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Dell BMC IPMI Checks

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This is a check plugin for the Dell BMC IPMI interface. This has been tested and developed with the PowerEdge 2950.
This is a check plugin for the Dell PowerEdge 2950 (tested) IPMI BMC interface. This plugin requires ipmitool 1.8.9 or later and perl 5.8.8 or later. This scripts do *not* require the DRAC card.

Note, this plugin was written on FreeBSD 6.3, so it may require some tweaking on Linux or other FreeBSD OSes.

* Note: Initial configuration of the Dell BMC through the startup-BIOS is required.

** BUG FIX: I've patched these for proper detection of the perl libraries.

Wiki page is now current - see that page for detailed usage information.

These scripts are released under a BSD license. You are free to use, distribute, and modify them as you please.