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Category: BGP-4
Nagios plugins for monitoring BGP-4.
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Perl script to check BGP neighbor states for JunOS devices via SNMP. If BGP session not in state established a CRITICAL alarm occurs. Performace data for in/out BGP updates/ message counters are included

Check BGP peer IPv6 status via SSH or Telnet on Cisco IOS.
Parse command "sh ip bgp ipv6 unicast summary"

This will check if the bgp session is established
Since it parses the "show bgp summary" command to the router using expect, it worked only with devices that has already have plugin file.
I've only writen code for Juniper routers
yum í ...

Perl script that via SNMP queries a Juniper router(JunOS) for BGP peer/neighbor status. Triggers CRITICAL alarm if peer is not in established state and is enabled.