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3 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
box293_check_message_queue.zipThe plugin
Nagios CSP

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This Plugin is for checking the kernel message queues. Will return a critical result if more than 1 queue of the same owner exists. WARNING and/or CRITICAL thresholds can be defined on the number of message found in the queue. These need to be the second and/or third arguments of the plugin in the format w_nm:integer for warning and c_nm:integer for critical. Critical does not require warning and vice versa however critical value must be larger than warning value. Example: w_nm:1000 c_nm:5000 The plugin is just a bash script. Usage: box293_check_message_queue [owner_name] [w_nm:integer] [c_nm:integer] Example: box293_check_message_queue nagios w_nm:1000 c_nm:5000 CRITICAL: 3 message queues for the user nagios detected (CRITICAL > 1), Number Of Messages (Total) = 0, Used Bytes (Total) = 0B|Queues=3;;2 Queue_Messages_Total=0 Queue_Used_Bytes_Total=0B;;;0;131072000 Notes: If you don't know what a kernel message queue is or if you use them, this command will show you: ipcs -q ------ Message Queues -------- key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages 0xbd000002 1736704 nagios 600 0 0 Also, if you want to rely on being alerted when there is more than 1 queue for the owner then you will need to run this plugin from another Nagios instance (like via NPRE or check_by_ssh).
Version Notes:
* This is the first official release of the plugin
Reviews (2)
byrtsupport, September 18, 2018
using this plugin we are able to monitor the message queue and number of message queues only if we are running this plugin from Nagios server where the queue is exist but as we have integrated gearmand server where we have workers server to execute the plugins so is there any way we can integrate -H (hostname) in command to fetch the result from server ipcs queue is running?
bybanditbbs, August 26, 2015
Working as expected and monitoring my ndo2db issue very reliably now!