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Windows Updates Dashboard

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Compatible With
  • Nagios Log Server
Common_MSSQL_issues_errors.jsonCommon MSSQL Issues Query
Windows Updates-1417728155708Windows Updates Dashboard
Windows_Updates.jsonWindows Updates Query
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The following dashboard shows you how many total Windows Updates are
pending in the pipe, as well as the most recently installed updates. The
query filters for EventID 17 (pending) and 19 (installed). The dashboard
has two trimmed tables for the most relevant data, as well as two bar
charts to compare the two queries, a Pie chart on the bottom, as well as
a total count of both queries to the right of it.

Additionally, I've attached the second requested query, which checks
Windows Event Viewer for six of the top / most common MSSQL trouble
event ID's that I was able to find/read up on. Just for illustrations
sake I've also attached a screenshot of them in action in NLS, with as
many events as I could force.