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Check Rsync

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Checks Rsync Servers. Features include authentication, directory listings, data transfers, test timing, output prefixing, verbosity levels and timeout enforcement. Direct support for Gentoo Portage Mirrors.

++++ Overview

Tests Rsync Servers and Gentoo Portage Mirrors

Flexible and conforms to Nagios Coding standards. Many options to control the test as well as the output. Can do listing tests (default) or data transfer tests.

Features include:
* authentication
* directories/modules
* output prefix control
* directory or module listings
* data transfers
* direct support for testing Gentoo Portage Mirrors
* test timer
* verbosity levels & debug verbosity
* default timeout (configurable)
* does not invoke a shell

++++ Basic Usage

++++ Options

++++ Other Notes

There is another check_rsync plugin that was released before this one but this one is better in terms of features and code and has direct support for testing Gentoo Portage Mirrors as well (these were the primary Rsync servers that it was developed to test).

There are no library dependencies, only the rsync program is needed somewhere in the system path and rsync is usually available on modern linux systems.

++++ Support

For feature requests, bug reports, or anything else related to this plugin contact me at hpsekhon at googlemail dot com.