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Pre-compiled binaries for AIX, Solaris and IRIX

Current Version
Nagios 3.2.0, Plugins 1.4.14, and nrpe 2.12
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
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This project aims to provide pre-compiled Nagios binaries for IRIX, Solaris and AIX, so people without a C compiler can get Nagios running quickly. At the time of this writing, nagios itself, the plugins and nrpe are supported under IRIX 6.5.22, Solaris 10u6 and AIX 5.3 (AIX 6.1 should work as well).
These are pre-compiled binaries for most of today's current UNIX systems to allow people without a C compiler to get Nagios running quickly.

At the time of this writing, nrpe 2.12, plugins 1.4.14, and nagios 3.2.0 are supported on IRIX 6.5.22, Solaris 10u6, and AIX 5.3 (which should work for 6.1 as well).

Because these systems typically don't come with a working PHP, the CGI user interface has been backported to plain html.
Reviews (3)
byGldRush98, April 26, 2012
Installed NRPE and the Plugins on an AIX 6.1 system and it worked great. Saved a lot of headache in trying to compile on the AIX system.
This will get a simple installation of nagios up and running on solaris10 pretty quick.
Don't bother with this site until they fix it. better just download gcc and compile it yourself.