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Category: Databases
Plugins for monitoring databases of various types.
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Runs query specified in an external file and checks the result against the specified thresholds.
Check MS SQL 2008 / 2012 Used Memory

This tool is written in Python and it uses Windows Performance Counters to get the MS SQL memory usage. Using the Perfmon counters makes it so that a SQL account isn't required.

Nagios CheckByJdbc plugin allows you to check a SQL query from a file on database ( Oracle, Microsoft SqlServer, Mysql and IBM DB2/400) by a JDBC connection. For CheckByJdbc plugin it doesn't mind what database are you connecting and what your SQL quer ...

Check if the result of a MySQL request is ==, , than a number which is warning and/or critical when check_type=NUMERIC. This plugin could return a result of a SQL request for information only with check_type=TEXT. It works with MySQL only for now, but ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a specific Couchbase key via Memcached API Checks: 1. reads the specified Couchbase key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...

Checks a Couchbase server via Memcached API write => read Checks: 1. writes a unique ephemeral key with dynamically generated value 2. reads back same unique key 3. checks the returned value is identical to that written 4. deletes the unique gene ... (Advanced Nagios P...

Checks a Couchbase server via Memcached API write => read Checks: 1. writes a unique ephemeral key with dynamically generated value 2. reads back the same unique key from the given replication slave after a configurable delay in secs (to allow for ...

Check if the mysql replication between a master and a slave is ok.

Checks if a the firebird server is active and loginable with a user and a password at a host and if there is posible a conection using a especific database You need php5 and php5-interbase packages instaled in your linux system

FirebirdSQL/Interbase monitor plugin. You could check service status, database status or use your own SQL to query database

Plugin for monitoring FirebirdSQL database status. Required perl modules: DBI DBD::Firebird Getopt::Long Nagios::Plugin

A plugin for Nagios which checks the firebird connection to a specific host by connecting to it and executing an SQL Statement which should return all relations between the tables which are in the database, be aware if you have an empty database without a ...

check_firebird is a Nagios plugin to check a specific Firebird Servers. check_firebird -u user -p password -H host -a action Options: -H/--host) Host Name of the server -u/--user) User name for authentication on Tomcat Manager Ap ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks a specific HBase table cell via the HBase Thrift API Server 1. reads a specified HBase cell given a table, row key and column family:qualifier 2. checks cell's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks cell's returned value ag ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks a specific HBase table cell via the HBase Stargate REST API Server 1. reads a specified HBase cell given a table, row key and column family:qualifier 2. checks cell's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks cell's returned v ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks a given Mongod is the Master of a Replica Set (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks MongoDB is working by writing a unique document and then reading it back (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Checks MySQL config file matches running MySQL server configuration. Primarily written to check that DBAs hadn't changed any running DB from Puppet deployed config without backporting their changes. (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio... Popular

Checks MySQL arbitrary queries against regex matches or numerical ranges, with perfdata support. Obsoleted so many of my custom MySQL related checks, one of my all time favourite plugins! (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks whether a Neo4j instance is Read Only using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks whether a Neo4j instance allows a remote shell using the Neo4j REST API Raises critical if remote shell is enabled (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Checks the Neo4j stats of IDs allocated for Nodes, Relationships, Properties etc using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Checks the Neo4j data store sizes using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks Neo4j version using the Neo4j REST API

This is Redis Server Check plugin. It gets stats variables and allows to set thresholds on their value or their rate of change. It can measure response time, hitrate, memory utilization, check replication sync and much more.You can also query specific key ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a Redis server's client list 1. Returns counts of all connected clients, and in verbose mode unique clients address list 2. Checks all connected client addresses match expected address regex (optional) 3. Checks the the number of connected cli ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Checks a Redis server's running config against a given configuration file. Useful for checking: 1. Configuration Compliance against a baseline 2. Puppet has correctly deployed revision controlled config version (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Check a specific Redis key via API Checks: 1. reads a specified Redis key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) raises warning/criti ... (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Check Redis server is up and working via publish/subscribe API calls Checks: 1. Subscribes to a unique channel 2. Publishes to that same unique channel with a randomly generated and timestamped token 3. Waits for the channel to feed the message th ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Check a Redis slave and replication Checks: 1. server is in 'slave' role 2. link to master is up 3. replication last I/O is within warning/critical thresholds 4. checks if master sync is in progress (raises warning) (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Check a Redis slave and replication Checks: 1. server is in 'slave' role 2. link to master is up 3. replication last I/O is within warning/critical thresholds 4. checks if master sync is in progress (raises warning) (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Check a Redis server's stats, all, multiple or specific stat with expected value and/or range threshold checks (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks the version of given Redis server using API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Checks a Redis server is up and properly functioning via API Checks: 1. writes a new unique key with dynamically generated value 2. reads same key back 3. checks returned value is identical to the value generated and written 4. deletes the key 5 ... (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Check Redis replication via API write to master and read from slave Checks: 1. writes a new unique key with dynamically generated value to master 2. reads same key back from slave 3. checks returned value is identical to the value generated and wr ...
DBTuna Database Performance Monitor Plugin

DBTuna is a 24x7 database performance monitoring tool which collects deep dive performance information from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL. This plugin allows you to integrate DBTuna data with Nagios and run checks on database Activity, Wait Events or Stati ...
Informix database extent check check_informix_extent.s...

Checking and reporting the available extent number in in a Informix database.
Informix database max connection check check_informix_...

Check Informix database max connection Usage: [-w warning] [-c critical] -w 80 - warning value (default 80) -c 100 - critical /error value (default 100) -h - help ...
Intersystems Cache License Usage

This plugin allows Nagios to check the license usage of an Intersystems Cache environment and return the percentage license usage.
Intersystems Cache Namespace free space

Plugin that checks the percentage amount of free space allocated to a given namespace database
Monitor Netezza database

Do you have Netezza database in your infrastructure. Would you like to be able to monitor it under Nagios ? I have away to do it. It is extensible and requires no ODBC, no username, and no password. There is a perl module that Netezza includes on the data ...