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Plugin to check Sun's XSCF (local service)

3 votes
check_xscf.plcheck script
check_xscf.cfgconfig file
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The script checks Sun's eXtended System Control Facility (used on M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 series)
./check_xscf.pl -h # prints a short help
./check_xscf.pl -n [hostname|ip] -u [username] -i [keyfile] -c [command] [cfg_file]

There are two commands supported: "showhardconf", "showenvironment". To use showenvironment you need to setup the cfg_file or just use the example.

you must install your public key onto the XSCF device
XSCF> setssh -c addpubkey [-u user_name]

all hardware states not as expected come to critical
for temperatures you can define a warning and a critical level (cfg file)
for voltages you can define a lower and upper limiting factor, it allways come to warning (cfg_file)
all fan's not on low speed come to warning
Reviews (2)
by, May 28, 2015
To use the plugin with M10 servers you have to add in script check_xscf.pl line 86 the variable or ($_ =~ "ON").
old line
if (($_ =~ "Status") and !(($_ =~ "Normal") or ($_ =~ "Running") or ($_ =~ "On"))) { {
new line
if (($_ =~ "Status") and !(($_ =~ "Normal") or ($_ =~ "Running") or ($_ =~ "On") or ($_ =~ "ON"))) {

It is necessary because the PSU Units Power_Status ON ist top priority.
bydagobert, February 27, 2013
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
To use the module a restricted account on the server should be set up with something like this:
adduser nagios
setprivileges nagios platop
setssh -c addpubkey -u nagios

The is combined with the and must be specified in the exact order as in the example.

Apart from that the modules works if you don't look too close to the perl style.