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WebInject NTLM

This version of webinject was modified to support NTLM authentification Based on
Weblogic Plugins

Plugins to obtain Weblogic?s JVM HEAP size and DEFAULT RUNTIME QUEUE length using Weblogic MBEANS. Should work for all platforms
Weblogic SNMP monitoring

Weblogic server check via snmp
Webmetrics API plug-in for Nagios

In this article you will learn about the Webmetrics API plugin for Nagios.
WebReboot Nagios Plugin

The WebReboot Plugin for Nagios is a suite of commands that can be used within Nagios to monitor a server and take corrective action if necessary.
Website Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI monitoring wizard allows you to monitor websites. Support SSL and basic authentication. Allows you to monitor HTTP, page content (basic string and regular expression), SSL certificate expiration, and DNS/IP match.
Website URL Nagios XI Wizard

This Nagios XI monitoring wizard makes it easy to monitor specific URLs for availability and content.
WebSphere Application Server

Plugin for monitoring the internals of WebSphere Application Server including JVM heap size, JDBC connection pools, thread pools and live session counts.
William Leibzon - Nagios In Cloud Computing Environment...

Cloud computing is quickly becoming popular way to setup infrastructure for internet sites and allows to create systems and network architecture that can easily scale with increasing traffic and demand. We will explore use of Nagios to monitor cloud infra ...

This NAGIOS plugin allows to remotely monitor Windows hosts in a AGENTLESS fashion.
Technically it is using the Win32 API from a Windows proxy server to the remote host. Syntax wise it mirrors NSClient++ features (CPU, RAM, Disk, Svc, Proc., etc).
Windows - Security Sys Admin Dashboards

Dashboards used for Sys Admin Security monitoring and alerting.
TIP: Set up dashboard alerts, then you don't have to physical check all your dashboards.
Windows - Sys Admin Dashboards

I use these dashboards to troubleshoot Windows issues and if no "customer" issues are present I can dig through the event logs and find issues that are not causing work stoppages (yet) and try to fix them ahead of time.
Windows 2012 DHCP Failover and Scope Health Check

Monitoring for Windows Server 2012 DHCP Failover architecture. Monitors the failover state, mode, scope state, and scope use. Supports both LoadBalance and Failover modes.
Windows 2012 DHCP Failover and Scope Health Check Enhan...

This script checks all configured scopes, failover states, and modes. Additionally this checks the state of the DHCP config sync tool job (this is needed to ensure that DHCP scope configs are in sync).
Credit to the framework of this script goes to aat ...
Windows Azure Monitor

Windows Azure Monitor includes utilities to monitor different aspects of Windows Azure
Windows CPU & Memory Checker (powershell)

Full disclaimer: this is a mish-mash of other scripts and random commands found in forums etc. I tried to find the original authors for credit but was unable. Sorry if some of this script is you and you aren't mentioned! Needs to be run from a proxy s ...
Windows Desktop Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily monitor a Microsoft® Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 desktop. Allows you to monitoring CPU, memory, and disk usage.
Windows DHCP Scope Check

A set of Powershell scripts for checking Windows DHCP server scopes. Reports the number of active healthy scopes or a list of scopes that have exceeded warning/critical thresholds.
Windows Downtime Script - VBS

Use this script and a HTTP-GET request is sent to the Nagios web interface. As a result, there will be no notifications generated for the defined time.
Windows Event Log Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard makes it easy to monitor Windows event logs. Works in conjunction with the NagEventLog addon.
Windows Eventlog Addon

This addon allows Nagios to monitor Windows EventLogs by querying an agent installed on the Windows machine (the agent is part of this package.) While by default every event is notified by Nagios, extensive filtering can be defined through various paramet ...
Windows Failed Service restart batch file

Restart Windows Failed Service batch script with log.
Windows nrpe: Check FakeRaid Intel Matrix (raidcfg32)

Windows NRPE, Intel Matrix FakeRAID status check script: check_intel_fakeraid.vbs
Windows nrpe: Check FakeRaid LSI MYlex

Windows NRPE, LSI MYlex FAKERAID (lsi) status check script: check_lsimylex_fakeraid.vbs
Windows nrpe: Check HP "FakeRaid" (adaptec)

Windows NRPE, HP FAKERAID (Adaptec) status check script: check_hp_fakeraid.vbs
Windows nrpe: Check Raid adaptec AAC

Windows NRPE, Adaptec AAC RAID status check script: check_adaptec_acc.vbs
Windows nrpe: Check Raid ibm cfggen

Windows NRPE, ibm cfggen RAID status check script: check_raid_ibm_cfggen.vbs
Windows nrpe: Check Raid LSI-fusion-mpt

Windows NRPE, LSI-fusion-mpt RAID status check script: check_raid_lsi-fusion-mpt.vbs
Windows Passive checks for NSCA

VBS script to send passive checks to NSCA host from a Windows server.
Windows Port of Nagios Plugins

These are official Nagios Plugins compiled for Windows. Not all plugins compile for Windows and some might not work as expected. This is a short tutorial howto compile the tools with Cygwin. To compile the plugins from inst ...
Windows Server Backup 2008/7 Powershell Passive Check

Checks Windows Server Backup 2008 log file and passively reports if the last backup was successful or not. Uses Task Scheduler, PowerShell, NSCAweb, and cURL. Nagios freshness checking can be used to change the status when the host does not passively repo ...
Windows Server Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily monitor a Microsoft® Windows 2000, 2003, or 2008 server. Allows you to monitor CPU, memory, disk usage, services, processes, and performance counters.
Windows SNMP Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to agentlessly monitor Windows machines using SNMP.
Windows time check against NTPD (check_time.vbs)

VB script to check Windows system time against NTPD server(s) V 1.01 Calls w32tm and parses the output. The script is loosely based off the check_ad_time.vbs by Mattias Ryrlén (
Windows Update Check Plugin

This checks for the presence of the "wuauclt.exe" process on SNMP enabled Windows machines. It takes the hostname and the community string as it's arguments...and throws a CRITICAL error if updates are necessary.
Windows updates

Very, very primitive check for checking windows updates. It never return "CRITICAL" status. It return only: 1) OK - if no updates. 2) WARNING - if updates present. Of course, Windows updates must be configured with option "Download, but not install". ...
Windows Updates Dashboard

The following dashboard shows you how many total Windows Updates are
pending in the pipe, as well as the most recently installed updates. The
query filters for EventID 17 (pending) and 19 (installed). The dashboard
has two trimmed tables for the most r ...
Windows User logged-in check

This plugin allow to easily check how much users are logged-on a windows machine with SNMP enabled , no Agent needed.
in the .tar you can find everything needed to make this running in a minute :)
Windows WMI Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to agentlessly monitor Windows machines using WMI.

This Script Allow you to send a sms via external API without Plugging in a GSM or Modem using Winsms
Wisvia for Nagios - notifications to mobile apps

Push Notification to mobiles for Nagios

Wlsagent is a Nagios plugin which aims to provide JMX monitoring capabilities for WebLogic servers (9 & 10), whith the smallest possible memory footprint. Monitoring is achieved with simple HTTP requests, through the use of an embedded Jetty container. ...
WMI agentless plugins

This project consists of a set of VBS scripts that use Microsoft .NET Framework and WMI to retrieve data from remote Windows hosts without the need for agents on the remote hosts. Current release is 1.3 (December 5, 2008).