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Check Raspberry Pi Temperature

This bash script reports on and checks CPU and GPU temperature of the local Rapsberry Pi single-board computer, and warns if it exceeds the thresholds.
The actual code is managed in the following GitHub rebository - please use the Issue Tracker to ask ...
Check redundant switch

A based Perl script that check a redundant switch available.
Check Regex exists in file

Nagios plugin bash script for checking for presence of a regex in a file. Usage: -r REGEX -f FILE Where: REGEX= Grep Extended Regex FILE= Full file path where Regex should exist
Check relayd status

This script checks the OpenBSD relayd. It returns a warning if not all hosts in a table are up and a critical if a table and/or redirect is totally down.
check remote files age in minutes

checks a directory on a remote system (via rsh or ssh) and returns a warning if a specified amount of files is found which is older than x minutes.
Check Remote Oracle through Ssh (No need to install Ora...

New version 0.3 to fetch real undo usage ("UNEXPIRED SEGMENTS") (New version 0.2 with active sessions count, ASM diskgroups and hard/soft parsing percentage ratios check) This is the original official check_oracle nagios plugin, developed by latigid ...
check remote unix scripts

Various scripts to check disk, load, uptime, metastat, and other stuff via ssh or rsh on remote unix system. Developed on Solaris to check remote solaris, hp-ux and linux systems.
Check Repadmin

Checks the output of repadmin /showreps for errors.
Check Replication

Update an object and a file in ADS with the script "".
Check Reserved Memory for Solaris

Check Reserved Memory for Solaris
Check resolver for DNSsec support

Perl-based NAGIOS script to check to see if a specified DNS recursive resolver supports DNSsec and properly fails with an incorrectly signed zone.
Check RHEL Last Update

Plugin calculates number of days since last success update on your RHEL, CentOS server.
Check Roles

Checks wether the server knows all its 5 roles using dumpfsmos.
Check Rsync

Checks Rsync Servers. Features include authentication, directory listings, data transfers, test timing, output prefixing, verbosity levels and timeout enforcement. Direct support for Gentoo Portage Mirrors.
Check Rsyslog (DB)

A plugin for checking that a remote rsyslog server which is configured to log to a MySQL database is successfully receiving and storing syslog messages. This plugin was orignally written and tested in an environment using rsyslog, but it should work wi ...
Check Rsyslog Queues

Checks for presence of Rsyslog Disk Assisted Buffer (Queues) files. Options: -q Check for presence of disk queue files -d Specify $WorkDirectory (def: /var/spool/rsyslog) Usage: ./ -q forwarder -d /rsyslog-buffer
Check rtpproxy

This check queries a rtpproxy media relay and checks that it is responding on its control ports. If the rtpproxy responds then the check reports the current number of sessions and media streams, how long it took to respond to the ...
Check RTPProxy Media

For the latest version(s) visit the GitHub source This script queries an rtpproxy and reports the active sessions, active streams, sessions created and (if supported by your version) the number of additional possible calls. It also correctly detects f ...
Check Rubrik

Check Rubrik Edge or Brik. The scripts has 4 checks available: - node - check node status - runway - check runway available - storage - shows percent available - tasks - check status of the tasks
Check Ruckus ZoneDirector - Number of APs

Check for Ruckus ZoneDirector to monitor the number of AP's associated with the ZoneDirector based on SNMP.
check Running 'ClickOnce' App against Source

This Plugin will Compare running 'ClickOnce' Application with the Source version to make sure it's running the latest/correct version.
check RX300 S6 check irmc Temp

Based on JoseMi's check script from 2011-05-27 its not cleaner or better. the main difference : its for RX300 S6 irmc
Check S.M.A.R.T or PFA errors

This VBS based script checks if any SCSI and IDE disks are reporting SMART/PFA errors. In that case it returns a CRITICAL warning and lists the amount of disks reporting error. If the computer does not report any SMART monitoring, a warning is issued
Check SafeGuard Enterprise

This check is for SafeGuard Enterprise Management Center:
1. Load "XML" from:
2. Fix safeguard webapp bug (see line 30.., nasty bug in SGE/SGN 6.1)
3. Check if DBAuth and Webservice are working co ...
Check Safeguard Licences

checks configured safeguard enterprise sql server for license usage and expiry
Check SAN Switch Health

This plugin checks sensors (psu, temperature, fans et al) and overall health of SAN switches that understand the Fibre Alliance MIB. There is a long list of companies behind that MIB; I have tested the script with switches from Brocade and Qlogic.
Check SAP Availability and Response Time

Check SAP Availability and Response Time (Packet Round Trip Time) via SAP load balancing or directly to a specific application server based on SAPs RFCSDK.
Check SAR memory page performance

There is a new shell script that monitors mempage performance using the linux sysstat package 'sar' tool. Feel free to update any improvements.
Check server room temperature about oww

This plugin checks the delivered temperature by the one wire weather station (oww).
Check ServerIron

Checks for Brocade (formerly Foundry) ServerIron load balancers.
Check Service Localhost

This plugins check if a service is runing or not, just by localhost.
Check ServiceAuto

This plugin checks in what state a list of defined services are. Will return Critical if any of the services has stopped.
Check Services 2

Checks whether certain services are running.
Check Services on SUN Solaris (5.10) with svcs

Shell Script Plugin to Check the state of the Services on Solaris.
Check setting sshd (Security of SSH)

This check control the security of your SSH service (The setting of sshd_config file) 4 values are checking: PermitRootLogin, Protocol, Port and PermitEmptyPasswords For more detail ./ -h
Check SFTP Availability With check_sftp_avail In Nagios

This article demonstrates how to use the community-distributed plugin check_sftp_avail in Nagios.
Check SGE Execution Host

Check the integrity of an execution hosts in Sun SGE grid
Check Shares on Sun Unified Storage Appliance

Based off of Queries a Sun/Oracle Unified Storage appliance via SNMP. Acquires total space for a share and used. Does a quick calculation and sets the error level accordingly. The MIB files referenced come off your storage appliance. ...
Check Shoutcast Listeners

Used to monitor the number of listeners connected to your shoutcast server
Check SHOUTcast Server

Used to monitor the SHOUTcast server.
check Siebel CRM (all platforms)

Version 1.2.05 now out!
New version can be used either as active or as passive plugin.
It contains a GUI to make it more easy for the first installation and configuration.
You will be able to configure Nagios for Siebel CRM in less than 30 minutes.
Fe ...
Check Sip Options

This plugin was created due to issues where Sipsak locks up when the proxy on the other end is not reachable. In addition this plugin has several features not found in other SIP OPTIONS check plugins. You can choose to accept any SIP packet as a vali ...
Check SmarterMail Queue - check_queue_sm

This nagios plugin allows you to monitor your SmarterMail server queue by using SmarterMail Webservice. This will display the current number of messages in queue of a SmarterMail Server. The plugin is a PHP script and should run on every linux distribu ...
Check snapshots age and number

Nagios script for checking the number of existing snapshots and how old are these.