-P” (PASSWORD) is not needed, ...

check_disk_inodes is a Nagios plugin for checking the number of used inodes on a disk. It returns the following information: - total number of inodes - currently used inodes (as absolute number and in percents as a float) - currently free inodes (a ...

check_disk_space is a Nagios plugin for checking disk used space. It returns the following information: - total disk space on the partition (in Bytes) - currently used disk space (in Bytes and in %) - free disk space (in Bytes and in %)

Ensemble has a standard service available for use built into it, EnsLib.TCP.ServiceStatus. When included in your production, the service listens on a socket and parses an incoming string to determine what type of production status information is being req ...

This script checks your real-world IP address and compares it to an expected result. If the two don't match, the check returns "CRITICAL" and Nagios sends an alert containing the new IP address.

This script monitors the fan status of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.

This script monitors the FDB table of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.

This script monitors the memory of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.

This script monitors the power supply of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.

This script monitors the temperature of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.

Check the minimum and or maximum size of a file on unix and windows. You can also specify how to react if this file is missing (unknown, critical or OK) This plugin also returns perfinfo.

Primitive (for now) plugin that takes three parameters (filename, warning, and critical) to check if filename's modification time is older than "warning" or "critical" as defined in seconds. (for puppet and chef environments)

Report and alert on puppet-managed nodes which are failing or out-of-date.
This plugin is for a puppet-controlled environment, which has 'The Foreman' installed.

check_free_mem is a Nagios plugin for checking memory and swap usage on Linux and UNIX platforms. It uses the output of "free" command and needs only grep and awk - no Perl, Python, PHP or SNMP. It has separate thresholds (warning and critical) for R ...

Uses snmpwalk to check the status of all components in an HP/H3C 5xxx switch. Works on IRF stacks, too.

Monitor the health state of you HP ProLiant.
Check_iDRAC for DELL iDRAC

Check_iDRAC for DELL Latest: 2.1

check_ifconfig is a Nagios plugin to network Ethernet interfaces on Linux platforms. It uses the output of ifconfig and reports the status of the network interface and the following parameters as performance data: RX bytes, TX bytes, RX packets, TX packet ...

This script checks the number of imap-deamons and warns if it reaches the maximum number.

A Nagios-plugin to check if a machine is running the latest kernel.