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Enhanced Windows eventlog check

3 votes
elog.exeWindows Eventlog check (binary)
elog_source.zipWindows Eventlog check (source)
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Advanced options for filtering and alerting on eventlog events. *requires .NET 2.0 to work
This check was designed to give greater control over the eventlog messages that do and do not get checked.

There are many advanced options, here are some examples:

* Selection criteria can be defined to filter from most eventlog fields
* Criteria can be defined using a FIELD:VALUE pairs
* AND/OR operations can be employed to create complex filtering rules
* Choose to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE eventlog records
* Define the time period for which events you are after
* Either trigger on most CRITICAL alert in defined time period or trigger on LASTEST event status (useful for checking of backups)

Special thanks to Matt Botting. :)

Any feedback (or bugs) would be appreciated.
Reviews (2)
bysharris, October 5, 2015
No documentation??

Are there any additional resources for this? There is no information concerning the installation, configuration, or use of this check and the source link is dead.

So will it help to monitor logs for Exchange Highavailibility event logs i.e. Event ID 306.

Here is the script which is basic and it runs perfectly:

/check_nrpe -t 30 -H IPAddress -p 5666 -c CheckEventLog -a file=Application debug=true MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter-generated=\