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Check setting sshd (Security of SSH)

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  • Nagios 1.x
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  • Nagios 3.x
check_setting_sshd.shVersion 1.0
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This check control the security of your SSH service (The setting of sshd_config file)
4 values are checking: PermitRootLogin, Protocol, Port and PermitEmptyPasswords
For more detail ./check_setting_sshd.sh -h
This check control the security of your SSH service (The setting of sshd_config file)
4 values are checking: PermitRootLogin, Protocol, Port and PermitEmptyPasswords
For more detail ./check_setting_sshd.sh -h
Usage: ./check_setting_sshd.sh [OPTIONNAL] -r PermitRootLogin -p Protocol -P PermitEmptyPasswords -f "path_file_sshd_config"
-r Value of "PermitRootLogin" (Default:no)
-o Value of "Port" (Default:22)
-p Value of "Protocol" (Default:2)
-P Value of "PermitEmptyPasswords" (Default:no)
-f Path of the file sshd_config (Default:/etc/ssh/sshd_config)
-h Display Help

Without options the script take the default setting.

Example 1 - Without options:
By default when you launch the script without
option it's similar to: ./check_setting_sshd.sh -r no -o 22 -p 2 -P no -f "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"

Example 2 - With options:
./check_setting_sshd.sh -r without-password -p 1 -o 3446 -P yes -f "/etc/sshd/sshd_config.ini"