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Category: Comments and Acknowledgements

Nagios addons for managing comments and acknowledgements.

Nagios Log Server

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Category Listings:
There are 4 Listings in this Category.List your addon or plugin here!

Delete comments for Nagios 3.x


Delete all comments for Nagios 3.x host and service Sometimes the list is long, and doing it manually is annoying :)

Delete Comments more than n days old

A simple perl script to delete host and service comments older than a given number of days.



nagiosAck is an enhancement of the existing "Remove acknowledgements older than n hours / days / weeks and send a report" project (available at https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Addons/Comments-and-Acknowledgements/Remove-acknowledgements-older-than ...


Remove acknowledgements older than n hours / days / wee...


This script automatically removes Nagios acknowledgements that have been not fixed since last script execution. It is mainly destined to run on some regular bases in connection to the cron daemon. The script is also capable of sending out the report into ...
