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Category: Others
Nagios plugins to monitor other anti-virus software, for which there is no specific category yet.
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check_avira_smc is a Windows-Plugin for Nagios, which checks the state of a AVIRA Management Controller (called SMC or AMC). The plugin detects various states from the Avira database.
check_fprot [F-Prot fpscan check]

check_fprot is a Perl script that checks the antivirus database of F-Prot fpscan command-line scanner is up-to-date. check_fprot compares the database version of F-Prot fpscan with the current date. We use it on our mailserver via check_by_ssh to make ...
check_fsecure [F-Secure fsav check]

check_fsecure is a Perl script that checks the antivirus database of F-Secure fsav command-line scanner is up-to-date.

Check_sophos.vbs checks that the current virus definition date for Sophos Antivirus is within acceptable bounds.

You can use this vbs script to query the Sophos DB (sophos50 as default) and get the list of client infected.

check_sophos_sec is a Windows-Plugin for Nagios, which checks the state of a SOPHOS Enterprise Console (called SEC). The plugin detect various statuses from the Sophos database.
Sophos Antivirus Passive Checks

This article explains how to set nagios up for receiving Sophos Antivirus messages. You can see witch computers have viruses, or are outdated etc...