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Check File Size

Usage: check_filesize -p "path" -f "file(s)" -w -c
Check File Size JPC

Nagios Plugin for check the size of a local file, giving output in Bytes,KBytes,MBytes or GBytes.
Check Filecount

This plugin will count the number of files that are in a particular directory path, and then return OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL depending on the values that you set for the allowable number of files.
Check Files - Windows NRPE plugin

Counts the number of files in given directory and its sub-directories, with optional filters applied. The output is compatible with Nagios.
check fiona loginCount

The plugin checks the loginCount of CMS Fiona (Fa. Infopark).
Check Flexlm Usage

Generate performance data about a specific feature of a flexlm license via lmutil
Check Flume Agent Service

This script is to monitor Health check for Flume Agent Service.
Check folder content via FTP

Perl plugin that count the number of files in an FTP folder.
Check folder for stale files

This plugin object is to check if a file has been inside certain folder for a period of time and alert if so.
check folder size (linux nrpe)

Usage ./ -f dir [-s (k|m|g)] [-w (size)] [-c (size)] -f Folder to check -s k (Kilobytes) m (megabytes) g (gigabytes) -w Warning level -c Critical level
check for clariion controllers

Plugin to check EMC Clarion SAN volume controllers.
Check for orphaned snapshots

Check for any VMs running on orphaned snapshots.
check for the Hitachi Storage

- Script for checking the Hitachi Storage H/W Status(DKC, DKU Units).. - This is shell script - Available for these Storage Lightning 9900 = RAID400 Lightning 9980V = RAID450 USP = RAID500 USP V = RAID600 VSP = RAID700
Check for unexpected reboot

check_unexpected_reboot.cmd is a Windows cmd script that checks for a reboot after a crash or power outage of a Windows machine.
Check for Windows Updates

A simple check to see if there are windows updates pending on the checked machine.
Check form

Check form allows the user to submit forms using post and test the output for a string. This can be useful to test authentication boxes or any other forms that use the POST method. Check form can also test the response time of the form and produce timing ...
check form mechanize

Check form mechanize allows you to fill in and submit a submit a form and then check the result for an expected string. This script uses mechanize to emulate a browser.
Check Fortigate Active Sessions

This script is used to check the session usage on a Fortigate firewall.
Check Fortigate CPU load

This Plugin checks the CPU utilization Fortigate Firewalls
Check Fortigate CPU Usage

This script it used to check the CPU usage on a Fortigate firewall.
Check Fortigate hardware health by SSH

It connects on a Fortigate with a login and password and use the 'execute sensor list' to determine the hardware health. You can restrict check to some hardware items, exlude them, change teh default prompt, the criticity. ./ - ...
Check Fortigate Memory

This Plugin checks the memory of Fortigate Firewalls
Check Fortigate Memory Usage

This script is used to check the memory usage on a Fortigate firewall.
Check Fortigate Status

This script is a modification of "Check Fortigate CPU load" (or I have modified it to work with our models (200A and 80C). Perhaps someone will find it useful. It works for CPU and RAM usage, as well as active sessions. ...
Check Fortigate VPN sessions

This script is used to check IPSEC and VPN tunnels on Fortigate units.
Check free disk space

Check free space on windows partitions. It tries to resemble as much as possible with check_disk from the Official Nagios Plugin package. ** Modified Barry W. Alder 2013/09/24 changed code so that an error is reported if no disks are found with th ...
Check free disk space with snmp

with this simple nagios plugin you can check the free space of every harddisk. You can also pass parameters for warning and critical, when the percentage of the used space goes higher than your supplied levels
check free ram

A simple shell script for nagios to check free memory on a target system
Check FreeIPA replication

This plugin check replication between FreeIPA servers. This first release is only for RH/OL/CentOS version 7.
check freeradius/radius auth/acct/status advanced and f...

# Updated after a suggestion by Rune Nilssen # Thanks for the suggestions Rune! I could not find a flexible enough and fast enough(have no idea why all those other check radius scripts works so slow?) I had to write my own which came out a fully fea ...
check fsc hardware with serverview

Gets hardware alerts from a FSC Primergy server through SNMP (environment, powersupply, massstorage, systemboard, deployment).
check grep command output

This plugin executes a given command and greps for spedified patterns in the output. It uses perl regex for matching.
Check Group

This script is intended to provide a 'Audit' check of group membership on the local machine, or Domain groups if located on a DC.
check Hadoop datanodes

Perl script to check the number of Hadoop Datanode alive
check Hadoop HDFS healthy

script to check Hadoop HDFS healthy by using the command "hadoop fsck"
check Hadoop secondarynamenode

script to check whether the secondarynamenode's metadata was changed or not within last 120minites
check Hadoop tasktrackers

Perl script to check the number of Hadoop tasktrackers alive
Check HaProxy Configuration

This plugin checks the haproxy.cfg syntax and dead members. It will also issues either a Warning or Critical alert with performance stats of file size change. A Critical Alert will indicate the HaProxy will NOT startup if a "service haproxy restart" was i ...
check haproxy stats (over ssh)

This plugin is just a wrapper to use all features of existing HAPROXY stats monitoring plugin i.e. which works only locally using NRPE. W ...
Check hardware 3com superstack switches

This script checks the hardware status from 3COM superstack switches.
Check hardware running VMware ESXi

Python script which permits you to check your hardware's health when it runs VMware (free) ESXi appliance.
Check HDD with HDSentinel

Check you HDD status with HDSentinel. HDSentinel is an alternative way to assess your HDDs raw SMART data.
Check Health Oracle Libraries

Query the state of a library and components for Oracle Storagetek SL500 / SL3000 / SL8500 by SNMP.
These checks need:
- snmpwalk tool installed in the system.
- Activate the snmp agent at the library. ...
Check homeassistant

Nagios plugin to check if Home Assistant is up and running.