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Debian upgrades

This plugin updates Debian apt database, then checks for available upgrades to install. Set WARNING if upgrades are available, OK otherwise (nothing to upgrade). Useful to be warned when security updates are available for your system.

Basically, deep-ssh just constructs a bunch of ssh's that call other ssh's, until you're at your destination, at which point, a command is run.
Define Variables in Nagios Config?

This short "how-to" article will show you how to set macros in Nagios. It could be a time-saver!
Delegated Nagios configuration for large environments.

Markus Almroth talks about SysNagios - a framework for remote configuration of Nagios - at the Nordic Meet on Nagios 2009.
Delete comments for Nagios 3.x

Delete all comments for Nagios 3.x host and service Sometimes the list is long, and doing it manually is annoying :)
Delete Comments more than n days old

A simple perl script to delete host and service comments older than a given number of days.
Delete metadata value

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to remove a metadata entry by key name.

Script for deleting pop3 e-mail via telnet.
Dell / Quest DR-series check, for DR4000, DR4100, DR430...

Check script for Dell / Quest DR-series de-duplicating storage units. Including DR4000, DR4100, DR4300, DR6000 and more. Gives status of unit, hardware information and storage information.
Dell Array Disks Status Script

This is a bash script that checks all disk status on Dell Servers. You have to have the Dell MIBs installed in your Nagios system, relies on snmpwalk to pull the information.
Dell BMC IPMI Checks

This is a check plugin for the Dell BMC IPMI interface. This has been tested and developed with the PowerEdge 2950.
Dell Compellent

Checks Status of DELL Compellent Storage
Tested on SC2020
based on check_equallogic from napsty
Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin

The Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain usage information. It can be pointed at a single ECS cluster or multiple clusters depending on your federation and geo-replication configuration. It is strongly recommended to create a ...
Dell ECS Health Plugin

The Dell ECS Health Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain health information. It is designed to be pointed at a single cluster, but use of multiple checks for each cluster can be created for federation and geo-replication configuration. It is ...
Dell EMC Isilon - Hardware Health Check Script

The script utilises the Dell EMC Isilon REST API to collect and display Cluster Health and basic node state information. It is recommended to create a read-only account on the Nimble Storage array(s), this can be AD/LDAP or local. The script is written ...
Dell OpenManage Chassis

Checks the chassis hardware (fans, temperatures, voltages et al) of Dell servers using OpenManage.
Dell OpenManage Nagios XI Wizard

Monitor Dell OpenManage Servers using this wizard for Nagios XI. PowerEdge 1855 Blade, 1955 Blade PowerEdge 800, 840 PowerEdge 1800, 1900, 1950, 2600, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2950, 6800 PowerEdge M600, M710 PowerEdge R200, R210, R210 II, R300, R420, R510, R610 ...
Dell OpenManage Storage

Checks storage devices (disks, RAIDs, controllers) attached to Dell server systems.
Dell Out-of-band Server Monitoring Plug-in

Monitors Dell PowerEdge servers out-of-band (OOB) via iDRAC7 using this plug-in in Nagios Core. Supports all Dell PowerEdge 12G Servers (via iDRAC7 )
Dell Out-of-Band Server Monitoring Configuration Wizard

Monitor Dell PowerEdge Servers out-of-band (OOB) via iDRAC7 using this wizard in Nagios XI. Supports all Dell PowerEdge 12G Servers (via iDRAC7 )
Dell PERC 6/i Nagios Monitoring Under Ubuntu

It is a short article on how to monitor Dell PERC 6/i controllers with Nagios under Ubuntu.
Dell Powervault MD38 Series Overall Health

Check Dell PowerVault MD 34/38 Series Storage Arrays Overall Health Prerequisites: -smcli installed on a windows machine and a Nagios compatible agent -Powershell Version 0.1 This script uses smcli to check the overall storage health, it wil repor ...
Dell Powervault MD38 Series Performance

This script reports the performance of virtual disk arrays of Dell Powervault MD38 Series, but in principle it should work with MD34 Series. Prerequisites: smcli on a windows machine and a Nagios compatible agent Version 0.1 This script uses smcli t ...
Dell Server Check

This plugin connects directly to a DRAC (Dell Remote Access Controller) or iDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) and provides information about the server and its status. This program does not require OpenManage to work, and is thus more ind ...
Dell Server Monitor via iDRAC & SNMP

Monitor Dell Server via iDRAC & SNMP? don't neet install openmanager or anyother software
Dell UPS Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor Dell UPS via a network mananagement card. Specifically this is for the UPS devices manufactured by Eaton for Dell. You can monitor the following: Alarm Status Battery Monitoring Status Battery Remaining Battery Test Stat ...

dellkit_warranty is a Nagios plugin to check the remaining days of warranty left for Dell hardware. I am aware there are (at least) 2 other plugins that do this. This one works with ESXi servers as well using the excellent VMware Perl SDK, the others ...

Reports excessive rise of temperatures on a dell server relying on omreport utility from dell. This plugin will not use absolute temperature, just its relative change. Used to warn of fan or Air conditionning failure.
Deploying Nagios in a Large Enterprise Environment, at ...

Invited talk by Carson Gaspar of Goldman Sachs, at the 21st Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '07), on the topic of deploying Nagios in a large enterprise environment. This talk will cover scalability issues, security issues, our d ...
Derdack Enterprise Alert – On-Premise IT On-Call Aler...

In case of critical incidents in 24/7 IT operations with Nagios, Enterprise Alert is your on-premise tool for instant mobile alerting. Enterprise Alert adds critical mobile alerting to Nagios in no time. It bridges the ‘last mile’ from Nagios to IT st ...
Descripción en multiples líneas nagios

If for some reason you want more than one line to be seen in the problems displayed by nagios, you can do it in the following way: In the file: /opt/nagios-4.3.2/cgi/status.c You must change printf("%s ", (temp_status->plugin_output == NULL) ...
Design, Development and Improvement of Nagios System Mo...

This document describes the work of design, development and improvement of the Nagios monitoring system done in Cineca and used for the Tier-1 systems participating in the PRACE projects. Starting from the issues arisen by the complexity of the HPC system ...

Monitor DesignSync (from Dassault, a version control tool) mirrors. Lists all the mirrors found on the server, count those down and report the status.
Detect SSH Attack Using Nagios

This blog article demonstrates how to detect ssh attacks using Nagios.
Device Auto-Discovery and Printer Monitoring Configurat...

This tutorial describes a way of "auto-discovering" devices for Nagios through the example of adding 460+ printers.
DFS Replication and BackLog

Check DFS Replication and Check DFS Backlog are VBS scripts written to check Windows Distributed File System for good status and backlog workflow. Author: Kevin Keck ITDevops ArgoTurbo Corporation
DFSR Replication and BackLog

Check DFS Replication and DFS Backlog Powershell
DHCP Messages

A custom dashboard to give a breakdown on the different DHCP Messages. This has a query filter where the type must be syslog and the program must be dhcpd.
DHCP Nagios XI Monitoring Wizard

A Nagios XI configuration wizard for monitoring DHCP servers and services.
DHCP server Responses to discover / inform requests thr...

Very basic Bash script to check dhcp server through DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPINFORM querys. Results are parsed and returned to nagios. requires nmap and dhcp-discover.nse (nmap script) requires nmap passwordless access by nagios
DHCPD duplicate MAC/IP check

Checks the dhcpd.conf file for duplicate IP and MAC addresses. Does NOT check for overlapping IP pools. Only tested with the ISC version of dhcpd on Debian.

An utility to monitor very large dhcpd installations, e.g. such which has tens of thousands of active leases, with analysis time of less than second or two. When command is ran with --warning or --critical options Nagios compatible summary output, and ...
Disable an event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to disable an active event chain.
Disabled host and service notification parser

I kept disabling checks and then would get caught up in something else and forgot what I disabled. I created these scripts to remind me what is disabled so I can go back, fix the problem if needed, and re-enable the notifications.