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- Nagios 2.x
- Nagios 3.x
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RESTlos (german for completely, totally) is a generic Nagios api. Generic means, it can be used with every core that understands the nagios configuration syntax. It provides a RESTful api for generating any standard nagios object, modify it or delete it.
There are also some convenient functions for reloading the core (via command file) or verify the actual configuration via the REST interface.
Current State
This code is currently in a state of beta testing. For me, everything works as expected. For you... maybe not! So, as usual this code is Open Source and so it comes with absolutely no warrenty. That means if you f... up you monitoring config: don't blame me!
Python > 2.7
Flask > 0.9
PyNag > 0.4.6
If you want to use LDAP authentication:
Python-LDAP > 2.4
Quick Start
To get everything just up and running, install all of the required packages mentioned above, and check out the current version from github:
$ git clone
In the newly created directory, edit the file config.json to fit your nagios configuration. To get everything running, you just need to change the properties nagios_main_cfg to your main core configuration file and output_dir to the direcory where the api should manage the object files (and where the user the api is running with has the sufficient rights of course).
If you have done so, fire it up!
$ ./
Now point your browser to http://localhost:5000 (if you haven't changed the standard port). You should see a page, listing all available endpoints and the corresponding parameters. You can find some example api calls here.
If you are prompted for a password, the initial login credentials are admin:password. Very creative, isn't it?
More informations can be found on github:
RESTlos (german for completely, totally) is a generic Nagios api. Generic means, it can be used with every core that understands the nagios configuration syntax. It provides a RESTful api for generating any standard nagios object, modify it or delete it.
There are also some convenient functions for reloading the core (via command file) or verify the actual configuration via the REST interface.
Current State
This code is currently in a state of beta testing. For me, everything works as expected. For you... maybe not! So, as usual this code is Open Source and so it comes with absolutely no warrenty. That means if you f... up you monitoring config: don't blame me!
Python > 2.7
Flask > 0.9
PyNag > 0.4.6
If you want to use LDAP authentication:
Python-LDAP > 2.4
Quick Start
To get everything just up and running, install all of the required packages mentioned above, and check out the current version from github:
$ git clone
In the newly created directory, edit the file config.json to fit your nagios configuration. To get everything running, you just need to change the properties nagios_main_cfg to your main core configuration file and output_dir to the direcory where the api should manage the object files (and where the user the api is running with has the sufficient rights of course).
If you have done so, fire it up!
$ ./
Now point your browser to http://localhost:5000 (if you haven't changed the standard port). You should see a page, listing all available endpoints and the corresponding parameters. You can find some example api calls here.
If you are prompted for a password, the initial login credentials are admin:password. Very creative, isn't it?
More informations can be found on github:
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