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Check RAM usage as a percentage

Current Version
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
check_ram_usage.phpadd this file to your plugins directory and write a command for it.
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Queries via snmp and returns the memory usage as a percentage.
Queries via snmp and returns the memory usage as a percentage.

usage syntax:
# php check_ram_usage.php hostname port community warning critical

# php check_ram_usage.php 161 readcom 85 95


hostname: valid address to your machine
port: snmp port
community: snmp read community
warning: warning level (expressed as % without the % symbol)
critical: critical level (expressed as % without the % symbol)
Reviews (1)
bychrisman, January 20, 2015
Hi maybe I'm wrong but your script returns not the RAM used it returns the RAM free.

Your script queries two values:

$total_ram with OID .
$total_ram_free with OID .

but OID . is not the used RAM on my linux boxes it's the memAvailReal.0

I changed your script a bit and turned "$total_ram_used" to "$total_ram_free" and added a line before "$percentage_ram_used":

$total_ram_used = $total_ram - $total_ram_free;

cheers chris