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Check Rsyslog (DB)

2 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion
check_rsyslogdb_v0.1.zipVersion 0.1
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A plugin for checking that a remote rsyslog server which is configured to log
to a MySQL database is successfully receiving and storing syslog messages. This
plugin was orignally written and tested in an environment using rsyslog, but
it should work with any syslog implementation that logs to a MySQL database.
A plugin for checking that a remote rsyslog server which is configured to log
to a MySQL database is successfully receiving and storing syslog messages. This
plugin was orignally written and tested in an environment using rsyslog, but
it should work with any syslog implementation that logs to a MySQL database.

This plugin works by sending a test syslog message to the remote server, and
then, after a short timeout, querying the database to verify that the message
was successfully stored.

Required Flags:
-H The IP address to send the syslog message to.
-u The username to connect to the DB with.

Optional Flags:
-v Verbose output.
-s Syslog socket to use - 'udp', 'tcp', or 'unix' supported. Default is
'udp'. Note that when 'unix' is used the message will be sent to the
local syslog deamon running on the Nagios server. It is up to you to
configure that local deamon to forward the message to the remote server.
Your installed OS will determine which sockets are availble to you. E.g.
On OS X 'udp' seems to work best, and on CentOS 5, 'unix'.
-f Syslog facility - defaults to 'local0'.
-d Delay between sending the message and testing for it in the DB in
seconds - defaults to 5.
-h Database host - defaults to the value of -H.
-n Database name - defaults to 'syslog'.
-p Database password - defaults to an empty string.
-t Database table - defaults to 'syslog'.
-c Database column that contains the syslog messages. Default is 'msg'.

Exit Codes:
0 SUCCESS - the log was successfully retried from the DB.
2 CRITICAL - the log was not found in the DB.
3 UNKNOWN - the script encountered an error. E.g. could not connect to
the Database.