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check remote files age in minutes

3 votes
check_fileages_remotechecks remote files in directory which are older than specified minutes
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checks a directory on a remote system (via rsh or ssh) and returns a warning if a specified amount of files is found which is older than x minutes.
checks a directory on a remote system (via rsh or ssh) and returns a warning if a specified amount of files is found which is older than x minutes.

We are using the find command with the option \"-mmin\" to select the correct files in a directory. The results are piped to the command \"wc -l\" to determine the amount of files found. The result is interpreted as a nagios status OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.

Tested on Solaris 5.8 with the appropriate \"find\" packages from www.sunfreeware.com and tested on Linux.

That\'s all folks
Reviews (3)
bynajmarte, September 27, 2016
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
In formation of command a hyphen is missing ; that causes the cmd to always return zero . in mmin we need to provide (-) to ruun the command properly.

Expected :$CMD = "/bin/find " . $pattern . " -type f -mmin " . -$mmin . " 2>/dev/null| /usr/bin/wc -l";

Otherwise the plugin is excellent and runs great.
byMageru, September 23, 2011
I had to change the path for find in the plugin to adapt for my Red Hat servers but the plugin is most excellent!