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check Siebel CRM (all platforms)
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
- Nagios XI
- Nagios Fusion
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Monitoring Made Magically Better
- Nagios Core on Overdrive
- Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
- Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
- Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
- And So Much More!
New version can be used either as active or as passive plugin.
It contains a GUI to make it more easy for the first installation and configuration.
You will be able to configure Nagios for Siebel CRM in less than 30 minutes.
Analysis and monitoring of Siebel CRM.
Check status of components, tasks (incl number and timeout), gateway, application server, logfiles and portcheck.
Also component autorestart and automated Siebel environment parameter export and comparison.
Ask for a free functional (timelimited) demo version:
International Network Support & Service - Glas
Plugin is written in Java and therefore OS independent.
For all Siebel standard languages.
A GUI will help with a half-automated configuration.
Nagios checks:
1) Check status of Siebel components.
2) Check status of tasks of Siebel components.
3) Check minimum and maximum number of running tasks.
4) Check timeout for tasks.
5) Check Siebel application server via status or port check, optional clusterconfiguration.
6) Check Gateway availability via port check.
7) Cluster port check logic (active-passive cluster).
8) Check enterprise logfile.
9) Optional summary of tasks or components in one Nagios service.
Additional features:
- Automated restart of crashed Siebel components.
- Automated prefill of ini file with recommended values.
- Automated creation of all Nagios services for cfg file.
- Automated full parameter compare of two Siebel environments with data differences export.
- Automated export of all Siebel parameter into csv or txt file.
- Everything highly configurable via ini file.
Professional Siebel monitoring with every detail you want.
Reference at request.
If you have questions or problems, just write an email. It is already a bit complex.
The part without Siebel (logfile and portcheck) is published as opensource. You find it in nagios in plugins for logfiles with name openmakao.
Visit for further informations.
For all Siebel standard languages.
A GUI will help with a half-automated configuration.
Nagios checks:
1) Check status of Siebel components.
2) Check status of tasks of Siebel components.
3) Check minimum and maximum number of running tasks.
4) Check timeout for tasks.
5) Check Siebel application server via status or port check, optional clusterconfiguration.
6) Check Gateway availability via port check.
7) Cluster port check logic (active-passive cluster).
8) Check enterprise logfile.
9) Optional summary of tasks or components in one Nagios service.
Additional features:
- Automated restart of crashed Siebel components.
- Automated prefill of ini file with recommended values.
- Automated creation of all Nagios services for cfg file.
- Automated full parameter compare of two Siebel environments with data differences export.
- Automated export of all Siebel parameter into csv or txt file.
- Everything highly configurable via ini file.
Professional Siebel monitoring with every detail you want.
Reference at request.
If you have questions or problems, just write an email. It is already a bit complex.
The part without Siebel (logfile and portcheck) is published as opensource. You find it in nagios in plugins for logfiles with name openmakao.
Visit for further informations.
Reviews (2)
bySandro, March 29, 2012
It helped us a lot fixing our issues in system mgmt.
byNayphee, January 10, 2012
Makao is the gold standard in monitoring Siebel servers through Nagios. We run Makao licensed across a two node Siebel cluster. You can monitor just about every facet of your Siebel server functionaily. Support from the developer is also fantastic.